I have been trapped on this planet and it seems very cliché. An Evil Created by man has been Lurking inside of me. It wants me to do its will and of course its not going to let me choose. It cursed me with horrific powers and a thirst for blood. I fear for what it has planned and for my humanity

Time 12:00 AM
Location: Canterlot Staff of Defense

A surge of magic has been detected deep in Changeling territories we suspect the Changelings are planning another Invasion

I do not own cover art

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Alicorn Mysteries

Hardy meets Fluttershy, a timid pegasus who loves animals. They converse for a while, when Fluttershy tells him about her family, and he's overwhelmed with mixed emotions. (Takes place one month after Stopping The Colt) (Includes a few quotes from Silent Ponyville 2 used in flashbacks in chapters:6-7, 9, 11,13-14)

Chapters (17)

Sunset Shimmer is out alone, looking for a place to think. She encounters something unusual. Something that wasn’t.....right.

Hey guys! This is a little something I tried to put on. I am not sure how good it will be because I started it and then lost interest in the middle of it. Like I started to feel my heart take a different approach to the story as it progresses. But I wanted to make a scary story for October so I stuck with the plan. But I might create what I had in mind in another story. :twilightsmile:

This can be a little scary for some, so be careful. Enjoy!:rainbowkiss:

Also I will be working on my other stories as well. So hopefully I can get some chapters in. 😊

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Bite of XX

Tagged as Profanity for one instance of ‘bucking’ as a term of emphasis

A few hours after Pupa attacked her, Starlight starts noticing weird changes within her body. She has weird growths on her hooves, her colours are duller, and she has a lack of pupils. As she discovers these changes she tries to think about what exactly is causing them. Could it possibly be from Pupa’s bite?

Chapters (1)