
This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Stories: Episode 6: Touch of an Angel

Sure, it deals with younger versions of The Doctor and company, but it won't be nothing like that! There won't be no baby talks, no diaper changes, and of course NO BREASTFEEDING. It will focus on growing up, both physically and mentally.

Inside the TARDIS, Twilight and her friends became fillies again, Spike becames a newborn dragon and the Doctor had go some past incarnations. Now he must find the way to turn everyone in their right age before it's too late.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Fun & Fantasy

Continuing in the lovable adventures of twin drakes, Leon and Parker, we discover that another unexpected trip to Equestria has befallen them. This time they are both deep in Rarity's boutique and seen as models for fashions she is trying to market to hatchlings in The Dragon Lands.

Meanwhile, their caretaker from her very own dimension, Nixi, seeks to reacquire her missing children. They are her responsibility and she'll stop at nothing to bring them back from Equestria.



This story does not contain explicit, or sexual, themes. There is no diaper usage and the activities are more of a whimsical nature than to appeal to any particular 'kink'. Rated [Teen] just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

It's Christmastime at Canterlot High and the Mane 7, the babies, the kids, the 2 sisters, Spike the Dog, and the puppy are getting ready for Santa Claus!

This is a Christmas gift for my special friend: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/298385/TwilieTheFoal


Chapters (2)

Cancelled, due to lack of interest from my readers and myself.

ALERT! Some of the investigations involve murder! This story contains violence! If you are not comfortable with this, please leave now!

Does NOT contain clop.

Contains gore.

This is somewhat of a prequel to Foal Games, explaining how DustStorm and FlashRain started working together in the SIU, but is not required to read the story, Foal Games.

Warning: Foal Games (not this fanfiction) has diapers, regression, and all the related topics. Do not read Foal Games if you do not enjoy that kind of fanfiction.

The Missing Pony Unit (MPU) always disliked the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) for many reasons. The SIU often yanked cases out of their hands, the ponies in the SIU were cold and distant, never speaking much even during collaborative investigations. FlashRain despised the SIU, and when asked to work with an agent from the SIU was more than outraged. The SIU agent, DustStorm, wasn't exactly happy either.

It did not seem that the two ponies with polar opposite personalities would ever be able to work together. They had completely different ideals and styles of investigation. However, their many investigations drew them together with both superb wins and great losses. This is the story of two ponies became unlikely friends, forming a powerful investigation team.

Chapters (3)

A story after the destruction of the Memory Stone and redemption of Wallflower Blush about the Main 7 in Equestria Girls turning into babies, with only Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna and Spike the dog, to find a way to change them but also take care of them.


Also, this is my version of the story.

Chapters (12)

(This fic takes place in the same AU as Rainbow Dash v.s. The Toilet, and although it is highly recommended you read that first, it is not required for you to do so.)

They say friendship is one of the most magical things that can happen in a young pony's life, but just how far will some friends go to help each other? Scootaloo doesn't know, but she's going to find out. For there's something she wants to do very badly.

While attending a play date at Carousel Boutique with her good friends, Scootaloo asks them if they'll help her learn how to use the potty, despite her mother claiming she isn't ready. Only, when she says potty, she really means the big one known as "The Toilet".

Scootaloo's friends say yes, not quite anticipating just how difficult the task will be. After all, the toilet is pretty big. And Sweetie Belle's big sister, Rarity, is supposed to be watching them for the duration of the playdate. But that's not going to stop Scootaloo from trying anyway. After all, everypony learns how to use the toilet sooner or later, right? So what's so wrong with getting a head start?

(Contains diapers and cuteness. A belated birthday present for Matt11, who inspired the original idea for this story which can be found here. Proofread by Smitty1038 on Deviant Art and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on Fimfiction.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to "Boia Dè!" or "Never Trust the Title of the Course."

After the duel between Blueblodo and Appiano, won by the first, due to the newfound inability of Blueblood of abiding to the rules about Council Membership and his arrest, Appiano has been elected as new Head Councilor in the school's Student's Council, and became its head, while, with some diplomacy and rule-bending Vice Principal Luna's unusual afternoon activity has been restored.

Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy and Flameboy Shy keep visiting Vice Principal's Daycare, seemingly without any issue.

However, with the "Friendship Games" upcoming and the competition between Canterlot High School and Crystal Academy brought back up, tension, this time caused, caused by competition comes back.

With Appiano trying to lead the school's team to victory in any way possible, and Sunset Shimmer begin his honorary, more morigerate, vice-captain, the time preceding the competition and the competition proper will be surely interesting...

Fair warning, diapers and AB/DL related things may pop up occasionally later on. They will not be the focus, but they will be there.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Spoiled's Stormy Surprise

(WARNING!: Make no mistake, this is a padded pony fic and as such it will contain diapers and hints of diaper useage and AB/DL themes! If such material is outside your comfort zone, please click elsewhere and do NOT continue reading! You have been warned! It is strongly recommended you check out the prequel first, though it is not necessary to do so. Rated Teen to be safe. Proofread by Smity91 on FanFiction.net, and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on FiMFiction.)

Spoiled Rich has gone to great lengths to keep her secret need for diapers hidden, especially from her daughter who would surely mock her if she knew.

Alas, the secret slips out in the most embarrassing way possible for Spoiled. When her daughter brings friends over for a sleepover, the filly happens to spot her mother padded.

In order to protect her secret, Spoiled is forced to play along and pretend she just needs more potty training. But not only will she have to "pretend" for her daughter, but also her daughter's friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

What will be the outcome of this humiliating situation? And can four fillies really teach a grown mare about something so important?

Chapters (1)

After losing a bet to Zipp about something; Sunny and Izzy are being forced to wear diapers for until their punishment is over.

Sunny wasn’t happy about it, and is overall feeling a little gloomy because of it. And because of the fact that she was the one that came up with the bet, and lost.

Luckily for her; Izzy is there beside her to make her feel better. Will she succeed? Or will Sunny be forever gloomy… ?

Only time will tell… .

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Chosen

With all the dragons and their partners paired and ready to take on amazing adventures, Yosh and Spike head to Magic Kindergarten to start their educations beyond what they've learned from Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and Dawnbreak Horizon.

However, Yosh still is having trouble with his bladder muscles and is very nervous of how the other kids will treat him for needing to still be in diapers.

Spike, being thoughtful and caring, goes out of his way to make sure Yosh doesn't feel so alone and outcast on their first day by wearing a diaper, too. He may not use it, but he knows it will help to not make his anxious egg brother become the exclusive target of teasing by the class.


This was a story for 'Diapered Pony' who does great work in bringing out the cute and cuddly in his stories and art. You can read his stories here, or check out his art at www.furaffinity.net/user/sweetielover.


Art by 'Diapered Pony' / 'Sweetie Lover'. I had written and posted stories based on his work before, but felt this picture would go best with this story. Yosh is the one with trouble, but it is DP / SL's work and, as it has inspired me, I hope you all enjoy seeing it here, too.

Chapters (1)