All of Sunset's friends know Sunset is a bit stubborn and set in her ways. When Sunset starts offering to help her friends with their business and other townponies, she accidently gets in over her head with her own paperwork. Sunset is forced to admit she needs help and learns that asking for help isn't always a bad thing.

Part of the Sunsetverse. With a group now! https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217456/sunsetverse

Chapters (8)

Give a million monkeys a million typewriters and in a million years they’ll produce the entire works of Shakespearacles. Or, more likely, they’ll start flinging typewriters instead of REDACTED

Moving right along, this here is a collection of speedwriting fics from Trotcon, Everfree Northwest, and other speedwriting contests, the ones that weren’t fit to print. The ideas are the best ideas I could come up with in the short amount of time I was given. Sometimes, in contests like those, you get gold. Other times, the muse shrugs her shoulders, and you get these.

Updated semi-annually, as long as I keep going to cons that have speedwriting contests.

Chapters (14)

Roseluck: arguably the smartest, bravest, and most outgoing of the three, though that isn't saying much, given the competition.

Lily: a paranoid nutcase with both a severe desire for attention and, unfortunately, an equally severe case of social anxiety.

Daisy: the bland, sensible one who runs things in the background, pretending she isn't as terrified as the rest of them.

Together, they are the Flower Trio, as craven a bunch of marginals as one could hope to find. At least they have each other. But the business slump and their own trigger-happy neuroses combine into a swarm of pests, devouring the flowers of their friendship, slowly but surely destroying something beautiful and precious.

Just when they're hoping it won't get any worse, Daisy falls into a deep sleep at the counter of the florist's. She doesn't wake up.

Now it's up to her friends, Lily, Roseluck, and Doc – the most scientifically gifted pony in Ponyville who isn't Twilight Sparkle – to find out what's going on in her mind… and whether or not they can even bring her back. Or at least bring back the Daisy they know and love.

Chapters (29)

"Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest sister used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects: all the different types of ponies.

"But as time went on, the two sisters grew greedy and covetous of their neighbors to the north. The Crystal Empire stood ready to defend themselves, but even their prince, noble and kind, could not contend with their power. On the fateful day they turned on their once friend, they became the ultimate perversions of their former selves. The elder sister became Solaria Dawn, herald of light and hate, and the younger became Night Mare Moon, harbinger of darkness and fear.

"Reluctantly, the noble prince delved into the darkness and found the forbidden powers needed to save his empire from certain doom. With the might of the shadows, combined with the mystical strength of the crystal heart and the elements of harmony, he was able to defeat his former friends and bring peace to all of Equestria, bearing the responsibility of both sun and moon. Harmony and peace once again fell upon the lands.

"One thousand years has passed since that time..."

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Agent Con Mane in Doctor Ironhoof (Under Revision)

Donut Joe, also known as Mane6 Agent Con Mane, is once again forced out of retirement when Roseluck, a pony from the Griffon Nest, land conquered by the Griffon Kingdom’s empire, says that she will defect to Equestria and deliver to them the Griffon’s Grimoire, a magical spell book that can control the Griffons’ expanding Storm Cloud. Her one condition is that Agent Con Mane be the one to smuggle her out. MARE recognizes this as an obvious trap but sends in Joe anyway in order to get the Grimoire. What they don’t know is that the ones behind the trap are the criminal organization known as DISCORD, who are attempting to pit Equestria and the Griffons against each other. Joe must deal with not only SkyClaw, the Griffons’ specialized military, but also the agents of DISCORD that hide in the shadows, including an anonymous pony with a heart filled completely with chaos.

Chapters (17)

Time steadily marches in Equestria, for some more than others, and with it brings change. Relationships between races and nations are strained, the country itself is divided in two, and every day ponies fight and die for their nation.

This is the story of those left at home, left behind, and living in a world they never dreamed of. Can they cope with what seems to be the end of harmony? Or, when pushed far enough, is it ponies that move nations?

The final installment of Ink Well's tale. The question is: where is he?

Chapters (27)

"There's a portal in town center that's MEOWING!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled to Twilight Sparkle. That's when they knew something was up. The pink portal in the middle of town was meowing like Rarity's little Opalescense. The Mane Six invite Luna to show her the portal.
Suddenly, Roseluck pops up! She joins them for a quick look at the portal. But suddenly, the eight friends got sucked in. They entered a furry new form...a cat! Trying to live as a cat is hard, but when their are neighbors that kind of remind you of other pals at home, it gets in every way weirder.
It's basically like a kitty-fied Equestria, in the ponies minds. Look, there's Coco Pommel, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Lyra, Bon Bon, Spike, Trixie....
Now the ponies must find a way out of the kitten world and back home. Now, the ponies might just be scared of any cat around Ponyville...

A random little thing I wrote during breakfast, and a little bit afterwards, so I hope you'll still enjoy it like any other book.

Chapters (2)

Vinyl has loved her roommate for years. Up until recently, she made very few attempts to show her emotions for them. Sadly, her feelings could not be returned. The result? An unfortunate funk for the wub-loving DJ.

With nowhere else to go, Vinyl heads to the one pony she has been able to confide in.

Chapters (1)

Minuette sits in a cabin in a train to the Crystal Empire. She was leaving for good. She will, she has, and she had. But she is not alone, and yet, she is. The pieces are coming together, Minuette will finally understand what she has failed to a long time ago. All will be clear, yet all remains so blurred. When realities clash, how will she know which one is real?

Chapters (1)