If Equestria was brought up to modern times, how would things be? How does one attempt to establish a nation-wide infrastructure without being driven mad by the bureaucracy of modern government? Why do I have to pay $400 just to ride in an ambulance? If any of these questions have tickled your curiosity, then perhaps you should take a gander at this story series. While remaining true to modern emergency medical care standards this story brings forth the background characters and (hopefully) provides some much needed comic relief in these troubled times. While this description may appear serious, I, the author, assure you that the story is anything but serious.

Ponyville Volunteer Ambulance corps of the 3rd battalion is run by newly appointed Director of Operations, Starshine. Join this rather extravagant paramedic as she deals with the chaos of running an ambulance service, going on calls, avoiding Princess Celestia, and trying to have a social life!

To assist readers in understanding some of the terms in the story, a glossary is included.

NEW: Battalion and station listings has been included after the glossary.

Chapters (6)

Rose is lost.
She is the mare who waited.
But now she's found quite the unusual friendship with a certain alligator.

Chapters (1)

Davenport works to live and lives to work. Still, as the years tick away in the neatly arranged routine he's built for himself, he can't help but want something else, something more -- and while yet another day runs its course, memories and feelings leave him to wonder about the roads untraveled.

Chapters (1)

Thunderlane just wants to protect his brother. Rumble wants to break free from his clutches. Roseluck wants to care for something other than flowers. Cracktooth just wants love.


Oh, come on! Who doesn't like changeling romance? The prologue was written in September 2015, so don't expect it to be the best of the bunch. Also, updates are random and take a long time, so don't expect to see a lot of this fic.

Chapters (2)

Before the storm there is calm. Before the calm there is a storm. Moments pass like grains of sands, folded and lost to the corners of time before the clouds spin about and the storm returns.

Part One: Calm.

work: Moondancer, away from home, waits for a reply.

first chance: Roseluck makes a mistake and hopes Cheerilee can forgive her.

graceland, too: Apple Bumpkin and Parasol wonder who they are and where they're going.

Part Two: Storm.

blue on blue (one): Cherry Berry and Strawberry Sunrise struggle with their meanings.

lambert: Rainbow Dash begins a long journey home.

last night for a table of two: Rarity and Fluttershy both agree that a table for one will be enough.

moments in between (or, blue on blue, two): Cherry and Berry and Strawberry Sunrise struggle to say sorry.

Chapters (7)

Every director's greatest fear is having a production turn into a battle between the directors and the cast. Twilight, and her musical director Octavia, are about to learn just how nightmarish the task of managing a cast can get.

Cast, crew, and audience alike had better brace themselves, because Vinyl Scratch a.k.a. DJ PON3 a.k.a. Beatmistress V-to-the-S is out to make sure this musical is a wild ride from casting call to curtain call.

Chapters (3)

Roseluck was a local living in Ponyville. She was friends with a pony named Bonbon. But Roseluck happens to stumble on a secret that she never knew Bonbon kept. Now that she knew Bonbon was a secret agent, the organization sees her as a threat. But because of Bonbon, Princess Celestia decides to let Roseluck join the agency instead of killing her. But if she proves herself worthy, of course.

Chapters (4)

All jobs have their risk and reward. Some greater than others in both roles. That's just life. Taking the good with the bad. It's something you take into account but never fully respect until it comes crashing down on you like a ton of bricks.

That's me. I knew the dangers of working in a diamond mine. I knew all the possibilities and outcomes of everyday work. You hear stories from your friends and workers alike. And every single time you hear about it you allow your mind, if even for a split second, to imagine the worst possible situation for yourself. Only to brush it to the side immediately there after with the reassurance of "not to me.".

It's a rather silly thing to say to yourself really. How can you even begin to justify something you have no control over to yourself? I suppose we all tell lies to ourselves in order to do what's necessary. Those before me probably told themselves the exact same line I did.

Now, cut off from the rest of the world, I have to wonder if we now have shared the same thought.

"What now?"

Chapters (1)

Charlie Brown tries to kick the football and ends up in Equestria for some reason.

A Peanuts crossover.

Chapters (8)

An up-and-coming astronomer and his sister, a boastful athlete, find themselves mysteriously transforming into ponies. They must find out how it happened and what they are going to do.

Takes place in the Five Score, Divided by Four universe.

Chapters (7)