It is said that 2000 years ago, a powerful alicorn stallion once ruled all Equestria with an Iron Hoof. However, his twin daughters Celestia and Luna sealed him away with the power of the seven Elements of Harmony, artifacts that were older than Equestria itself. Now, most ponies don't even believe that story to be true, even though the Eclipse Extravaganza is held every 50 years on the supposed anniversary of the event. But, when Janice Dazzle, personal student to the Princesses, comes to Ponyville to help prepare for the upcoming festival, Strange things occur that get them to believe.

Chapters (16)

Ditzy Doo loves being the mailmare. Sure she may make the occasional mix up here and there but she still tries her best! But she knows that a lot of folks in Ponyville don't see it that way. So when a new delivery mare shows up she feels her very livelihood is threatened. And she's not going to take it lying down! It is SO on! Now if only somepony would tell this other Pegasus that.

Chapters (1)

A human is dying. His mind grasps for a realm to survive in and finds help from the pony Roseluck. Together, they must find a way to the House of Dust where the keepers of the dead roam amongst the fallen. He must plead his case in hopes of regaining life in the face of those who only see death.

The writing style and themes of this story were inspired by The Epic of Gilgamesh, but with a modern twist.

Other pony characters will be introduced later in the story and I will add their tags as they appear in later chapters. The cover art for this already hints at one of them...


You might like this story if you also like:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Classic Literature
Humans and Ponies traveling together on a quest
Stories about Death
Dramatic Character Entrances
Roseluck having a major part in a story

Chapters (3)

If you have ever wondered about the types of fairy tales ponies read in Equestria, this story collection is for you. They are similar to some fairy tales you might have heard of on our world, but with a pony twist.

Chapters (2)

Roseluck likes her job, for the most part. Floriography, or flower language, is full of interesting nuances that nopony really cares about, so it's engaging and low pressure. But when two clients come in insisting that they arrange a bouquet themselves, her day gets a little too engaging.

a possible entry for thousand words iii (comedy)

Chapters (1)

Flitter is on her break day, but her sister Cloudchaser isn't. So she decided to see an old friend. On her way, she hears drums and started to dig in the spot that she is hearing it. Finding a board game called Jumanji, she decided to play it with her old friend. I mean, what could go wrong, right?

This may have sex in the tags, but at most they make sexual jokes a few times. Remember it's rated T, not M

Hothead112 takes half credit for this.


Chapters (5)

A short little story in the style of a poem, about a day in the life of Roseluck, tending to her garden of flowers.


Written purely because I've no idea how to write up new chapters for a few of my current stories right now, plus I'd rather make a start on my new Castlecania / MLP music video-style animation as soon as possible. Also I personally think I'm just a slight teensy weensy bit better at poetry than at writing stories.

Cover art belongs to DuskyAmore on DeviantArt. Go check her out or just do whatever you do after you read a story. It's your life.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck takes the disasters that occur in Ponyville like her friends, Daisy and Lily: with loud, unnecessary dramatics, and there's fainting every so often. As long as they're all together, she's content with her life.

Then they go missing, and loneliness is quick to follow. How could she possibly know where they are, and if they're alright?

The answer isn't in the Elements of Harmony, but rather a sweet mare and her mysterious friend. And despite her awkward and panicked demeanor, Roseluck will go to great lengths to save those who mean the world to her.

A Doctor Who crossover. Needed knowledge on the show is minimal besides the basics and some details for a decent read.

Proofread by: Lucky Seven. Can't thank you enough for your help!

Chapters (10)

Caramel is an earth pony, but not as strong nor as fast as the others. He works an okay job and has a small home, but wonders if his life couldn't have turned out differently. And, most of all, he longs to fly like a pegasus. He likes the idea of the wind beneath his wings, of the combination of speed and grace, of freedom to go wherever he wants, something he's currently missing in his life.

A chance encounter with a pegasus living in Ponyville instead of Cloudsdale may give him the opportunity he's been looking for this whole time. If only he wasn't so insecure...

Chapters (3)