As the Hearth's Warming season approaches, even Sunset Shimmer is affected by the season of love and friendship. When she speaks one-on-one with Flash Sentry for the first time and they go out on the town, they end up sharing a cold night together that soon turns hot and reminds her that she wasn't always alone.

Chapters (1)

The most wonderful time of the year has returned to Canterlot High once again. The Mane 7 have their work cut out for them this holiday season with school parties, dates and secret santa's gifts. However, things this year may not go as anticipated. From new crushes to reindeer costumes to familiar foes returning in unexpected ways, this is certainly one Christmas time they won't be forgetting anytime soon.

Artwork by kencaldi

Chapters (5)

Flash Sentry downloads the latest popular streaming app. It's totally not a magical bootleg made to curse its users into wearing princess ballgowns.

Special thanks to Scampy for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

It all started innocently as the game to win it all. Weary after so many matches between one another, Rainbow Dash and Applejack decided to break the stalemate once and for all! And the game to win it all is a game neither of them have any experience with.

Getting a date for the Spring Dance.

And their mark? Flash Sentry.
Time limit? Two weeks
Winner takes all.

What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (6)

Everybody loves Flash Sentry. Well, everybody except Flash Sentry, which is exactly why he's trying to convince everyone else to hate him while unknowingly going about his own ironic existence.

Inspired by the 'Self-loathing Flash Sentry' idea at the OC panel at BronyCon 2016 which was proposed by Razalon The Lizardman.
'Other' tag is for background EqG characters and anyone else who isn't Flash.
Don't take this story seriously and I'm totally not responsible if you're injured.
With help from ElderXelpud, who made the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry’s a nobody, and he knows it. But when a mysterious fortuneteller hints at his path to greatness, he determines to embrace his destiny—and to bring along a famous journalist to record the details for posterity.

Story canon-compliant up through the end of Season Four. It stands on its own, but it occurs after Slice of Life. In relation to my other CheesePie stories, it falls just after Goodbye, Boneless and just before Good Morning, Beautiful. Oh, yes, and implied CheesePie, although this shouldn't be a big surprise.

Inspired by a blog post by Elric of Melnipony, and a prompt suggestion by Sweet Al Belle.

The cover image is DM29's Battle of the Waffle Stealers. Used by permission.

100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (3)

Spoilers to those who haven't seen Rainbow Rocks yet!

After the defeat of the Dazzlings, Flash Sentry felt guilty for the cruel things he said to Twilight during the Battle of the Bands competition. He wanted to apologize to Twilight, but his guilt and not knowing how make an apology approach is what holding him back. When he heard that Twilight is once again leaving from Canterlot High, Flash knew that he must speak to Twilight before it is too late!

My head-canon of what happened sometime before the end of Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S5

It's time for the Friendship Games and CHS is ready to compete against their rival school of Crystal Prep. But the competition isn't enough for some, as certain familiar faces are working to discover the secrets of magic. And with all things at CHS, this is only the beginning of trouble.

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (6)

Princess Twilight Sparkle travels to the Crystal Empire to visit her brother, Cadance, and their new foals, Il Bolero di Fuoco (better known as Bolero), and Gleaming Shield. When her train ends up derailed due to the snowstorm, she ends up somehow trapped in an ice cave, in a raging blizzard, with none other than Flash Sentry. Can these two star-and-dimension-crossed lovebirds thaw out the chilly Frozen North with their love, or are they doomed to freeze to death wandering aimlessly through the snow and hail? When Shining Armour finds out his sister's going out with a royal guard, can he accept it for the love that it is? Or will he totally flip a table?

The song "Vanilla Twilight" belongs to Owl City.


Chapters (1)

The Fall Formal. 

For Sunset Shimmer, this is her chance to win her crown. To finally be crowned Princess, like she deserves. She had been expecting it for weeks.

What she didn’t expect, however, was having a date. She only said yes because Flash Sentry was a popular student at CHS. She doesn’t like him.

But maybe she does? Sunset isn’t entirely sure.

Tonight is her chance to be crowned. It’s also her chance to find out how she truly feels about him.

Featured: 05/01/2023
Written for: EileenSaysHiʼs Equestria Girls Spring Fling Contest
Winner of: The Sleepless Beholdersʼs Judge Pick
Proofread and edited by: Trellia and Scroll

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Chapters (1)