
This story is a sequel to An Alternative Ending

Gregory Graystone faces a monumental task. He must repair the bridges between several nations. Pull the former elements out of their sorrow and light the banner of harmony and friendship once again. And, maybe, help his fellow man out of his malaise. Meanwhile, groups behind the scenes work to undo the changes happening in Equestria.

Written in collaboration with


Chapters (23)

A most heinous crime has been committed in Canterlot.

Justice will be...


Cover art by Granzon on Derpibooru! https://www.derpibooru.org/216170?q=safe

Chapters (1)

The Morning Courts are one of Equestria's oldest and most hallowed traditions; beginning at Sun's rise upon the summer solstice. It is a celebration that would have once dwarfed the Galloping Gala; a week long fete that the princesses open, reaffirming to all of Equestria that their promise of safety and prosperity will never be forgotten. It is during this grand celebration that the plebeians and commons have a chance to petition the diarchs of Equestria. Everyone and everyone, from great to small.

What could go wrong?

Chapters (1)

Human in Equestria, but no longer human. Instead, he takes the place as one of Canterlot's Elite.

Prince Blueblood, a pony most regarded as unbearable and incompetent, has seen a better part of a change overnight. Its like he's an entirely new pony. Why has he changed so much? What caused this change? Well, that's for him to know and nopony to know why.

Featured 2019MAY12 at 0207. My first featured story and I can't believe it. Thank y'all so much for reading my trash :D

Chapters (2)

When Princess Celestia is found dead, a new ruler must take the throne. Without the Princess's leadership, many opportunist factions find themselves free to act as they see fit. Until now, Equestrian politics had often been overlooked, thanks to the benevolent Princess of the Sun wisely presiding over them. Now, betrayal and secret plots run rampant in Canterlot's court. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

Special thanks to Galrion, Coldsilverd, and Striving for Harmony for proofreading everything and helping me brainstorm ideas.
I wanna thank my editor, Derpypaws, who's a great help for grammar and punctuation. He also designed and vectored the Captain Silvermane cutie mark.
The cover art was made by DarkFlame, here is his deviantart. Also, check out his tumblr ask blog.
Cutie Mark vectors by Hawk9mm, you can find his deviantart here. Scootaloo's cutie mark by Lahirien.
Also, I wanna thank Alptraum Mond and Throttlesky for extra tips and proofreading.

Chapters (42)

Hoity Toity is a stallion of few words, save for those that he uses to criticize his workers with. He designs custom outfits for his models, keeps a trained eye on them and holds his emotions rightfully hidden. He's seen his fair share of beauty, of stallions and mares constantly competing to strive to the limit of their pretty looks and youthful faces. Control is key if he wants to thrive in the business that he's ensnared in. "Never fall for the models that you design for", as the saying goes. It's his mantra, the only philosophy that keeps his lonely heart far away from his work.

((M/M Shipping
Edited by Bronymaster))

Chapters (4)

Written in collaboration with a very close friend. Twilight Sparkle discovers at the last minute that her parents have arranged for her to marry Prince Blueblood! That's not all, there seems to be more to the marriage than first meets the eye, and the consequences leave a whole heap of responsibility on Twilight and her friends' laps that they may not be able to handle!

Whacky, adventurey, explorey yada yada shenanigans.

Chapters (3)

Cheerilee was asked by Princess Celestia to travel to Saddle Arabia for a teacher-exchange program. Sounds like the offer of a lifetime for a small town teacher, right? Too bad her escort, an Equestrian diplomat, is the worst travel buddy ever. Hopefully our favorite cheerful teacher will survive the trip...

Chapters (2)

Bored of his lavish royal lifestyle, and the countless female suitors offered to him, Prince Blueblood takes a vacation from the good life to explore the simple quaintness of a small town. But only in Ponyville does the prince lay eyes on the most beautiful specimen he had ever seen: a brawny mare harvesting apples in the dirt and mud. Little does Blueblood realize how much his encounter with the simple farmer will change his way of life, and hers as well.

(requested by Charzoid)

Chapters (8)

~ After many months of lost time and anxious readers...The story MUST...go on...
When Prince Blueblood is kidnapped and the University Dean is left for dead, Daring Do vows revenge against the killer. However, when she is sent incognito to the headquarters of a possible conspirator, she realizes it is all a part of something much deeper than petty ransom. She later crosses paths with the shadowy Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and together they will band to fight against a great threat that will affect not only the capital, but perhaps Equestria, and even the entire world...

Special thanks to my proofreader, Blaster Master and his keen eye.

Special thanks to fongsaunder for his cover image. If not for this awesome piece of art, this fan fic would not have been. (http://fongsaunder.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (16)