
Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood have always been a bit testy.
It comes to a head when they put their coin purse where their mouth is.
They compete to see who has the biggest balls in Equestria.

Things get a little nuts.

Chapters (1)

Bored of his lavish royal lifestyle, and the countless female suitors offered to him, Prince Blueblood takes a vacation from the good life to explore the simple quaintness of a small town. But only in Ponyville does the prince lay eyes on the most beautiful specimen he had ever seen: a brawny mare harvesting apples in the dirt and mud. Little does Blueblood realize how much his encounter with the simple farmer will change his way of life, and hers as well.

(requested by Charzoid)

Chapters (8)

They say you should pick your battles, that some things aren't worth fighting about, aren't worth arguing over, aren't worth raising a fuss, because they just might work out on their own.

Octavia has come to accept this philosophy in regards to her roommate, who seems to have a penchant for getting into trouble and solving it again before too long, usually without needing Octavia to do anything. As such, when she leaves Vinyl alone for a while, she typically doesn't think much of weird noises and loud exclamations the moment she closes the door.

Today is one such day.

(This was initially going to be for one-shot-ober, but it's apparently Talk Like a Pirate day, and it just fits too well. Shanghai'd, it be, arrr...)

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee was asked by Princess Celestia to travel to Saddle Arabia for a teacher-exchange program. Sounds like the offer of a lifetime for a small town teacher, right? Too bad her escort, an Equestrian diplomat, is the worst travel buddy ever. Hopefully our favorite cheerful teacher will survive the trip...

Chapters (2)

After suffering an unfortunate plot twist, Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell finds himself in a place worlds away from Westeros; to be more specific, he's wound up in Ponyville, Equestria. Unwillingly caught up in the politics of Equestria, Ned and the Mane 6 must try to unravel a conspiracy against Celestia and Luna. Contains major spoilers for the novel A Game of Thrones, or the first season of the HBO adaptation of the book series.

Chapters (7)

Adam Inns has always been a simple man. For him, whiling his days away in a log cabin with a good book and a good view is a life well spent, no matter which planet he inhabits. But one day, after a misunderstanding with a Royal Guard gets Celestia involved, she decides to have a little fun at Adam's expense, and he suddenly finds himself as the proud owner and sovereign of a brand-new country, his to do with as he pleases.

However, the joke slowly finds a life of its own, as the poor and outcast find themselves on Inns' doorstep, with nowhere else to go and little reason to love Equestria. As the new state begins to grow into its own, Adam discovers that the calculus of rulership is not as forgiving as he once thought - and as the Equestrian system shudders under the weight of a thousand years of status quo coming to an abrupt end, his newfound convictions soon put him on a collision course with his friend, Celestia... a course neither may be willing to correct.

Can harmony and friendship really prevail against cold, hard realpolitik?

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Ponified Without Consent

In a world without bacon, five humans find themselves trapped... grazing on mother bucking dandelions. To get home, they'll need to learn that friendship is magic. Too bad none of these jerks are friends.

To make matters worse, the show attempts to censor their attempts to act out of character. They're stuck as fillies no pony will listen to, and the only adults of the bunch are the alcoholic Berry Punch, and the eccentric Blue Blood.

A sequel to finish the great story we had planned to tell in our collaboration that was cancelled in 2013. The original is a quick read and sets up the characters, and the authors and editors deserve some love.

Edited by Neko Majin C

Chapters (3)

After meeting covering the cost of lunch for a strange man with a long grey beard, mustache, blue and yellow suit a young man is sent to Equestria and, by his own request, is turned into a Digimon. He thought he had everything right, but a slip of the tongue changes that. Now he has to adjust to a new body in a new world that isn't as placid as he had hoped.

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods, approved by BlackWing
Told in first person

Chapters (20)

Princess Celestia was dreaming of the last piece of cake in the fridge. However, when she woke up the next morning she found that the cake had disappeared. Upset, she rounded up the most likely suspects Blueblood and Cadence.

Which one of the foals ate her cake?

Chapters (1)

Equestria, a land of peace and prosperity, ruled by the wise Princess Celestia and Luna. Or, that's what it use to be. Now its hardly peaceful, and its hardly prosperous. Well, unless you have a horn or live on the top; or in some cases the clouds.

And as for Celestia and Luna? Well no one knows where they went. They weren't dead, the sun and the moon still rose and set, but they certainly weren't around to lead. So who was in charge? Why Blueblood of course, and his council of friends. So no worries.

And as for peace, well, we won't get into all the politics. Lets just say that, ambitions and insults go a long way towards peace and war. Especially when one doesn't need to worry anymore about keeping the sun and moon on their daily schedule; or the magical cure all known as the Elements of Harmony.

Yes Equestria was in a sorry state, or better off depending on who you asked. It needed a hero, or maybe....

...maybe it needs.....an Overlord.

Chapters (4)