
Rose and Blossomforth are both best friends, who always care for flowers. They want to go on an adventure finding the legendary silver rose and listening to his song. In the progress of the adventure both find a deeper meaning in their friendship, something they have never expected happened.
Who will meet under the Moonlight?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Four Ponies & A Time Machine

by SkelePone

A sequel to Four Ponies & A Time Machine and a prequel to the upcoming Carnegie Porter vs. The World.

Carnegie Porter hates foals. It's not that he's a bad pony, he just doesn't like them. They're obnoxious. Rude. Annoying. Kind of like he is. But when Roseluck is foalsitting, she convinces her coltfriend to help.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hexagons: Part l

Equestria is consumed by an endless winter. A misguided stallion named Sombra has risen up to proclaim himself king among the country, but for no reasons constructive: He stole away an entire city and unleashed an unspeakable evil upon the land. Premature deaths for children, a disgusting massacre for all . . .

Now, the country is home only to those deceased, vengeful toward all they can comprehend in their dampened frame of body and spirit. They incessantly wander the land without aim, but when a small group of mortal nomads emerges to seek the capitol of the Frozen North, they know not but few violent purposes — either to spare them from repressed horrors, either to kill. The group's straits are dire, but a gifted Unicorn among them leads way to the city, where those who survived hope to raise a new generation; a new era for a time that, unbeknownst to them, was already dead.

But whatever came of it . . .

Chapters (1)

Sveta Ichimo is a normal Pokemon Breeder. No really, just a Pokemon breeder. Even specializes in Normals. Up until today, he worked as an adventuring breeder, trying to figure out how to make Poffins, Pokecubes, and even Pokepuffs better.

Now, being forcibly removed from a world he was quite happy in to one that is brighter, more colorful he will be presented many a problem. In his new, much smaller body, he will have to act towards moving on in this strange new world with such people, err, ponies in it.

A New World, a New Way sidestory.

Chapters (3)

Sound Shock, a changeling who wanted nothing more than to live a normal life.

Soon after he cut his connection to the hive to free and clear his mind from the evil of the hives queen, and to be able to live with his mind alone, he makes a life changing discovery.

Now without the hive and a normal life ahead of him he takes on the challenge of being an earth pony.

*small amounts of comedy and very little romance so don't expect a lot of that.*

Chapters (12)

The Cause is a very messed up place, full of bandits and raiders and really weird looking wildlife that's bigger than a pony and finds pony to be delicious.
Aside from all of these fabulous features it also has the thing Cause-ites crave most.
Hidden Treasure.
Join a group of ponies fighting their way through a planet-wide hell itching to get their own piece of the prize.

[Wrote a small bit of this and stopped, so I'm ALSO posting this one and a few others to see if people like 'em and maybe I should carry on. Let me know what you all think. Criticism greatly accepted <3]

Chapters (1)

Derpy Whooves was just flying aimlessly back home when she was attacked and murdered.
After that night, the peaceful town of Ponyville is a bloodbath to find the truth.
Who did this? Why did he/she do this?
When Colgate is framed, she just wants the killer to be found.
Friend is turning against friend, and a race against the clock is turning this place upside down.
Colgate just starts with the weight above her head as she works down to unravel the tight bind of the mystery man who killed her friend.

Chapters (1)

Every memory a string. Every day a memory. The sweet mare Marionette cherishes each and every one. But how many memories can one mare have before she is bound by her own strings?

Chapters (1)

Bonbon has had a crush on Roseluck since they were little fillies but had accepted that she didn't have a hope with her.

After all, why would a Equestria-famous rose-grower pay any attention to a small time candy maker?

Then Lyra says that Roseluck has a crush on Bonbon.

Not sure if this will be a clopfic. Chapter one was writen when I'm on holiday. Chapter 2 will be in first person.

Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated. Especially if you don't like it, I can't improve if I don't know what wrong.

Chapters (1)

Don't Blink Rory. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away, Rory. And don't Blink. Good Luck.

now, i know that the characters that i picked for Amy and Rory have different names, but for the sake of this story, those are there names.

Edited by: Doctor_N
cover art from: Google images


Chapters (10)