Shining Armor takes a troop of his best guards to find Queen Chrysalis.

Chapters (3)

Even after magic flooded the world, some things remain constant: People die. Romance is hard. The Crystal City Emperors suck.

Two days before the Ultra Bowl, which obviously won't include the Emps, Flash Sentry goes to the local sports bar, burdened by Crystal City's consistent athletic failures. Among other things.

Part of the Oversaturated World. Editing and brainstorming sessions by FanOfMostEverything.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is one of the largest cities in Equestria, a center for trade and finance, a melting pot of many races, tribes, and cultures. It is also a place where corruption is a way of life. Here, the cops that aren't on the take are forever chasing their own tails, citizens live in fear, and gangs battle for control of the streets.

Daring Do has just been released from prison after a year-long sentence for thievery, and no one is about to let her forget her place. Phillip Finder is a local private detective and the bane of the Ponyville Police Department. The new partners quickly find themselves at ground zero of a city-wide gang war; surrounded by dirty cops, mobsters, assassins, and bizarre crimes, they can only rely on each other and a few honest ponies for aid.

They're hardly heroes. Which means they may be exactly what Ponyville needs.

Updates every Wednesday. Proofread by Eagle—Paladin of Shadows

The first story of the Noireverse.

Sex and Gore tags for suggestive content and graphic descriptions.

Check out the theme music by The L-Train by clicking here!

Featured on 1/29/18! Thank you all so much! <3

A bit of background...

Three years ago, I introduced Phillip Finder in my first fanfiction, "The Pony in the Gray Trilby." Over the next many months, I kept writing and eventually turned my first work into a twenty-story series. I learned much and enjoyed the stories' moderate success, but unfortunately, I became dissatisfied with them over time. I realize that it's perhaps a bit of a cliche that many artists end up hating their own work, but for both Tchaikovsky and myself, it is the truth.

I initially planned to write this story as a prequel to the series, focusing on Phillip Finder and Daring Do. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I wanted to improve upon my work, but felt as though I was being held back by the original series. While I am proud of my first stories for what I learned and gained through them, I decided that the best course of action for me, what would make me the happiest, would be to wipe the slate clean and start again from the basic foundations.

That's where this story comes in. A semi-reboot of the original series, the adventures contained herein, set in a vastly different alternate universe and replete with a mixture of reinterpreted and original characters, are the culmination of all the experience that I gained writing the original series. This is Phillip Finder and company as I meant them to be.

I hope that you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it!

Chapters (63)

Wanting to dress pretty and wear makeup does NOT make you gay. Period. Flash, or Felicity, just wants to find some company in a nice, wholesome girl who loves traps. Surprisingly, her problem might be that she's looking at the wrong school.

Written for ShortSkirtsAndExplosions

Part of the B_25 vs Flutterpriest 24 Hour Writeoff

Chapters (1)

Not everypony likes colt bands. But Twilight has always loved them. So when she gains her own castle, she turns one of its rooms into a Chamber of Colt Bands.

Will she be able to inaugurate it without any unpleasant surprises?

Written in about half an hour due to writer's block and boy band music. Dedicated to all people (and ponies) who love (or love to hate) boy bands.

Also contains some implied FlashLight.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: EQG

One year has passed since our heroes first met and saved all of Equestria. Now, Flash must protect the newly crowned Princess Twilight as she carries out her duties. But when a strange new power awakens, he must learn to grasp his own destiny. And as this happens, his friends must all face their own challenges in life, and must overcome them together.

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Possession in the Crystal Empire

Private Iceland is recovering from his ordeal at the hooves of King Sombra, who possessed him and caused his current injuries. He still suffers nightmares and has trouble sleeping. He also longs for his favorite breakfast, pancakes. The dull tasting hospital food is not helping with that at all.

However, is he safe? Is he truly free from the pony that tormented him and his brother? He is in the middle of the Crystal Empire, with an active Crystal Heart, plenty of guards and an alicorn princess nearby. Is that enough to stop a very unscheduled, unexpected, unwanted visit? Especially if it's off hours?

A certain evil overlord doesn't think so.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Side-story in "Return of The Dark Ponies" story arc.

Story edited by Hail King Sombra.
Story title. additional ideas and suggestions by Tale Weaver

This one shot is marked as sequel to Possession in the Crystal Empire, as it is a direct follow up to that story.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy's come out of her shell a lot since she reunited with her friends during sophomore year—from savior of the world to a member of a band. That being said, she still can't stand parties.

Fortunately for her, Flash Sentry can't stand them either. Maybe there's still a way to salvage what had originally been an awful night.

Written for the May Pairings 2024 contest.

Chapters (1)

That's how long it's been since Flash Sentry went MIA during a mission up north. Twilight has been waiting for him to come back, believing he is still alive. However, others are in need of the Princess more than they need a good guard. Twilight is uncertain how she feels around Flash and waits for him to get an answer to her feelings, but when he's been missing for seven months... one might think something has happened.

Chapters (1)


What if instead of going to the summer sun celebration Twilight was called into the Green Lantern Corp to be given the power to fight Nightmare Moon!

A spin off from Crisis on Infinite Twilights written with defender2222's blessing and permission.

Twilight vector is Green Lantern Twilight Sparkle and it belongs to Deviantart user Bronyboy.

Chapters (12)