
You have been tasked with the job of watching over Rainbow Dash in her cloud house as she nurses a hurt wing. Initially, Dash is not very happy about this, but over time, both of you learn to make the most of the situation and learn what you can about each other.

Then, as Dash begins to open up, she reveals what's really hurting her deep inside far more than the wounded wing. Together, you and Dash will share what matters to you, as she reveals just how much she has been hiding her true self from others all along. You will help Dash see just how beautiful she really is. And in turn, you'll feel what it's like to experience love from the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria.

Rated T for Moments of Intimacy. If you've ever wanted to read a sweet pony story where you read from the intimate, but safe non-sexual, role, then look no further.

--You might like this if you also like:--
Stories about emotional intimacy rather than romantic passion
Tending to Rainbow Dash as she nurses a hurt wing
The Delayed Gratification of Getting to Know Someone Before Experiencing Love with Them
Spending time playing games with Dash
Seeing Dash get flustered when she says something adorable...over and over
Physical intimacy including hugs, cuddles, massages, nipping
Emotionally-moving moments revealing Dash's secret loves
Dash revealing her true, beautiful self to the only person she trusts...you
Learning what it's like to see Dash truly happy and sharing it with her
Perfect story for an audio-book reading /)(^3^)(\

Chapters (1)

You come home after working an unexpected graveyard shift at work, only to find that your bed has been occupied by a hungover DJ! Oh, and she's a talking horse. Shenanigans ensue.

- - - - - - - - - -
Yes, it's supposed to be yet another piece of the (for better or worse) massive "______ is in Your Bed" story trend that stemmed from Ocalhoun and Admiral Biscuit.

I have an idea for a second chapter that I might write if I'm bored someday, hence the incomplete tag. This was just a silly distraction for me, so it's not likely to be written for some time.

Chapters (1)

Anon wants to live a simple life but ends up in Equestria with the powers of an (Eldritch) God. Weeks after his arrival, Rarity buys him a diner/bar as a welcoming gift and business franchise where she can get her clients. Anon then works at his diner/bar and successfully lives a simple life, though things get more exciting each day for every pony he meets. Anon also occasionally uses his infinite powers to poke a little fun. Good slice of life stuff.

Chapters (13)

Princess Twilight Sparkle just made the awful mistake of accidentally giving you the ability to act consequence-free for a short span of time. You intend to make the most of it, but your friends aren't about to let you get away with it.

Uh, what is it you're trying to do, exactly?

Chapters (1)

When Anon ends up in Equestria, he decides that spending a week in bed would be a good way to get over this sudden and dramatic change in his life.

Twilight and her friends aren't so keen on this idea, and attempt to convince him otherwise; who will finally get him to see sense?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The cover is cropped from its (SFW) source on Derpibooru; I needed an image of an Anon in bed, and this was the best one I could find that didn't have a pony in the bed with him.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Chapters (7)

Although your new life might be as close to perfect as it could possibly get, doubts begin to surface in your mind as to why you have been treated so kindly. Why have you been accepted? Fed? Clothed? Housed? Why have any of these things occurred when you have done nothing to deserve them?

A certain Princess of the Sun provides the answer.

EDIT 11/21/2019: Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio! https://youtu.be/-K0XO7HUVNg

Chapters (1)

You love a certain white unicorn and she loves you, but why does it scare you so much to commit? You've done everything together, so why is it so hard to think about marrying her? It's not like you don't want to, but just the thought is enough to send you into a panic attack. Will Rarity be able to help you overcome? Or will everything just... Fall apart?

This is one of the works I've been commissioned to do by a certain fan who wanted to see a sequel to my previous story "Freudian Slip". In this story, there's going to be twists, turns, shockers, and show stoppers. Just wait and see and prepare yourself to laugh, be afraid, cry, and d'awww. This is going to be 10 chapters long, 6000 words each. I'll try to update it regularly with the rest of my work, but things have been pretty erratic lately. Wish me luck!

Chapters (11)

With your first Equestrian winter just around the corner, trouble arises that just might end up hurting someone you're pretty close to.

Part 2:

Part 3:

Chapters (1)

Life is crazy. Never mind the whirlwind that was winding up in Equestria in the first place; being married to an alicorn ex-princess doesn't exactly lend itself well to a quiet lifestyle. As such, your little hobby of building and painting Warhammer 40,000 models offers you some nice, calm respite.

Now, Celestia, who has been feeling self-conscious about not being able to relate to you, wants you to teach her about the hobby. You're more than willing to do so, and you're a very patient man.

Unfortunately, she isn't a very patient mare.

Cover art partially edited by Shadow of Death.

Chapters (1)