CANCELLED. Reason? Because I have nothing to give to this story for how sad it is.
I am a healer, I heal many things. From dangerous, to common. But what I cannot heal is myself. Lucky a changeling came to me. It happen like this.

This is my first attempt of making a story like this.
*warning reason for gore: he's a doctor, so there are injuries that are going to be gory*

Chapters (1)

I'm looking for opinions and criticism on my grammar and vocabulary. I'd also appreciate some feedback telling me if I should continue writing this story in my free time and please do tell me if it's not that "thrilling". If it's not thrilling enough do please give me an example, I'm very new to writing stories from my head.

It's about my OC going on an adventure if didn't catch the short description.
Also, be sure to keep in mind that this is the first time I wrote for the public and also there's no cover art :D

If I continue, I'll look for an appropriate cover art and a better title

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Fear Worse Than Most Feared

The New Dust Ride has long passed. It seemed to be better, except that it's not. Dry Stone, Air Wiff and Aura Draft find anything they can to get through the remains of Equestria. Things may not turn out so bright through it all though.

Rated Teen for light language and VERY heavy themes.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Lost Changeling: Taken it Back

Carina comes to Equestria early for Hearth's Warming, but is pulled out of the festivities midway through, prompting Carve to come to Carina and her family up in Wisconsin. However, all the celebration is put on the line when Carina experiences a life-threatening conceptualization.

Chapters (23)

Star Chaser’s life is a pretty good one, all things considered. She’s happily married with a family in the works, and all she needs is four more years of military service before her engineering degree is totally paid for. She has crewmates for friends, her wife and cousins for family, and the whole United Pony Republics to live in and fight for. Which is why she’s very far from okay when a mysterious vessel seemingly unaffiliated with any of the three nations forcibly wrenches her from that life.

All these maybe-smugglers-maybe-pirates want to do is collect the Elements of Harmony and use them to bring back the ground that the Calamity stole from ponykind over a century ago. But it’s not long before she starts to realize that this simple quest is just the tip of a very big and very deadly iceberg. And with all three nations gearing up for a brutal war while seemingly guided by a shadowy puppeteer, and something brewing beneath the toxic Cloudbase that could spell a fate worse than death for all ponykind, she quickly starts to realize just what she got shoved into the middle of. And what she might have to sacrifice to make it all end happily.

This is her story.

(Rated for mature themes and topics, as well as occasional violence and severe injuries.)
(On hiatus for the time being, until I can get myself to write less than 10 stories at once. xD)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Lost Changeling: Rolling Ends

Thorax is a king, a new king in fact, of changelings, having recently overthrown Chrysalis. However, after a session regarding a wake up call he was notified of ends, he leaves to walk about the hive, oblivious to the future of his title.

Chapters (1)

Spike ends up with a stone scale while Rarity is gathering resources for her next dress. This leads to a cascade of events and symptoms that may point to puberty.

Chapters (4)

when the two daughters of king Sombra and princess Luna challenge their mother's authority and take Equestria's most feared creatures into the capital, many things may cause their plans to spiral out of control.

Chapters (28)

The Changeling know as Gin Carver has been working as a spy for the queen for years. Giving information of the Machiavellian of the rich and indolent of Trotston. Marking out those fit to be replaced. Building up the Mulit-billion bit playbuck "insect collector" image for most his career to make sure he could hobknob with all the snobs. But one day at a charity event it all changed.

Now with his loyal Zebra servant "Zano" at his side. An expert driver, cook, poison & Potion maker, bodyguard and master of hoof to hoof combat. As well as a few billion in bits to fund his efforts and gadgets. The Blue mantis shall rise and reap the criminals that have sown themselves into the firmament of the city of Trotson! Now by day as the Socialite Gin Carver he works the trendsetters for information. By night as the Blue Mantis he strikes from the shadows leaving nothing but the bodies of evil do-ers in his wake!

As Trotston sleeps. They now sleep unknown that they are safely in the heroic hooves of; THE BLUE MANTIS!

(Inspired by THE SILVER SHROUD radio play from fallout4 & THE VENTURE BROTHERS - BLUE MORPHO. Along with OTHER cult noir style radio plays of that intended time period. )

Chapters (1)

Set Just before the Canterlot Wedding. for years a changeling has lived a quiet happy life in the small Town of Ponyville. he doesn't want friendship, he doesn't want excitement. all he wants is a quiet life. unfortunately life is never that simple in a magical world. but should ever anything threaten his quite life, he will do anything to remove it... even if it's his own kind.
the story of a changelings simple ambition as he makes his own way in life

Chapters (1)