Ever since you were young, you've always preferred the rainy days over the sunny ones. The key word is days at any other time, it's just annoying, especially in the evening. It gets too cold, too damp, and too obnoxious. To combat the cold, you grab your favorite blanket, a bowl of soup, and your favorite film, you were gonna ride out this night like you did every night.

That's until a bright orange blur catches your eye. It takes shelter under the bus stop across from your house. Everything in your being is telling you it's just another homeless person. But, this one wasn't like any hobo you've seen. Her clothes were somewhat clean and she didn't seem very unkempt. You can't help but investigate.

Edits and Proofreading By: The Fan Without a Face

Chapters (1)

When a well-known writer in Equestria asks Twilight to read his latest work, what kind of reactions will she have to it?

Welcome. This, my friends, is what you get when I have about an hour of free time and it's the 600th Thread landmark for AiE over on /mlp/.


Very lightly edited for your viewing pleasure; I wanted to keep to the feeling of the original version as much as possible.

UPDATE: A live reading by Flutterpriest and Anonpencil with me in the call.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon Buys the Everfree Forest

Anon is here and still very much on his bullshit. While he now has the run of his expansive property, not only does he have to assure his sovereign soil receives proper international recognition, he now has a flock of citizens seeking his guidance, expertise, and wisdom.

Ah well, one out of three isn't so bad, right?

Art is once again by me, lol.

Chapters (3)

You've ended up in an alternate universe where, while the ponies are the same jobwise, their personalities have changed. Applejack is now the fancy Sparkling Cider, Rarity's the hard working Ivory, and Fluttershy has become the animal impersonator, Cottontail.

You had a crush on Sparkling Cider, though you were rejected by her. At the same time, you gained a giant stuffed animal. It seemed like a coincidence that Prism Wing invited you for lunch the day after... and then you instead meet the creator of the stuffed animal.

Little did you know, you've been set up on a blind date.

Cottontail is an AU Fluttershy, particularly of the Ultimare Universe, made by Siden. Art done by mylittlelizombie.

Chapters (1)

Dating can be rough. Especially if you're a lonely human in the magical pony land of Equestria. But you've got to date. It's only human nature to want a mate, right?

The only difference is, you're a celebrity in Equestria. Everypony knows who you are. So who's fit for you? One of the Mane 6, it seems, would be the best choice. You always felt that the Elements of Harmony had the popularity and personalities to match your own. However, which one was best?

Dating each will answer that question!

Currently in the process of being edited. Featured on FiMFic sometime.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Whispers

Pinkie Pie is unlike any other pony in Ponyville. Hyper, energetic, funny, bubbly, and cute, she got your attention from the instant you arrived. And the more you paid attention, the more you noticed about her.

One day, your feelings reach a breaking point. You have to tell her. And at Sugarcube corner, Pinkie Pie's life--and yours--will be changed forever.

Chapters (1)

You are a fierce, merciless warrior that seeks only one thing: Revenge. When you are mysteriously transported to a world of horses, they must take you to their leader for instructions on where to continue your quest.

Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi

This story is contained in my book "Dash Tries to Win Your Heart and Other Short Pony Stories"

If you have interest in purchasing this non-profit book, check out my online store at this link: https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&q=flutterpriest

Chapters (1)

You stand at the water's edge. Feeling the waves sucking at your feet. You think of her. When do you not? With her wings and her spiral horn. Her crown and her kingdom. She is everything you aren’t.

Principal Celestia muses on what it must be like to be a princess.
TW for dark thoughts and a suicide attempt. Other than that it doesnt really need the T rating.

Chapters (1)

You and your family have just moved to a town called 'Ponyville' after deciding Canterlot was not the right place. You said goodbye to your friends and your old town.

Now, all you have to do is make friends and continue on living life.

It's a shame that some of them don't want to stay just friends.

Trigger tags:
(Process of being rewritten)
(Second-Person Perspective)
(Anthropomorphic ponies)
(Multiple endings)

Chapters (2)

You are the Dragon King! For thousands of years you have lived as the top predator in the land, doing what you please, killing anything that gets in your way, or just any one you felt like killing.
When no one was left to challenge your might you sought out the greatest powers in he land; The Alicorn Sisters.
After a heated battle they did the unthinkable; they beat you. As your life trickled away however, you found it was not the end.
You awaken 1,500 years later, your memories intact. Your once glorious body, replaced with something... smaller.



FEATURED!!! Thanks everyone!

New cover by Mix-up

Chapters (16)