
You love your friends in Ponyville, you really do, but you have your suspicions about one of them. Pinkie Pie is so light hearted, bouncy, and carefree, you've begin to wonder if she's really a pony at all. Instead, maybe she's actually a balloon! It seems crazy, but you jut have to find a way to prove it, no matter the cost.

Yeah, this is pretty not-gross and horrible. No vomit, gore, sex, etc. I'm as shocked as you are.

Chapters (1)

When a well-known writer in Equestria asks Twilight to read his latest work, what kind of reactions will she have to it?

Welcome. This, my friends, is what you get when I have about an hour of free time and it's the 600th Thread landmark for AiE over on /mlp/.


Very lightly edited for your viewing pleasure; I wanted to keep to the feeling of the original version as much as possible.

UPDATE: A live reading by Flutterpriest and Anonpencil with me in the call.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Spark

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

After breaking up with a mare you've loved for a long, long time, your mind is in shambles. You live life only from day to day, trying to clear your head by doing menial, solo tasks like helping out the Apples in their chores.

One day, however, you come to the close, caring friend called Rarity. And your direction may perhaps be changed for the better.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Whispers

Pinkie Pie is unlike any other pony in Ponyville. Hyper, energetic, funny, bubbly, and cute, she got your attention from the instant you arrived. And the more you paid attention, the more you noticed about her.

One day, your feelings reach a breaking point. You have to tell her. And at Sugarcube corner, Pinkie Pie's life--and yours--will be changed forever.

Chapters (1)

You are a fierce, merciless warrior that seeks only one thing: Revenge. When you are mysteriously transported to a world of horses, they must take you to their leader for instructions on where to continue your quest.

Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi

This story is contained in my book "Dash Tries to Win Your Heart and Other Short Pony Stories"

If you have interest in purchasing this non-profit book, check out my online store at this link: https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&q=flutterpriest

Chapters (1)

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute so...good luck!

Yeah, let's hope you don't do anything too bad considering the whole mute thing

The decent comment driven story writing guy (me) is back! Let's all have a blast and have lots of laughs along the way of this new adventure! Try not to die though, cause people die when they are killed.

Chapters (28)

You stand at the water's edge. Feeling the waves sucking at your feet. You think of her. When do you not? With her wings and her spiral horn. Her crown and her kingdom. She is everything you aren’t.

Principal Celestia muses on what it must be like to be a princess.
TW for dark thoughts and a suicide attempt. Other than that it doesnt really need the T rating.

Chapters (1)

You were invited to Twilight's for a prolonged reading session.

You honestly wished it would've been cuddles.

But after Twilight wishes to test out The Cuddle Sutra, you find that reading sounds pretty wonderful at the moment.

Final Entry To The First Half Of The Awoken Series.

Made Popular On 8/10/20

Chapters (1)

You've always wanted to ask Pinkie Pie out, and today, you're feeling brave enough to do that. Can you make the right choices and get her to go out with you? Can you go through an entire evening without failing spectacularly? Probably not, but you can always go back and try again. One way or another, Pinkie Pie will be yours in the end.

As the title implies, you'll be allowed to pick from several options at each step in the story. Most of those options are dead ends, so don't worry if you run into one. That's just the way these things work. If you happen to be a completionist, it's also possible (but not recommended) to read the story in order by advancing each chapter normally.

This story was written for this contest.

Chapters (28)

You're a human who settled into Ponyville with much ease - more so than you anticipated. Not like you're questioning it, though. Around a month later, you've adjusted well into the pony-filled society, made friends with a few of them, and even decided to create a garden; something you never even considered back home. You smile brightly as you water your flowers and wave at anyone who greets you.

It's really as perfect as you can imagine here.

Until Twilight Sparkle comes to your house to ask you a few questions. You don't really like any of them.

Story for the Most Dangerous Game Contest. Also an experiment for me because I've never done a story like this. (... does it show? Probably)

Chapters (1)