In a world where humans and ponies manage to live in harmony you and Rainbow Dash are the best friends. This is just another typical night for you both.

Art by: amazinarts

Chapters (1)

On his way to Seoul, Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce comes across an unconscious, hurt Twilight Sparkle, and takes her back to the 4077 to take care of her. There, she meets the odd creatures known as humans, and learns about their chaotic activities, about both their good and bad sides. The 4077th's crew learns about her world as well.

And during it all, they heal each other's hearts, even if they don't mean to.

Chapters (1)

Some time has past since that night with Lyra. You've made some friends, you've found a job, and you're starting to settle into your new home. This is a slice of your life in Equestria.

All of these stories are based on random things I've thought about while watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Where in the show's run they fall into... I honestly haven't decided, nor do I think it really matters. All these 'chapters' are really just short stories that each pick up at some random point from the last. Please note that these take place after A Night With Lyra, so give that one a read first!

Chapters (5)

I really love this ship.

Rainbow Dash. Who is Rainbow Dash? The captain of every sports team at CHS? The loyalist of people? The coolest, most awesome kid at school? Well turns out she's actually a bit more. She's in love.

Cover picture is a cropped version of one of the amazing pieces by FJ-C on DeviantART. You should definitely go and check some of her stuff out!

Chapters (16)

Severe thunderstorms are a commonality when living in a mountain fire lookout tower; an event that comes and goes with ease. However, when a storm takes a turn for the worse and causes the resident lookout to fall unconscious, the scene that greets him on awakening is about as unsettling and unwelcome as can be.
Or is it?

With his radios and cellular service cut off, Equestria's first human visitor is left to his own devices to figure out why he and his tower are now in the middle of an mysterious and dangerous forest. Well, at least the clouds still move on their own, that's a good thing, right?

Look out Equestria, there's a new human in town!

*Takes place during/after Season 9

Chapters (14)

Stephen has a nice chat with the Princess

Chapters (3)

Sequel to my previous Dragon Age crossover Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age.

Years after Equestria was visited by the strange, bipedal creatures, their stay there has yet to be forgotten. But now, a dark force from both the world of the Grey Wardens and that of the ponies meet, creating a threat that will ravage all in its path.

With both of their lands at risk, the people of both worlds must come together once again. Reunions will be had and new bonds will be created. But with a powerful enemy that none are prepared to face, will the heroes of Ferelden and ponies of Equestria be able to stop it? And what will be lost in the attempt?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie's Promise

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Twilight Sparkle: the student of the princesses, a princess in her own right, and brimming with stunning capability. She's also awkward, nerdy, and obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge. Not to mention cuter than any other mare in Ponyville!

Trouble is, you don't know how to initiate a relationship with her. Maybe there's a book that can help. Maybe...she can help.

Chapters (1)

Charles Morrison, or "Chunk" as the locals of DC refer to him as, is a ghoul. After he and his partner Martha Roberts visit Vault 112 on a scavenging trip Martha convinces Chunk that she can use the VR simulators present in the vault to send them both wherever they wanted. Longing to return to the days before the war, he eagerly hops into one of the few available simulators, unaware that Martha was attempting to send him into nothingness; Program F1m, an unfinished simulation that was supposed to be a void, but instead turned out to be a simulation for children.

Written after seeing an astonishing amount of Fallout ponies and HiE stories, but an apparent lack of the two mixed.

Added note: Every other chapter will probably be in a letter format piecing together a bit of the history behind both the simulation and Charles himself. If you don't want to read the letters (even when they're only about 200-300 words at max) just read the odd chapters. Sorry for any inconvenience, please enjoy.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Welcome To The Dreamscape

A teen named Bryan, who’s been overworked, underpaid and is severely sleep deprived, is approached by none other than Nightmare Moon during a strange dream, who promises to comfort him during his time of struggle.

Chapters (4)