While wandering about Manhattan, and attempting to escape Blackwatch, Alex Mercer is ripped from reality and thrown into Equestria, where he has to attempt to fit in and make a living for himself. But when a long lost evil arises, Alex will have to make a life-changing decision.

Prototype/MLP:FiM Crossover

Tags/Characters will be updated accordingly. Please go easy, this is one of my first fics.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to My Little Paper Mario

Twilight and Princess Peach are having themselves a princess vacation in a faraway land, starting in the ragged port city, Rougeport. They find a mysterious treasure map given to them by a mysterious trader, and not wanting to leave their friends out on discovering something exciting, they deliver letters to both Mario and Twilight's friends in Equestria, detailing their findings along with sending the map to the heroic plumber in red, and the gang set off to Rougeport to join the two princesses.

A far more dangerous game is afoot than Bowser's almost successful attempt months prior with the power of the Star Rod. A new enemy stands in their way, wanting to discover what lies beneath the port city, and they will do anything to open what is known as the legendary One Thousand Year Door. Not only that, but they have also managed to kidnap both Peach and Twilight, taking them hostage while the leader of this new group plans to uncover what secrets are hidden beyond this millennial doorway. Will Mario and co. be able to surpass this new foe and claim the treasure for themselves, or is there something far more sinister lurking deep below the land that could wreak havoc on the world?

Chapters (20)

After a mysterious circumstance brings Twilight Sparkle into the real world she's discovered by a lonely closet Brony. He gives her a place to stay until she can find a way home. Twilight begins to discover she has feelings for this human. Feelings she's never felt before. Part of her doesn't want to leave his side but she knows deep down that it must happen and there's no way around it.

Chapters (11)

I, Maximillian Moorcroft, lead a good life. My every whim is catered for me by my gentleman's gentleman and best friend, Jiles, and I spend my days as I wish, which normally means a huge blowout party for most of London to come to once every two months. My family's affluence allows me priviledges that I wouldn't otherwise receive and I am happy. So when I wake to find myself not as my usual dashing self, but as a dashing pony, it bemuses me, of course. But I am resourceful, so it shouldn't be too hard to work this all out. Nothing will stand in my way.

My name is Richard Jiles, employee of Maximillian Moorcroft, a faithful servant. I do all of my duties with diligence and professionalism, and endeavour to help Master Maxie in whatever he does. He can be somewhat... arrogant, light-headed and ignorant of others in his ways, and I must say, that aggravates me, but what can I do? I am a professional. My job is to look after Maxie, make sure he doesn't do anything excessively stupid, reckless, or otherwise damaging. These turn of events for the both of us make me think that my job will become a lot harder... Can't stop now though.

Part of the PonyEarthverse

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Monster of Canterlot

Sixteen years ago, the Lachances lost their only child in a flash, literally. What they didn't know was that their son Christopher was being cared for by Princess Celestia as if he was her own foal. Now, with Christopher's upcoming nuptials with Fluttershy, the family needed to be whole again. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)

So maybe you stayed up a little bit too late with your friends watching reruns of season 2.
So maybe you drank a little too much alcohol.
So maybe you took a little tumble down that cliff after flying out of the pickup truck.

Fortunately, Death looks unmistakably like a pony.
Watch out Equestria, here comes [your name]!

(Inspired by all the 'oops I died but hey cool now I'm in Equestria' stories.)
(Image courtesy of Hereticalrants on DA!)

Chapters (1)

(Continuation of this story has been cancelled indefinitely.)

On April 18, 2543, during the battle of Psi Serpentis, Vice Admiral Preston Jeremiah Cole and the crew of the UNSC Everest gave their lives to defend humanity. Cole had been the most successful military commander in the history of the UNSC, winning twenty-five consecutive battles against the Covenant. His accomplishments were remembered, and he was honored as a fallen hero. But do heroes ever truly die?

This story takes place immediately after the "Death" of Preston J. Cole in the short story; The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole, written by bestselling author Eric Nylund. The story is from the novel, Halo Evolutions Volume 1.

I highly recommend that you read this short story, so that you may better understand Cole's back-story. Otherwise this crossover may be slightly confusing to the readers.

Rated Teen for Occasional Strong Language, Violence, and Suggestive Themes

Also, the drawing of Cole on the left depicts him from his younger days. In the story he is over seventy years old, so as you can tell the picture is not up to date, but it was the best I could find. If anyone knows of a better, high resolution image of him, or his ship I would appreciate knowing about it. Pretty much anything that you will find will be fan-made, so that doesn't matter.

Chances are, if you are a fan of Halo, then you are a fan of Bungie Studios. So go join the Bungie Studios, The Seventh Column group, here on FIMfiction.

Chapters (9)

(Second Person fanfic)

You have just moved into your new apartment and look forward to your new job at a bakery. You think life could not be any better, that is until you meet your neighbor who looks and acts like Pinkie Pie. Will you get along with this hyperactive funny girl, or will she drive you insane?

Chapters (11)

A short story I wrote for an /mlp/ thread waaay back about "doing loving things to your waifu/horsebando". Unfortunately, since my particular art-skill-level makes stick figures look like Da Vinci masterpieces, I decided to try writing out a few stories instead. Now that I've actually got some real fictions going, I'm gonna throw this up here too, just in case anybody wants to read it. If you like it, let me know!

Art done by an anon on that same /mlp/ thread--if anybody knows the artist I will gladly add credit!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have a nice late night drink together at Sugar Cube corner and they start to discuss things, mostly when they both became winged monsters. However they come to terms to something, something they both never quiet realized until just now.

Chapters (1)