
You have two questions: what, exactly, is Tree Hugger on, and, more importantly, where do you get some?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Changing Lanes

With Luna presiding over Equestria for two straight weeks, you've been bored to tears as you try to occupy your days in the castle on your own.

However, upon the dawn of the final day, a surprise awaits you at the dining room table - Princess Celestia. While her schedule has been busy with sightseeing and general relaxation away from Canterlot, she finds herself with free time as well.

Maybe today won't be so boring after all...

This little side story takes place a mere couple weeks after the events of Changing Lanes' conclusion, a fun change of pace after the dramatics of the conclusion.

Art by Selenophile

Chapters (2)

It is not every day that you learn that a monster of legend is real, let alone friends with Rarity. If she had heard of the old stories, perhaps she would be more cautious. Or more daring.

{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Snuggly Buggly

You and Thorax are bros, and bros don't kiss. Thorax disagrees.

Contains snuggles and smooches. No actual intercourse; the sex tag is just there for occasional lewd references.

Cover art is by RedKittyKitty! Go check his stuff out on FurAffinity!

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been acting odd leading up to Hearts and Hooves day, and it's up to Starlight to find out why.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Quite Possibly, The Best Hangover Ever!

After the events of that morning, you fall asleep only to find yourself waking up in a rather strange looking bedroom, an unexpected visitor but certainly most welcomed guest as an old friend comes to your aid one final time. And time isn't done with you yet in our sequel finalie of 'Quite possibly the best snuggle ever'.

Contains - No sex. Just straight up mush, smush and snuggly wuggly cuddly scenes.

Chapters (3)

(Second-person fic)

You are a school-age colt who hates Hearts and Hooves Day with a passion and wishes the holiday would leave as soon as it arrives. All that changes when you run into the local bully Diamond Tiara. You say something nice to her and suddenly your world starts to change...

EDIT: Featured on 3/9!
EDIT: Third Place Winner of the Poniverse Hearts and Hooves Day Contest!

Chapters (1)

You, a human, found yourself in one of the most unexpected places to be in, Equestria. While many would love the opportunity, you actually want to get back home to your world. Wither you find this to be a gift or a curse is beside the point as you are only given 24 hours to live in this world before returning home.

However, there is a way you can stay permanently; you'll have to make a friend. The downside is that for every friend you make, you'll become a little bit more like a pony.

So the question is; do you accept others and slowly lose your human identity, or will you retain your features by pushing others away?

A 'choose your own adventure' story that is influenced by 'Undertale'. You wont see any of the game characters, but you'll get a vague sense of the game by similar elements; like the branching routes. Each character you'll encounter will have a 'battle' style similar to a text based game (Quiz, Puzzle, ect).

This is meant to be read in one sitting, so make sure you have some free time before reading.

You better be friendly, otherwise.... you're gonna have a bad time.

Chapters (197)

Equestria is full of wonders, and one among them spent his life defending all others and now, at the end of his days, as his soul ascends the roots of Yggdrasil to the golden halls, he finds himself called upon again to see many more. Truth be told, a peaceful oblivion might have been preferable.

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to I Am Human, And That's All I Want To Be

A/N this is a sequel to my story I Am Human. It is not required reading for the sequel, but you may want to read it regardless. Also, I work as a PMC, so I don't get alot of free time. As a result, updates will likely be sporadic. Thanks.

A/N woo-hoo! Featured! Thanks for reading and the support!

Its been just over six years since your injury. You're not sure what happened but apparently while flying over the city you lost control and plummeted to the ground. Thanks to the Princess you were still alive but with no memory of your life before the incident. But lately, you have been plagued with dreams that seem so familiar.

Chapters (6)