Last minute shopping for her Nightmare Night costume leads Twilight Sparkle into a shop that's sells her a rather peculiar costume.

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diaper usage or diaper lover themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (1)

**The following is an alternate sequence of events different than those that happened in MLP:FiM, Season 4 Episode 17: Somepony to Watch Over Me. This story breaks away from the canon episode right in the scene where Apple Bloom confronts Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about her sister's constant babying of her.**

As an alternate avenue of events of Somepony to Watch Over Me, Applejack's babying of her sister goes too far and into an even more babyish territory. Apple Bloom's friends get dragged into it as a result.

Warning: Contains diapers, uses of diapers, and many other elements that others may deem ABDL~ish. Read at your own discretion.

Chapters (4)

Twilight having thoughts about foalhood decides to run an experiment with a new machine to find out what being an unborn foal would be like. She even gets a few of her friends to help with the project.

Collab with Foal Star
Not going to lie this one is pretty bizarre. Contains: Simulated pregnancy and womb chamber, and very light abdl themes but mostly about the womb thing.

Chapters (6)

All Twilight wanted was to spend an afternoon with her friends in what she had dubbed "a friendship retreat." She certainly wasn't wxpecting for her and her friends to be diapered and treated like babies. But, maybe it won't be all bad. Who knows? Maybe she and her friends can still bond and become closer despite the circumstances.

Story contains diapers, diaper usage, and ABDL themes.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is used to being a little unicorn - except now she's an alicorn, and she feels anything but little. Luckily she's got a way to make herself feel like the ittybitty filly she sees herself as, but can she keep it a secret from her marefriend for much longer? And when Applejack finds out, what will happen next?

CONTAINS: TwiJack, some background FlutterMac, ABDL, regression, and padded pony princess posteriors.

(I've taken a lot of inspiration from one of my favourite writers, Applejinx. I get the feeling this isn't their thing, but if you like wild, beautifully written plots with lots of clop and rudeness you might want to check out their stories! I never would have written this weirdo diaper novel without 'em! ;p)

Chapters (6)

Cocoa Powder and Dusty Tome, a pair of roommates in Manehatten, have some cute, diapered fun in the comfort of their home.

(Contains ABDL themes, ponies being cute and other fluff. You've been warned. Needlessly hateful comments or critiques that don't help will be ignored.)

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch has never been the best at being on time, being responsible, or even self-control. This, Octavia already knows and has dealt with it so many times. Now, after seeing her so broken, Octavia wants to help her to be free from it. With the help of an odd suggestion from Bon Bon and Lyra, addiction counseling, and some help from others, she might be able to do so.

Chapters (1)

Another day, another failed attempt to capture the baby dragon for Opaline. Feeling at her lowest after another scolding from Opaline, Misty knows just the way to cheer herself up.
Warning! Story contains diapers (but no use), and non-sexual moments of ageplay. If this upsets you, please progress no further.

Cover image by vitriolink.

Chapters (1)

After his ordeal with Mind Fission and his mind free of his control, Shining Armor returns to the Crystal Empire to investigate a tip given to him about his wife. Princess Cadance had been hiding her biggest secret from Shining Armor for years; never working up the courage to tell him, and now caught in a seemingly awkward position.

Warning: Contains mild ABDL themes and diapers

I wanted to explore relationship dynamics and self-acceptance barriers with this one; something one can relate to despite what kind of secrets are kept in relationships, or even friendships for that matter.

In this series, other ponies will undergo various issues of said variety.

Cover art by the lovely Plinkie Poi

Chapters (5)

After years under the rule of Queen Chrysalis, a changeling finally has enough and escapes the hive, hoping to leave his old life of trickery and deceit behind him. All the ponies he's lead along, all the lives he destroyed... All of it. He assumes a new role and hopes for a simple life in Ponyville as a new face, Wild Card.

Soon, however, he learns of a curious royal guard who leads a double life of their own, and he makes it his mission to try to help his new friend understand that leading a double life isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

[Contains Diapers, Inflation, Weight Gain and similar themes! You've been warned!]

This story was written as a gift for The Conflicted Writer. He did also did a lot of the editing and was a huge help and inspiration for me writing stories~ He also owns the OCs White and Princess! Please check out his work if you're into this sort of thing!

Chapters (4)