
When the sun rises, Canterlot will burn. That's what Moondancer has been hearing all night. She hates the false hope those words bring. They have failed her before.

Written for the A Thousand Words II contest, as Horror.

Special thank you's for Dewdrops on the Grass for pre-reading and EileenSaysHi for editing.

Chapters (1)

Rarity sees herself in the market. It's definitely her, but it appears to be only an illusion because nopony else sees it, and they can walk through it with no trouble. She thinks it's just a trick, but when it comes back again inside the Castle of Friendship, Rarity starts getting concerned, she asks Twilight about it, but Twilight detects nothing with her wards. What might these apparitions want, and how can she get rid of them?

Chapters (5)

The Last of the Time Lords. The Oncoming Storm. The Predator, those very names ring fear throughout the cosmos, and for good reason. Good men don't need rules, and there's a very good reason the Doctor has so many. Just coming off from a true Voyage of the Damned, the Doctor finds himself in one very new situation that he can safely say in all of his 900 years of living, he has never experienced before. Crash landing (Well okay, maybe that isn't quite so new at all for him.) in a land of talking ponies. And now he's one. Well, guess there's only one thing to do. Pretend he knows what he's doing and just do what he's been doing all his life. Run. Do a lot of running. And who knows, maybe he'll find a friend, and possibly more in the local Princess of the Sun. One thing to say to that, really. Allons-Y!

(A rewrite of Once a Time Lord, Now a Pony as it was meant to be, giving Ten and the MLP characters the written justice they deserved but I failed to give them in my first outing.)

Takes place directly after Voyage of the Damned for the Doctor, and Pre-Season One for MLP.

(Featured on 6/3/19)

Chapters (32)

Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns attracts the best and the brightest students, and correspondingly only hires the best and brightest faculty. Sometimes, the faculty are a little too smart for their own good.
This is a little slice of the multiverse, as perceived by Professor Rosen Bridge. This story is probably best categorized as science fiction.

Fair warning: I realize that there are one or two subtle hints at jokes in here and humorous wording, but despite my flimsy attempts at whimsy, this story deserves its dark tag, especially if you’re vulnerable to existential horror (is that a real thing?).
The T rating is mostly for the existential implications, which are related to suicide. There is no explicit gore except in the metalogue.
I’m serious I went for maximum edge it just doesn’t hit hard until the end m’kay?

Cover art credit is by this loser. They kind of suck so leave them some hatemail.

All chapters are mostly written aside from minor things that will be filled in by readers who enjoy getting homework from their fanfiction, and will be published every 3 days for 4 chapters.

Chapters (6)

Luna loves her daughter and will do anything to protect her filly.

She will fight every nightmare, destory every shadow that looms over her. Not matter the cost.

Chapters (2)

The town of Hollow Shades had been abandoned for a long, long time. With the recent defeat of the Pony of Shadows, Moondancer takes an interest in the place and manages to get Celestia to sponsor a trip there for her to try and acquire what's left of Hollow Shades' history.
Upon arrival, Moondancer thinks she's hit the jackpot early, and begins researching what she can from the scrolls and books left behind. Unfortunately, there's a sound on the wind, and she starts hearing things. Then, she starts seeing things.
Hollow Shades isn't abandoned, just filled with things that aren't ponies.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sleepless

Struck by grief after her daughter's death, Berry Punch tries to overcome her alcoholism.

Click here for sequels reading order, TVTropes page and other info.

Russian translation by repitter:

Chapters (1)

Wallflower tries repeatedly to murder Sunset. She doesn't expect Sunset to flirt back.

You get to choose the ending!

Written for The Sleepless Beholder as part of Hearthswriting 2021.

Original prompt:

Wallflower, as a cliche horror killer, tries to kill Sunset Shimmer for all the bullying she suffered during her time as queen b**** of CHS, but her mission becomes immensely difficult when Sunset, instead of being remotely scared, flirts with her in every encounter.

Thank you to Bicyclette, Sunlight Rays, iAmSiNnEr, and daOtterGuy for prereading. daOtterGuy also deserves thanks for the title as it was a fantastic suggestion.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Slender

Equestria is ruined. The Slender One's reach cannot be escaped and now the populations of entire cities have disappeared, vanished without a trace.

Even the princesses have left the ponies to their fate.

Big Macintosh returns to Ponyville with a team of like-minded ponies and one goal in his mind; to stop the evil once and for all.

Cover art by Swirling Line, of course.

Chapters (4)

I've killed a lot to get here. Time to do it again. This'll be funny.

Title Tribute.

Cover art by Seriff Pilcrow!

Chapters (1)