
Thousands of years ago, Equestria was a dark place. Safety was a resource few could afford, and fewer still could provide. The creatures of the night were no exception, and when it came time for them to band together, a single pony rose to lead them.

This cruel, unforgiving man came to be known as Count Dracula.

Some years later, tensions had calmed. A leader was still needed, but many grew spiteful towards the Count's harsh, violent means. Amongst those unhappy was his daughter, and after much hardship, the reign of Count Dracula came to an end.

Thus was born Lady Dracula.

Now, Equestria has changed again. No longer is it fraught with danger and distrust, and Dracula has come to a decision. It's time for her to step down, and make room for a new Dracula.

A kinder one.

This is set in the same universe as many of my other stories, seen here. None are necessary to read before this story, but they are there if you want them.

Use your discretion with regards to the gore and violence tags. It's a vampire story and I am not a subtle person. The tags are there for good reason.

Chapters (32)

The town of Hollow Shades had been abandoned for a long, long time. With the recent defeat of the Pony of Shadows, Moondancer takes an interest in the place and manages to get Celestia to sponsor a trip there for her to try and acquire what's left of Hollow Shades' history.
Upon arrival, Moondancer thinks she's hit the jackpot early, and begins researching what she can from the scrolls and books left behind. Unfortunately, there's a sound on the wind, and she starts hearing things. Then, she starts seeing things.
Hollow Shades isn't abandoned, just filled with things that aren't ponies.

Chapters (1)

Wallflower tries repeatedly to murder Sunset. She doesn't expect Sunset to flirt back.

You get to choose the ending!

Written for The Sleepless Beholder as part of Hearthswriting 2021.

Original prompt:

Wallflower, as a cliche horror killer, tries to kill Sunset Shimmer for all the bullying she suffered during her time as queen b**** of CHS, but her mission becomes immensely difficult when Sunset, instead of being remotely scared, flirts with her in every encounter.

Thank you to Bicyclette, Sunlight Rays, iAmSiNnEr, and daOtterGuy for prereading. daOtterGuy also deserves thanks for the title as it was a fantastic suggestion.

Chapters (4)

"Beware the Wyld things,
In the places Between.
For once they Know you,
You will never leave."

Fluttershy and Zecora follow Harry the bear into the depths of the Everfree Forest.

If the forest allows it, they may escape alive.

An entry in the Arboreal Yearnings contest.
A crossover with the video game Armello. Familiarity with the game is not required.
A branch in the Eventide multiverse.
Also check out author Patreon, Ko-Fi and commissions.

Chapters (5)



1. The extrasensory phenomenon of 'feeling' someone or something staring at you.

Chapters (1)

She couldn't remember how it had happened. The serenity of life on land had long been since stripped away, dragging her out to an endless sea which she couldn't escape. With nobody but herself, she was left to question what would find her first: Insanity, or death. For now she searches aimlessly, along an ocean of light and dark with no beginning and no end, with no purpose. Like it or not, a purpose will find her, one that will shake her sanity and grip on reality to it's very core.

The ocean is a strange mistress, calm as a summer day and vicious as a pack of wolves, it heeds the command of none.

"Oh, Ye great mysterious Shepard of waves...
Offer me your Secrets...
I turn my body from the sun...
And the great shroud of the sea...
Into the dark...deep..."

Chapters (5)

Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence take a trip to Dead Pony Lake(subtlety thy name is this fic) to go fishing. They get something allot more horrible then what they intended.

Based off the Lost Tapes T.V show. Might not wanna read this if you haven't seen it. It's told from a camera's POV so don't read it unless you know what you're getting into.

New cover by Nymbyte

Chapters (1)

From one lost of balance, Twilight Sparkle no clips out of her reality and finds herself in the backrooms. She ventures to find a way out while having an un-nerving feeling that someone or something is watching her…

Art By - JetXPegasus

Chapters (1)

When Applejack goes to deliver apple treats to a group meeting, she gets roped into a strange cult's plot to end the world. The pony who placed the order, Mina, seems excited for it, but Applejack doesn't quite want to die just yet, and she tries to escape both the dark lord, Mina, and her eventual fate as harbinger of doom.
Maybe, however, she'll make a new friend along the way.

Chapters (3)

For six months, Bruce Wayne has been stranded in Equestria. And for six months, he has desired only one thing: to return to Gotham City.

But Bruce Wayne's journey to Equestria was no act of chance. He soon finds that he was brought to Equestria for a reason, by something as dark and twisted as the minds of Arkham's most notorious inmates. With only Princess Luna to aid him, Batman will have to face a darkness beyond any he's fought before.

Chapters (4)