The Last of the Time Lords. The Oncoming Storm. The Predator, those very names ring fear throughout the cosmos, and for good reason. Good men don't need rules, and there's a very good reason the Doctor has so many. Just coming off from a true Voyage of the Damned, the Doctor finds himself in one very new situation that he can safely say in all of his 900 years of living, he has never experienced before. Crash landing (Well okay, maybe that isn't quite so new at all for him.) in a land of talking ponies. And now he's one. Well, guess there's only one thing to do. Pretend he knows what he's doing and just do what he's been doing all his life. Run. Do a lot of running. And who knows, maybe he'll find a friend, and possibly more in the local Princess of the Sun. One thing to say to that, really. Allons-Y!

(A rewrite of Once a Time Lord, Now a Pony as it was meant to be, giving Ten and the MLP characters the written justice they deserved but I failed to give them in my first outing.)

Takes place directly after Voyage of the Damned for the Doctor, and Pre-Season One for MLP.

(Featured on 6/3/19)

Chapters (32)

The Mane Six, Starlight, and Trixie are on their way to a party in Canterlot on a dark and stormy night...so naturally their carriage breaks down and their only possible place to seek shelter is a scary, potentially haunted castle.

Will they survive the night?

INTENDED for this to go up on Nightmare Night, but life decided to say 'nope, you don't get to put that out when you want to', but finally finished.

I admit, this is NOT a type of story I normally do, hope it came out well.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Chapters (1)

Content Warning: Horror and body integrity dysphoria. If you don’t want to read about body dysphoria/dysmorphia in a horror setting, skip this story. Transgender people, this warning is especially relevant.

On an otherwise calm morning, with Twilight out of town, Pinkie Pie has a revelation. 

She doesn’t feel like herself. She’s not sure if she wants to feel like herself, either.

She wants to be something different. Something… missing.

Written as an entry for Bike’s A Thousand Words Contest in the Grim category.

Also written for Bean’s Writing Group prompt 33, “Something is missing”.

With feedback from TheWanderingZebra, Arachne, MockingBirb, Shirlendra, and others. Thanks for your help!

Now with a youtube audio reading from The Mystery Fluttershy Fan.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie told Rainbow Dash there was a surprise in the basement. It's a cake, hidden where nopony else will find it. Or her.

A parody of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" written for EQD's More Most Dangerous Game Contest.

Reading by ShadowOfCygnus!

Chapters (1)

Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns attracts the best and the brightest students, and correspondingly only hires the best and brightest faculty. Sometimes, the faculty are a little too smart for their own good.
This is a little slice of the multiverse, as perceived by Professor Rosen Bridge. This story is probably best categorized as science fiction.

Fair warning: I realize that there are one or two subtle hints at jokes in here and humorous wording, but despite my flimsy attempts at whimsy, this story deserves its dark tag, especially if you’re vulnerable to existential horror (is that a real thing?).
The T rating is mostly for the existential implications, which are related to suicide. There is no explicit gore except in the metalogue.
I’m serious I went for maximum edge it just doesn’t hit hard until the end m’kay?

Cover art credit is by this loser. They kind of suck so leave them some hatemail.

All chapters are mostly written aside from minor things that will be filled in by readers who enjoy getting homework from their fanfiction, and will be published every 3 days for 4 chapters.

Chapters (6)

Semi-sequel to The Last Sparkle Before the Night. Reading not required.

Twilight Sparkle died. She died saving everypony from the changelings, slaying each and every one of them with a single spell. The results?

Regrets. Pain, suffering. No chance to say goodbye, no chance for anypony to say sorry. She left behind betrayals not forgiven, and not one pony was left unburdened by her sudden passing.

There is no such thing as a second chance. Unless something special happens.

After all; Death has its servants as well. And with somepony as special as Twilight Sparkle, perhaps it might see its way to asking for her services.

Death pays well, but asks for everything. Can Twilight find her chance, or will she turn into nothing more than a pawn of the end?

has a sequel: Once More, With Feeling

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Truth Behind My Little Pony

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hope and a world of fears
There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

-It's a Small World-Song

Special thanks to cowriter MisterNick for all his help.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Silent Ponyville

Octavia is being tormented by horrific nightmares. No longer able to deal with them by herself, she seeks out the help of her sister.

After all, Pinkie had suffered from nightmares just like this, so she must know how to get rid of them. But will that have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?

Silent Ponyville 4 is a DIRECT sequel to Silent Ponyville . You do not have to have read Silent Ponyville 2 or 3 to understand this story as events from those stories are not referenced. Spoilers for Silent Ponyville if you don't read it first.

Significant Note: The Silent Ponyville Universe follows a pre-Season 2 headcanon that Pinkie Pie and Octavia were sisters (as Octavia's colors looked very similar to Marble Pie's as a filly). So sorry if that is confusing to newcomers to the story!

Audio Book Version Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbRIyRQZ9Iw

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Truth Behind My Little Pony

"I turned away as I heard a sickening tearing of cloth and flesh… only cared about getting away. Above the doorway out of this room, I saw the final message clawed into the metal with bone or fingernails…"
"They didn’t want anyone like me getting in."
"They didn't want anything like that getting out."
-Abandoned by Disney. by Slimebeast (Creepypasta)

Prequel to Why I stopped Watching My Little Pony

Artwork Done by the amazingly talented Maii. Follow her on fimfic to see some of her great work and her devianArt page KKrazi-DV
Cowritten by the talented MisterNick
Preread by the talented and beautiful LyraAlluse
Follow them all as they are wonderful people.

Chapters (1)

The days grow colder. The sun hasn't been seen in the sky for over a decade now. Summer has been lost. Ponies set sail from the old world to the new world. A land where summer still comes, food still grows, and green sprawls where it may.

A colt born in the harsh ice of the old world wishes to see the sun again. In hopes that he might find it, that he might find freedom in the new world, he boards a ship to take him there. He learns much and more in the four months the voyage lasts, but at the same time, he loses something he once held dear.

It matters not where he goes, for even here, the sky is white.

Cover art by SliberSternenlicht. Turn around time was about a day from asking for the art, paying, and getting it back. If you've got some extra cash, give her some work, she's worth it.

Initially written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest 24: Braided Tails/Sunless Winter.

Chapters (7)