
The day-to-day efforts made by Spike seem to go unnoticed by Twilight as she is too caught up in her advanced studies to always be praising her young charge for his efforts. This causes both to feel bothered by each other's inability to understand what is needed to be the perfect pair they were back in Canterlot.

The situation is nearing a boiling point when Twilight is sent a mysterious draconic artifact to study on behalf of Princess Celestia. Perhaps researching the strange stone will aid in rekindling their bond?


Cuddle Hooves

Chapters (8)

A sort of poem about the struggles of littles and what their caregivers see when they look at them. But it can be interpreted in other ways, since it isn't specific.

this is a kind of love letter to the ABDL fics I have done and the characters in them, and to the community itself.

Intended to be a dialogue between the following sets of characters (Because THEY DON'T LET US HAVE ENOUGH TAGS):
Spike and Twilight
Smolder and Silverstream
Thunderlane and Mesma
Rainbow Dash and her parents/Spitfire
Luna and Celestia
Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash

Chapters (2)

After her return from the moon and subsequent defeat at the hooves of the mane six, Luna is taken by her sister to Canterlot where the beginning of her reform awaits. She wrestles with guilt, shame, and regret, but with the help of her sister she manages to find new ways to cope.

Warning, this story contains ABDL themes including forced diapering, public humiliation, spanking, wet and messy diapers, and more which may be intense in nature. Please do not proceed if you dislike stories of this kind.

This is my first story on here, and I would love constructive criticism.

Edit: Thank you guys for all the support and feedback! I’m so excited about how interested you guys are in this story and I really love reading and responding to your comments! If you have any suggestions you can add those to the comments too!

Edit 2: 5 years in the future, and this has needed a desperate revision. I cleaned up a lot of words and phrases, and added more context and emotion for the characters of Chapter 1.

Comment anything you’d like to see changed so far for any chapter as I’m probably going to update the rest of the chapters. In the next few weeks

Chapters (9)

Rocky Roads is a shy Stallion who has a secret hobby but has always been too embarrassed to find somepony to care for him. Needless to say, it is quite a surprise and delight when Pinkie Pie shows up to babysit.

Proof-reading did by PIinkBrony12
Written for a friend of mine, who also made the cover art. His artwork here
ABDL themes,

Chapters (1)

This is my first try at a My Little Pony fanfiction. There contains ABDL content and light sexual content. The story is of Rainbow Dash becoming comfortable with being an ABDL around her friends. This also contains Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash, and a few other shipping's that will be revealed later. If you enjoyed it, please comment to let me know that way I can continue writing it. If you don't want to do that annoying bit of work, a like is also very helpful. Either way, hope you all enjoy it!
-Your's truly,
The New guy: Ironskeleton444

Chapters (1)