Quiver Quill is a lonesome stallion with a dream of being a writer, one that has been squashed by circumstance and all but smothered as he works a job that depresses him simply to make ends meet. A chance meeting with a princess, however, may help him to lift his spirits, and perhaps make some friends.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (1)

No singing, no baking, no parties, no smiling.

The accident five years ago didn't just drive a wedge between Pinkie Pie and her friends, it stole her very identity. She had no choice but to move back home, to a hard life of farming rocks and managing her condition. Since then, she's built her family's farm into a successful corporation and the backwater town of Big Rock into a bustling city. But none of that gives her purpose.

When a new danger arises, threatening everything she's worked for an everypony she loves, will Pinkie be able to do what's necessary to save them? Or will her demons finally overtake her?

Note: The Crossover tag is a spoiler, but this story should be accessible to most readers. Comments that discuss the crossover and spoilers for the story without [ spoiler ] tags will be deleted!

5th place finalist in the May 2014 writeoff, "Beneath the Mask". Artwork by zanefir-dran!

Chapters (1)

Drake, a mysterious human who arrived in Equestria via a Hell Gate, dies due to unknown causes shortly after his arrival. However, with his death being witnessed by an ominous unicorn who is known for dabbling in the forbidden arts of soul collecting. Drake is revived by having his very soul placed into the body of a recently deceased dragon.

With the transportation having been possibly successful without any symptoms, that he knows of. Drake must now figure out the means of how he had gotten to Equestria, his cause of death, and these strange unknown memories that he keeps witnessing.

((Cover image is only temporary as of now, still trying to find something better))

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle wakes to a wasteland. Equestria as she knows it has been destroyed. Her friends have scattered to the winds.

Twilight must find out what happened, where the Princesses have gone and what has happened to her friends. To do that, she must fight through a toxic gas that has changed ponies into something unrecognizable. Have her friends survived at all?

There's a dark secret behind all of this, and in a journey that heralds only pain and turmoil, does Twilight really want to know the truth? Or are some things best kept close to a pony's chest?

Chapters (8)

It has been a hundred years since Equestria has registered with the Cornerian Army. During that time technology on Equestria has increased at an astronomical pace. New buildings, new vehicles and new species now walk with ponies.

But along with the new technology comes a promise. A promise for those who wish to leave Equestria and travel to the stars beyond. To explore the vastness of space and protect it from those that seek to do it harm.

Slipstream is the first of two ponies from Equestria to join the ranks of the Cornerian pilots. So she will be the first to see that the heavens are far more dangerous than any would have believed. That it is a place of criminals, thieves...and mercenaries.

Chapters (5)

Wherein unreasonably well-groomed Vikings crash a wedding.

Cover art by Maxima. Written for the Pride and Positivity event.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo, an orange pegasus filly. A cutie mark crusader and a wiz on her scooter. What else is known about her? Nopony is certain of where she came from and why it seems that she and her mother Clear Skies just vanish sometimes. What if the truth about Scootaloo is even more unbelievable then anypony thought. What if in reality there is no Scootaloo.
What if, what if the flightless pegasus...
Was somepony everypony loved and respected.
How would everypony react if they knew the truth.
About the alicorn in pegasus coating.
The Alicorn named, Celestia

Awesome artwork done by my talented friend!

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis was broken and defeated. Had she not come across a loving mother and child, she would be dead. But she need to feed, and thus an idea struck her.

(This is a tie in with both Resistance: Equestria and Chaotica.)

Chapters (12)

Deep in the Everfree Forest, a brilliant golden light is shining through the darkness of the beautiful night and in its warm glow lay a being not from this world. After a moment the light dissipated and this being began to move. Not knowing what happened, he lifts up his head from the cold earth below and opens his eyes and thoughts of panic begin to rush into his head...

This is my very first fanfic and in all honesty have close to no idea what I'm doing...this should be fun...
So please read, review, and most of all criticize

Chapters (13)

Applejack has taken a job on Earth, and agrees to host the Crusaders for a visit. When an emergency comes up, the fillies are left to take care of themselves.

A comedy.

Chapters (6)