Rainbow Dash and Rarity are on their way to an crossbow and archery tournament. They meet a strange creature along the way who tags along.

Chapters (3)

What would you do if you knew everything, about everyone, just by looking in their eyes? Every dirty secret, every happy moment, their very soul laid bare for you to see. Could you keep your sanity? I don’t have much of a choice, if I go crazy, I don’t know that I can do anything to stop it. But, maybe someone else can. You see, there’s this filly, and she drives me up the walls, but I followed her through a door that doesn’t want to close. Thing is, I’m not sure if I want it to.

What would you risk for the chance to have a friend? How many doors would you cross? I'm about to find out.

Original Editors: Flink Brony, CMC4TW and Benprodemo
Original art done by: tryhardbrony

Note this story was previously canceled and has now been revived.

Chapters (7)

Sunset Shimmer is homeless and living in an old abandoned warehouse with no power and a leaky roof with almost nothing to her name, not even her favorite jacket after it was destroyed during the Fall Formal. With the school closed down for the holiday and her so called friends too caught up in their own holiday plans they don't realize Sunset not only doesn't have any...but she has no place to get food with the school closed.

Going to a close by community center Christmas Eve to get a hot meal they were giving the homeless and those down on their luck, Sunset runs into the family of the last person she expected to see there...

Chapters (1)

Cover provided by Kadlawuvswubs
Pre-Reading and other assistance by: Pseudonymous, Changeling 38, Luna Secret Stallion, Cobalt Blur, Omnicron25, and SPark

For the past few months Equestria has watched as the Griffon Kingdoms have been united by a single, powerful, warlord. The celebration of peace with the Changelings has been cut short as the rest of the continent has seen itself rapidly unravel under the weight of the griffons militancy. Parliament has been called, and the nation will soon decide the path it will tread.

The changelings bear the first assault in the opening barrage, but this is not the only problem facing them. Their origins, and what it means to really be a changeling, weighs heavily on the changeling ambassador as he grapples not only with the survival of his people through the war, but what their future will hold in store

Soon they will have to face them on the field, and there will be no turning back. What the Griffons really want, and how Equestria and the changelings will stop them, remains to be seen.

Note: Shorts are in a wobbly chronological order. Each separate will have holes in them, but all together them form a coherent chronological structure.

Pictures of characters, because why not:
First Class, wife of Wildcard.
Wildcard himself.
Medulla, the changeling leader.

Guest art also by Omnicron25

Chapters (51)

Pregnant with twins, Queen Chrysalis is trying to save her race.

Is the father going to help care for his children?

Will the changelings ever be accepted by ponies?

I was trying to write a one-shot, somewhere along the lines it turned into something greater.
I am going to work on the sequel when I feel like it.

Cover art by Midnight Sonare. Middy is amazing at his art, so check him out.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Chase

The city of Vanhoover is having the worst winter storm in generations as Mignon Croix has to make his way home from the grocery store. Along the way home, he finds something that will change his life forever, but only if he will take the chance.

Reading The Chase is helpful but not necessary to enjoy this story.

Chapters (8)

By day, Rarity works as an immensely talented fashionista with a knack for fitting customers into amazing outfits. By night, she takes on the identity of the fanficiton author extraordinaire known as 'SilentRainbows' on PISfiction. Silent, an obsessive fanmare of 'My Little Human: Progress Is Scientific', has a knack for steamy shipping, fitting characters into the most erotic situations. She playfully chats with her followers, but one other author in particular, going by the name 'The-Big-Humie' or TBH, has a talent for leaving sweet comments and writing tender scenes that leaves her swooning.

Rarity can't take her budding friendships and possible romance very far, feeling so odd towards these semi-anonymous users that still represent real flesh and blood ponies. She sets up a clandestine get-together between some of PISfiction's most prolific authors. She vows to herself to find TBH and turn these online erotic fantasies into a wonderful reality.

I came up with this fanfic out of a request by RandomPerson. It's currently rated 'teen' for 'not yet'. The excellent story 'The Moony Maiden' by Dubs Rewatcher in particular gave some great inspiration, as did many other stories, too many to name. Thanks for reading.

Chapters (7)

Equus has been overrun by a combination of changelings and hoards of parasprites. Equestria remains the only remaining bright spot left on the planet. Princess Celestia is confronted with a terrible choice. In order to save her little ponies along with many refugees from across Equus, she must sacrifice the population of a world which has done nothing against her.

However the planet that the equestrians find themselves on is not as doomed as they first believed.

a MLP:FIM/ DCU crossover

Chapters (2)

Nightlight And Twilight Velvet have always tried to do right by others. So, when they found an orphaned colt had been left at their door, they knew right away to take him in out of the cold. How could they ever know what dangers that shadowy night would hold? After being adopted by them, Night Shadow is given all the love and care a colt of his age would need, even managing to get into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the same school that his elder sister Twilight Sparkle attended. Then one day, he's given the chance to live with his sister again in her new home in Ponyville, witnessing first hand all the different adventures she and her friends go on. What is in store for this stallion, and how will he react to all the dangers that now await him?

Rewrite has been started: The Mage's Brother: Redux

Chapters (5)

I have been branded a criminal for a crime I have no recollection of committing. The transgression of which I'm accused is evidently heinous enough that my friends, my family, and the rest of Equestria have turned against me. I want to say that I didn't do it, that it wasn't my fault, but I can't. The only thing I can say in my defense is that if the deed was truly done by my hoof, then it was done due to circumstances beyond my control.

I say this because I can't remember. I say this because I'm not allowed to remember. I say this because my mind is no longer my own. It belongs to the voice, you see. It crawled into my head one day—poured cruel and malicious words into my brain. I tried to fight it but it grew and grew and grew until was powerful enough to seep into my memories, my limbs, my magic. Now it won't let me go. It's taken my mind and body away from me. It does terrible things and hides the truth from me.

I am not mad, but under these circumstances what else can I do but plead insanity?

The events described take place before Season 1.

Chapters (8)