
Solutions to war, famine, disease and societal collapse are not easily happened upon. For Celestia and Luna, the solution was a mystery for eons, until their top six battle mages forged a plan from their very essence. To unite their absolute individual powers into one worthy host. One who could put an end to the horrors plaguing the budding nation of Equestria.

Only one pony was ever worthy. His deeds and heroism ultimately culled evil and hatred from Equestria and allowed peace to reign. After this achievement, the power vanished of its own accord upon the natural death of its wielder.

However, it seems that something in the shadows has provoked the lost power's return in the form of a new carrier, and she's going to find out her true destiny through a series of literal trials by fire.

(Updated on 3/1/2019, I'm ashamed that its been almost 5 years since my last chapter update...)

This is my take on the origin of "Super Rainbow Dash." Shout out to the creator of Super Rainbow Dash, Super Klonoa. My apologies for not finding out who you were sooner!

Thanks to unexpectedly high ratings, this story has been moved from an experimental work to a full production. Edited by the Awesome Amazing Regular... uh.. "Solid" SolidFire.

Chapters (14)

Mael had always been a valuable asset to the holy war, even before he became an archangel. With his elder brother, Ludociel, being signed in as Stigma's new leader after his parents were killed in battle, Mael became one of the main targets of the demon race and ones who opposed stigma's ideologies. Ludociel loved his brother more than his own life, he didn't want Mael to grow up with the trauma's of the holy war, and being so active in the war, Ludociel wasn't home much for his little brother, and when he was he was usually to tired to care for him. Knowing that this life would bring a bad upbringing for his little brother, Ludociel and his two closest friends, Sariel and Tarmiel, who were not yet archangels, used a spell in secret to banish Mael from this world so he wouldn't have to grow up in war.

Meanwhile, in a parallel world, one of peace and little strife. A ruler of a great nation was mourning for her sister in her garden. Celestia knew that her sister wouldn't return for a long time and only had one wish, for someone to fill the void in her heart that appeared when she banished her sister, when she found a small alicorn colt who had 4 wings.

Other info:
Rated T for mentions of war through the story.
Cover art is Mine, I finally made some cover art, I also posted it on Derpibooru
~370 years before the main story.
Mael is about 4 years old at the beginning
Ludociel is about 19-20 years old
My first attempt at a 'Momlestia' fanfic.
Most importantly, contains a ponified member of the goddess race.

Featured 4/27/21

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle was a daughter to Nightlight and Twilight Velvet, a sister to Shining Armor, and a student to Princess Celestia. That was who she was, nothing more and nothing less.

However, on the longest day of the thousandth year, her world will change forever. A secret kept even from her will be revealed and her life will be forever changed.

A different take on the Nightmare Moon incident with a slightly darker outcome.

I'm not sure where the cover came from. If you do, please let me know. Cover art belongs to rosahadoodle

Chapters (1)

Warning: The following story is currently unedited and contains dark humor, an odd set up for a practical joke among immortal Princesses, whom one of them will no doubt go crazy, random things before she thinks she "kicks the bucket."

It just might be the most ingenious prank that Princess Luna has ever conceived. A simple one at that. All she had to do was to bribe her sister's most trusted doctor to tell her that she's dying. With only about a week left, Celestia then decides that she will spend her last eight days doing the crazy, immature, random and funniest things that she could think of while preparing for her own funeral.

Chapters (9)

The Great and Powerful Trixie is a proud and impulsive mare, which has gotten her into trouble more than once. This time, she has rashly promised to enter the dreaded Everfree Forest in order to discover the nature and intentions of a strange pony skulking within.

At least she won’t have to go alone.

Final edits and revisions (hopefully) finished on 08/11/20.

This is a side story to A Demon In Equestria. While it can be read alone, it will make more sense if you read Demon first.

Please note that while this story occurs entirely in the world of Equestria, the setting has been heavily influenced by Dungeons & Dragons and the Pathfinder system.

Proofreading by Squeakerspeaker. Cover art courtesy of Ambris and used with permission.

Chapters (2)

The queen of the Everfree Kingdom, after years without children, gives birth to two twins. To her horror, the first is a draconequus, a hideous beast with mismatched parts, which she flings out into the forest in shock and disgust.

But when her second son, a perfectly normal and handsome pony, tries to find a bride, the fully-grown draconequus refuses to let him leave until he is married first.

Bride after bride they give him vanishes, until finally, a simple peasant pegasus, Fluttershy, is forced into the role. But perhaps, with some advice from a good friend, she can uncover a hidden heart of the beast.

Based on "The Bride of the Lindorm King".

Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily! [Link]

In the wake of a great tragedy, Celestia opens up, and, for the first time, tells her own story. For the first time, she tells what happened with Discord and King Sombra. And, for the first time, she tells what it's like to have to give up everything she's ever had, everything she's ever wanted, everything she's ever dreamed of--all of it, for the good of Equestria.

Please note: this is an "AU-ish" fic--that is, it sticks to canon in most respects, except when it doesn't. :twilightsmile:

Unfortunately, not planning on continuing this story arc [Blog Post]. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless!

Rated Teen for mild language.

Thanks to Eruantalon, CCC_037, and Rainb0w_Dashie for proofreading.
Awesome art by Alanymph. Go check 'em out!
Original cover art, also by Alanymph.

Chapters (23)

On the eve of the Gulf War, a US Navy ship sails through an intense storm and into a different world.

Equestria and the other members of the United Lands are attempting to remove the dragons from their encroachment into Zebrica, but diplomacy is failing. While nopony wants a war, it appears that there might be no other option.

Captain John Mittal and the rest of the sailors aboard USS Wisconsin have some tough political and ethical choices to make. This isn't their fight, but can they stand by while the rest of the world prepares for war?

Chapters (8)

"My father always told me, “Life is full of paths. Be careful in which ones you choose.” I’ve always found meaning in that message, but looking back I came to my own conclusion. Instead of multiple paths, I figured that maybe life is just one path."

Chapters (7)

Cynical noble who hates everything.
Royal guard with big potential and a lot to learn.
Big, simple farmer with heart of gold.
Crazy self proclaimed time traveler.
Hotblooded, always second weather manager.
Expert lover and clumsy celebrity flier.

These six stallions will have to band together and discover true power of Elements of Harmony and Friendship to save Equestria from everlasting night.
New NEW cover art provided by ScarletCommenter.

Now has a TV Tropes page!

Chapters (23)