Welcome, my little pony, to the happy home I've carved out far beneath the earth. Please forgive the mess, guests don't drop by very often and I've been here in the dark alone for so many, many, many years.

Dedicated to centipedes because they are super cute.

Chapters (1)

Medusa is like every other seapony. She's just a little ill, right now.

This story was written for the Thousand Words Story Contest, Horror Category. It placed somewhere. The coverart is an image by Cahan

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders use an artifact to contact a spirit from beyond the grave. They reach a spirit with useful advice.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been having nightmares for the past month. Every night, her dreams are filled with unspeakable horrors, and it all started when she'd received news that King Sombra had been captured and brought to the dungeons below Canterlot castle.

To conqueror your fears, you must face them first, and that is precisely what Twilight means to do.

Rated T for mature themes.

Chapters (1)

It's been a long time since Fluttershy was afraid to venture into the Everfree Forest. When Rarity needs star spider silk for Twilight's coronation dress, she's happy to help. All it will take is a simple trip into the secluded grove they call home.

Second place in Quills and Sofas Speedwriting's Spookfest contest.

CW: Spiders. Lots of spiders.

Chapters (1)

Things aren't going well for Twilight. Celestia seems to be upset with her, things are starting to make less sense, and she keeps seeing that face in the mirror.

Written for a Quills and Sofas speedwriting contest, under a one hour time crunch.
Cover Art by NovelAI.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always wondered why no one ever seems to do anything about Diamond Tiara's behavior. It's as if she's invisible or something.

But the CMC are about to learn that the real reason is something they could never have imagined. Diamond Tiara has been dead for a while. But that can only mean one thing, Diamond Tiara is a ghost.

Now the three blank flanks must find out why Diamond Tiara is haunting Ponyville and why she has not left the land of the living. And they'd better be fast, if they can't find a reason soon Diamond Tiara will remain a ghost forever!

Cover image courtesy of ShootingRainbowStar13.

(Tagged Alternative Universe because obviously Diamond Tiara will still be alive and kicking in Season 4.)

Chapters (5)

Rarity's obsession with loving and protecting her little sister goes too far.

Pre-reading by TimberWolf65
[Now approved by Twilight's Library!]
[Based on a dream.]

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is one of the best spirit mediums in Equestria. Ponies from all over the land have called upon her at one time or another to communicate with or dispel beings from the other side. On one particular night, Pinkie and her faithful assistants are called to a lonely cottage in an otherwise deserted part of Equestria. The owner wants Pinkie to get rid of a spirit who has taken up residence there. What unfolds as a result is nothing like what they expected.

Chapters (1)

The Mareconi Wireless Radio. A brand-new invention that allows messages to be sent to ships at sea without the need of magic. It is but a novelty, only being available at the Manehattan Harbor and on a few select vessels.

This newfangled nonsense would be put to very good use one calm night. As I was just about to finish cleaning and shut everything down, a message came through the wireless that, for the first time ever, made my blood run cold.

"CQD CQD SOS Titanic Position 41.44 N 50.24 W. Require immediate assistance. Come at once. We struck an iceberg. Sinking"

Chapters (2)