"I loved her so much, but even I knew what the outcome would be despite what I did or told myself. I didn't want to believe it. I tried so hard not to, but in the end, I knew what I had to do. I had to free the one I love of the monster that controlled her."

Follows the events of "Bats!" An idea I've had in mind for a long while, just couldn't write it out correctly, until now! Flutterdash based as well! :P

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Canterlot Bridge

Equestria's Dark Universe

Autumn Blaze is welcomed to Ponyville by her new friends, including none other than Princess Celestia. However, when something makes Autumn angry and loses her cool, it's up to her friends to remind her that she isn't a monster, but one of their best friends.

Proofreader/editor: cccvvvttt
Image owned by: Linvidia

Contains sustained threat

Thanks for getting this story over 1,000 views! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, as I have been busy with college and other IRL situations.

Chapters (6)

A Wondercolt is in a coma after disappearing at a party, and all the evidence points to the Shadowbolts. However, a mad genius from Everton Independent Study believes that something far more sinister is afoot. Can she and her friends solve this mystery before the bridges built at the Friendship Games burn down completely?

Special Thanks

The Albinocorn - Tag. You're it. Mermaid Sunny when?

Gleaming Penny - This would not be possible without your help. Thank you

Heartshine - Thank you for helping me stay grounded in my genres.

The Attic Dwellers - Thanks for everything. Especially the Latin. Moony’s right, Latin’s the worst.

The Abyssal Voices - Always appreciated, folks. Thanks for being you, and putting up with my endless revision questions.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Why I stopped watching My Little Pony

"The Diabolical sometimes assumes the aspect of the Good, or even embodies itself completely in its form. If this remains concealed from me, I am of course defeated, for this Good is more tempting than the genuine Good."
-Franz Kafka

Artwork Done by the amazingly talented Maii. Follow her on fimfic to see some of her great work and her devianArt page KKrazi-DV
Co-written with the incredible MisterNick. I suggest following him as he writes fantastic stories.

Also check out the prequel story Flutterschmooze

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drink Your Milk, Sweetie

At a Canterlot psychiatric institution, Sweetie Belle comes to understand that rescue never meant salvation. There is no "happily ever after."

Gore tag for part of Chapter 2.

Chapters (3)

On the day of his breakup with yet another mare, Braeburn finds an eye in his bathroom mirror. Naturally, this leads to speaking to an eldritch abomination, a ritual, and... even love?

This story was written as part of a gift exchange by reviewers for the Reviewer's Mansion group, as a gift for Firefoxino.

I'm not sure what Lovecraftian fever dream induced this story, but I apologize in advance.

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee is a wonderful teacher. It’s what her students say, it’s what the parents say, and, most importantly, it’s what her cutie mark says. 

But what happens when one’s purpose, one’s whole meaning of life, is no longer there? 

What is a teacher without a class to teach?

What is Cheerilee now?

Written for Mushroom in the Quills and Sofa Secret Santa Gift Exchange of 2022.

Cover art by me! If you are an author and would like cover art, send me a dm!

Chapters (1)

Warning: The following story you are about to read is currently unedited and contains some disturbing themes that may be too sensitive for readers. Viewer discretion is advised.

Editorial, a journalist for The Manehattan Times is tasked to go to one of the most haunted places in Equestria. In particular, to investigate a bridge that connects Ponyville to Appaloosa. Over the Gastly Gorge, when the moon is absent and the sky is dark, the location is known as "The Bridge of No Return" because those who dare to cross it end up disappearing. Even if there wasn't a paranormal reason for the disappearances, the reporter is determined to find the real reason why.

This is his findings.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A lamb to slaughter

Ocellus learns more than just skiing from Double Diamond.

CW: blood, minor/clinical discussion of gore, dissection, death, and skiing accidents

Thank you to Zontan, Red Parade, Wishcometrue, Drider, The Hat Man, Seer,
Atom Smash, AshleyNoble, Exodd, Mushroom, Applezombi, Twinsez, Undome Tinwe, applejackofalltrades, Grand Moff Pony, Emotion Nexus, Lost in Fandom, Holtinater, Decaf, Vis-a-Viscera, Equus, and thank you especially to Shaslan for writing the original.

Written for the Expanding Universes 2 contest for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group. The prompt was for each of us to submit a story, and then someone else would write a prequel or a sequel to it, expanding the story as we see fit. We're on Discord here if you'd like to join us.

Chapters (1)