Everything comes at a cost. Somewhere along the lines of her impersonations and machinations, Queen Chrysalis forgot that, but it didn't take long for Fate to remind her. Canterlot is hers, and soon all of Equestria will fall under her rule, but deep beneath the ground on which her new throne sits is the one who paid the price for her perfect day.

Chrysalis owns Equestria, but Twilight Sparkle is as close to death as one can be: frozen in time, a fraction of a second before her soul would have vacated her mortal shell forever, and hidden in the Crystal Caves until Chrysalis can think of a way to save her.

But the new Queen of Equestria has more problems to deal with than one near-dead unicorn: elsewhere in the world, Princess Luna is gathering forces to drive her out, whilst wheels within wheels turn inside Chrysalis's own government and in the frozen north, an Empire and the tyrant who banished it grow closer to returning by the day.

Note For New Readers: Whilst this story is cancelled, I will be writing another with the same base premise in the near future. A blog post for this version will be posted to notify you when the redo is on site.

Chapters (7)

After a millennium of imprisonment, Princess Luna has returned, yet not in her entirety. A significant shard of her essence remains lost, shrouded in darkness. The darkness that gains the power to corrupt, to twist the very fabric of reality.

She finds herself in an unfamiliar world, her own mind struggling to adapt to the changes around her. Who can she trust and what unseen powers have waited for her to return?

Let the unfolding tale reveal the answers she seeks!


Hi thanks for checking out my story! This is my first fan fic and I want to try to make it good🌛 Please let me know if you have any advises/comments on my writing or story plot thx! and have a nice day/night!

Chapters (8)

Twilight finds herself saddled with looking after a weird unicorn colt and his talking pet ermine. The new pony insists that he is actually a human mage from another place, brought here by something he calls "the darkness". Yet it seems like he can barely cast any spells at all. Now, with strange creatures running about, and her friends acting odd, Twilight will have to make a decision whether or not to believe his crazy stories or not. And what exactly is this "pactio" thing the ermine keeps going on about? Wait... what do you mean it involves kissing?!

Comments are always welcome. Please note that this is a crossover of the SECOND Negima series, which was the more lighthearted one. A basic understanding of the anime/manga is recommended before reading this story in order to avoid confusion. This fic is not to be taken seriously.

Cowritten by the the stupendous HellRyden.

Chapters (13)


Ever found yourself walking on a park, falling into a wormhole, and waking up on Equestria? Were you a common pony living your life, and suddenly woke up chained on a basement?

Don't worry, because the new subdivision of secret things is here to help you!

And relax; in the end, you'll not remember a thing about it.

Chapters (5)

Deciding that Fluttershy did such a great job with Discord, Celestia sends King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, and Gilda to Ponyville to be cured of their villainous ways. All of this as Ponyville runs to win 'nicest village of the year' award for the thirteenth time running, while trying not to win the 'most disaster prone village of the year' award. Discord couldn't be more amused.

It's a hectic time for the mane six and a terrible time to be the mayor of Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's life is about to become much more complicated. Days away from the culmination of the path she's been walking since she got her cutie mark, she's beginning to wonder what that may mean for her and her friends.

As they all try to enjoy what may be the last day they can all simply hang out together for a long time, a group of strange creatures appears out of nowhere after a magical mishap, further complicating her life. However, when the gravest threat she's ever faced rears its ugly head, Twilight learns that sometimes the only thing more useful than friends... is a party.

Alright, everyone please roll for initiative.

A love letter to the people from my Dungeons & Dragons: Curse of Strahd game which recently concluded: Captain Unstoppable, TheNumber25, Aquaman, and our lovely DM who wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you for over two years of adventure, heart, humor, and doing our best to drive the DM insane. You fucking mad lads.

Please see postmortem blog for a bit of backstory.

Chapters (2)

Author's Note: Unfortunately, some people have failed to realize this: This trilogy takes place in a quasi-steampunk alternate Equestria, where tensions are much higher, and as such, weapons technology has progressed much further. Sorry to have to post this, but Equestria Daily rejected this based on 'believability issues', and I'm still a bit bitter about that.

When Unicorn extremists assassinate the twin Princesses and decimate Canterlot, Equestria falls apart at the seams. Each of the three races gathers their own and declares war on one another in a desperate bid to achieve ultimate dominance - as well as control over the fabled Elements of Harmony.

Rainbow Dash is now a member of the Wonderbolts, who have been assimilated by Pegasus military leadership and converted into a special operations task force, trusted with only the most insane and dangerous of objectives. Fire follows Rainbow Dash as her conviction, strength, and allegiances are tested time and again, and as she is forced to make choices that could seal the fate of those she loves - or of the Pegasus race as a whole.

Note: This trilogy takes place in an alternate universe, where Equestria is at a significantly higher technological level than in the show (televisions, explosives, advanced firearms etc.) and racial tensions between the three pony races were much higher to begin with. I felt the fundamental differences between the show and this story spoke for themselves in regards to Fire taking place in an alternate universe, but that clearly wasn't enough for some people, given a few of my readers have gotten after me about the technology level. Hopefully I won't have to address this again.

This is part one of a trilogy; you can find the latter parts here.
Part Two, Vengeance:
Part Three, The Cross:

Chapters (1)

A "Ponified" version of the classic motion picture. I've seen the other fics of this movie, but wanted to write my own.

The Mane Six are summoned to a mysterious island to sign off on a special theme park being built there by the Manehattan mogul, Applejack's Uncle Orange. With the CMCs in toe as well, they find themselves in a biological preserve where super genetic science has resurrected the great extinct creatures, the dinosaurs. The ponies are skeptical yet enthralled by the giant creatures until Derpy Hooves with schemes of her own shuts the park down, and the dinosaurs escape. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash become stranded in the park with the CMCs, while Twilight and Fluttershy struggle to turn the system back on and save their friends. It's an adventure in friendship 65 million years in the making.

A fanfic based on the movie, rather than the novel. I've added some original parts as well.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Company We Keep

Sombra is by no means an easy opponent. He is a wild card who often employs manipulative ways, among other equally bizarre strategies that are a perfect reflection of his insanity and mysterious nature. After all, how many ponies can cheat death like he did?

How many ponies can cheat death forever?

Sombra certainly thinks he can.

Book Four of Sombra's Odyssey. Formerly titled '神の一手'. Lovely art by Rocket Lawn Chair. Old cover art may be found here. Text added by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page! The story title is a term that can be defined here. Proofread by anonymous user.

Chapters (20)

My name is Ru'dehm Lekishael, although my best friend calls me by the nickname "Red Delicious." Who is my best friend? Some... magical tiny horse named Applejack. She's faithful and strong. She also wears a hat.

I'm not sure what brings her to Tamriel, but she never asks why I left Hammerfell for the frozen heart of Skyrim, so... that's perfectly fine by me. It's not easy trying to scrape a living here in Whiterun, but having AJ with me makes it bearable. She looks after me and I look after her. Along the way we take out a few bandits and bounties, and that's enough to make the both of us feel accomplished.

All things considered, I really can't complain. We've got a pair of sleeping mats at the Bannered Mare, and the Nords around here are kind enough... every other Morndas or Tirdas, that is. But we're starting to get used to them; we have to. After all, it's 4E 201, the start of a new century. What's the worst that could happen?

Chapters (5)