Princess Luna is slowly recovering from her thousand year exile. Meanwhile on another world entirely Princess Elspeth of Valdemar is trying a new sort of portal spell, which will eventually turn Luna's world upside down. Now she has to face her past and choose her future, all the while dealing with the excitement, adventure, danger, and Pinkie Pie parties.

As featured on Equestria Daily.

Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar meets Friendship is Magic. Although you do not have to be a huge Valdemar fan to understand and enjoy the story!

If you liked this, you might also enjoy the technically-a-sequel-story, The Spark to Light a Candle.

Cover pic by Vermin06

Chapters (7)

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged. The God mistaking Damon for a follower of his.

Now stuck in Equestria, Damon finds himself thrown into a series of bizarre and epic adventures that will change his life, and those around him, for the better. And quite possibly for the worse.

Cover art is done by me.

Thanks to DVAN56, Berry Punch, Rainbowbob and Bocaj518

Chapters (33)

James J. Quinn is an ordinary guy living in the town of Carney, Wisconsin. He's got ordinary parents, an ordinary sister and brother-in-law, and an ordinary nephew. As you can tell, he leads an ordinary life.

Then, one night, he meets a strange, disoriented woman in the woods. A woman with purple hair and sapphire eyes. A woman with three blue gems tattooed on her hips. A woman who claims to be a unicorn from a land called Equestria. A woman who calls herself Rarity.

This woman is also in possession of an medallion that has brought a pursuing evil to our world. Over the course of the next week, James and Rarity will develop a deep bond, heal a few wounds, and, joined by a few other Equestrian visitors, battle a madman for the fate of two universes.

Chapters (10)

Pound Cake never cared for Canterlot. Why should he? This city has poisoned his existence, destroyed who he his, mutilated his body and soul and left him only a shell of who he could've been. And so he leaves it behind by rising above it, taking up the dangerous job of runner and transporting documents from rooftop to rooftop, away from the prying eyes of the provisional government. But when his sister is framed for a crime that would make her the most wanted criminal in all of Canterlot, he must prove her innocence while protecting the ones he loves and the lifestyle he has grown accustomed to.

A pseudo-crossover with Mirror's Edge. Teen for swearing ponies. A big thank you to all my pre-readers as well, for helping me crank this thing out!

Chapters (5)

~~~ FEATURED ON 3/14/22 ~~~

A year ago, you got up from your couch to grab a drink, and vanished. At least, that's what you assume people back home think. As it turns out, a one in a trillion cosmic mishap landed you face-down in a land full of magical talking horses and friendship.

You've settled in to this new world as best you can, but what are you supposed to do when familiar feelings begin bubbling toward your best friend, who happens to be one of said talking horses? Join her on a road trip, of course!

Oh, and maybe share your feelings along the way.

CONTENTS: Anon, Romance, Feels, Kissing, General Sappiness, and An Adorkable Alicorn.

Chapters (6)

After the Battle of the Bands, a new threat makes itself known in the human world. The problem is, when the creature you need to defeat gains power from the magic of love and friendship, how do you defeat it? The answer seems simple enough: use the power of negative energy.

The only ones who can use the power of negative energy? The Dazzlings.

Oh, dear.

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (5)

The year is 1019. 

And the World is on fire. 

The Final Showdown of the Griffonian Empire and the Republicans in the North is at claw. 

Meanwhile, the nation of Equestria has finally destroyed the Changeling threat once and for all.

However, it was only doable at the cost of their principles, morals, and their Princess’s sanity.

The heir to the Crystal Empire, Princess Flurry Heart has just turned fifteen years old. However, the world is crumbling down around the doomed landlocked Kingdom. Just a month prior, Flurry Heart was nearly abducted by her aunt, Princess Twilight Sparkle only stopped due to the timely intervention of her mother. But will it be enough to stop their defeat? 

And what about after? 

Will the new Solar Empress have them executed? Converted to another drone like Flurry’s Aunt? 

Only time will tell. 

This story is actually based on an Equestria at war playthrough I did a while back, so I am using its timeline to the best of my memory, if an event is impossible in the mod that occurs in the story, please tell me so I can fix it.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash loves flying more than anything else in the world. Anyone can see the passion that burns in her eyes while she's soaring high above the clouds riding the tailwinds. She lives for adventure no matter what the cost may be.

Does anything out there have the ability to outrival her love of flight?

Chapters (5)

There are many legends whispered among the ponies of Equestria, but none are stranger than that of the metal man that fell from the stars. Legend has it that the metal man's suit of armor still exists to this very day, slumbering the centuries away in the Canterlot Archives ...

Takes place during the season four finale.

Here's some quick background info on what you need to know, seeing as the 40K universe is huge and no one can be expected to know everything.

The Space Marine chapter involved in this story is a little known chapter known as the Celestial Lions, who are a descendant of the Imperial Fists. They were targeted for destruction by the Inquisition after defying them on an Exterminatus that was due to purge a world the Lions had fought for and saved. They fought during the Third War for Armageddon mainly, and during the fighting, they were reduced from 950+ battle brothers to just 96. Their numbers are even lower now, due to events that will be explored during this story.

Edited and Proofread by the amazing Loyalist. He's seen some heresy.

Featured on 4/26/15 and again on 7/25/15

Chapters (3)

Twilight is being tormented by sorrow and guilt, she never intended to petrify her beloved teacher, but there was no other choice left, or was there?

At the same time Discord broke free from his stone prison, because the power of the elements have weakened, but why? And how are they going to stop Discord from taking revenge against Celestia?

This story plays in the same world as "Rainbow's Burden"

You do not have to read the story to understand the plot, but it can't hurt to know what happened in more detail, can it? ;)


Chapters (2)