My name... I do not remember my name... I do not know my purpose... my duty... my previous life... nothing. I hold a sword, and wear armor. I must have been a warrior in the time long past. Yes... I have a memory of it now... I was a warrior. A knight... of Heide...

I spend my hollow unlife doing naught but roaming; boundless in my futile objective to find a purpose. Whosoever has attempted to engage me has found themselves impaled at the end of my sword, or prostrated by its biting blade.

And so it goes, the same series of events. Day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, century after century... until the cycle, to my astonishment, is suddenly broken.

After a strange event occurs, I find myself in another land entirely. What was once dull trees, ruined landscape, and a dying world, is now a forest of life, and a countryside of utter frivolity. What were once hideous beasts and selfish kinfolk that plagued my sight, are now replaced by small, sentient, equine creatures that almost reek of an emotion I have long forgotten.

One of this land's inhabitants in particular seems to go to great lengths to observe me, much to my annoyance.

Yet on I travel, deeper into the bowels of this new world, one sentiment still ringing clear in my otherwise empty, thoughtless head as I march:

When all that lies before you is uncertainty and darkness, there is nothing left but forward.

Chapters (4)

The year is 1019. 

And the World is on fire. 

The Final Showdown of the Griffonian Empire and the Republicans in the North is at claw. 

Meanwhile, the nation of Equestria has finally destroyed the Changeling threat once and for all.

However, it was only doable at the cost of their principles, morals, and their Princess’s sanity.

The heir to the Crystal Empire, Princess Flurry Heart has just turned fifteen years old. However, the world is crumbling down around the doomed landlocked Kingdom. Just a month prior, Flurry Heart was nearly abducted by her aunt, Princess Twilight Sparkle only stopped due to the timely intervention of her mother. But will it be enough to stop their defeat? 

And what about after? 

Will the new Solar Empress have them executed? Converted to another drone like Flurry’s Aunt? 

Only time will tell. 

This story is actually based on an Equestria at war playthrough I did a while back, so I am using its timeline to the best of my memory, if an event is impossible in the mod that occurs in the story, please tell me so I can fix it.

Chapters (1)

All know the story of the pirate ship, the Crimson Heart and her cursed captain, a monster forced to haunt the seven seas until the end of time. All know to steer clear of the blood red sails, lest they run into hell itself.

Few know of Neptune's Blessing, a magical item that can grant whoever holds it anything their heart desires.

Twilight Sparkle knows both tales are not fiction. Though the last place she thought she'd ever be is on the Crimson Heart looking for Neptune's Throne where the wish awaits.

Sunset Shimmer lives a nightmare every day. She's ready to shed her monstrous form, and Twilight is going to help her one way or another.

But they aren't the only ones after Neptune's Blessing. The high-speed race across the seas begins as every flag seeks to claim the wish for themselves, and be crowned King of the Seas.

Pre-read by first mate, DrakeyC!

Cover art created by the super talented iojknmiojknm!

Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (12)

Twilight is being tormented by sorrow and guilt, she never intended to petrify her beloved teacher, but there was no other choice left, or was there?

At the same time Discord broke free from his stone prison, because the power of the elements have weakened, but why? And how are they going to stop Discord from taking revenge against Celestia?

This story plays in the same world as "Rainbow's Burden"

You do not have to read the story to understand the plot, but it can't hurt to know what happened in more detail, can it? ;)


Chapters (2)

[Breath of Fire III x MLP]

He was supposed to be going at a costume party, dragged away from his house by his closest friends. Being the typical anti-social teen who did not want to socialize, he came begrudgingly after he heard that the theme was supposed to be about your favorite video game character.

It was only after he bought a replica of a perfectly completed boxed set of his favorite character's Dragon Genes-- marble-like objects that hold spirits of slain dragons which the character can then use their power after finding them-- that everything went wrong.

On the night of the party, when the authentic looking diary that came along with the box opened suddenly without anyone touching it, he made the mistake of coming close to it as the pages began to rapidly turn on their own.

Now here he was, in an different land where his anti-social lifestyle was finally biting him in the rear, his body turned into that of the character that he was planning to dress up as, and no idea of how to get home. What left is there to do other than brood?

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim

Life on Veldin, a planet in a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy, is becoming somewhat boring for Ratchet. Fortunately he's got two younger sisters that bring some excitement to his life, despite all three of them being different species. One of his sisters is a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer, while the other is a Cazar named Sunset Shimmer.

All Ratchet knows is that the three of them all arrived at the Veldin Orphanage together. One thing they can all agree on, however, is that they need to leave their home behind so that they can truly find their place in the galaxy.
(Does not require having read the previous story to know whats going on)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series)

Edit: Timeline
Ratchet and Clank: Complete
Going Commando: Complete
Up Your Arsenal: Complete
Deadlocked: Complete
Size Matters: Complete
Tools of Destruction: Complete
Crack in Time: Complete

Chapters (130)

Rainbow Dash has always been independent. She never really NEEDED anybody to comfort her. Except maybe her friends. But when Scootaloo comes waltzing in her life, Dash's life is about to change. She discovers her sisterly feelings for Scootaloo and decides to teach her everything she knows. And with a sister... there comes trouble. But may this trouble turn out for the better? Her chances have never been this amazing. Her whole life and perspective is about to change... forever.

Chapters (2)

What would you do?
A filly wonders into Ponyvillie. Cold, hungry and scared. You would help the filly. Even if the residents hate her because she accidentally uses Dark magic? Even if Twilight wants to study her? Against her will?
No one should grow up like this.
I shall give her warmth, food, water and most important love.
No matter what!

Chapters (1)

An homage to stories like The Substitute Demon, ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!!, and 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing

One thousand years ago, the Princesses Celestia and Luna were blindsided by the return of the Masters of Equus. The cult of power-mad alicorns, thought to have been banished from Equestria forever, appeared in the middle of the Princesses' battle for supremacy, and caged them away. The rest of Equestria quickly fell to their might. Even the fearsome Discord was forced to his knees before them. All of Equestria was enslaved, and an era of misery began.

Now, one thousand years later, a lone unicorn mare has learned of a creature that might be able to overthrow the Masters. A creature immune to magic, overwhelming in size and strength, sealed away for centuries uncounted. A creature of ultimate evil: the Smooze.

Unfortunately for Starlight Glimmer, in trying to ensure the creature's obedience, she modified the summoning ritual a bit too far.

Because of her meddling, the soul of a recently-deceased human is pulled from Limbo, and given life, but not exactly a body. Now he has to help her save the world, or face obliteration.

Not much of a choice, is it?

Inspired by Pen Mightier and Bucking Nonsense, the legends who – to my knowledge – popularized the "human in villain's body becomes Equestria's savior" genre. May your inkwells never run dry.

Chapters (11)

Ahuizotl devises a plan so cunning and sinister that it is bound to put an end to Daring Do's meddling. Can she find a way out of this one? The end is up to you, the reader.

All comments in which feature outcomes for the story will be added as "Potential Ending" chapters. I hope you enjoy this concept along with the story itself.

This story is based off of the work of ArtieCanvas. The original can be found by visiting http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15572567/

Chapters (1)