This story is a sequel to A strange creature in Equestria

Set a year after the end of A strange creature in Equestria, five more human champions arrive in Equestria answering the call for help. The fate of the world stands upon a knife's edge as the twisted creatures of Lord Grogar, Lord Shadow, Lord Nightmare and Queen Chrysalis, lead by Nihilus, threaten to destroy all. Will the six human champions be enough to tip the balance in the favor of Equestria and the free creatures allied to it, or will all be doomed to death and ashes?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Little Rivals

Spike's birthday is coming up and he is going to Disney land, but he wants Pumpkin & Flurry Heart to go too so he asked them if they like too.

Watch them have fun together at the theme park while a little romance sparks between them.

A Little Spike x Pumpkin & Flurry Heart mini story

Chapters (2)

Batmare turns the Discord in to Arkham Asylum, the nesting ground of Manehattan's supervillains and cesspool of insanity and madness. Suspicious of Discord's easy surrender, Batmare walks with him through the asylum until Discord broke out of his bonds and took over Arkham Island. Running around the island are his henchmen that came from Blackgate Prison, several of Batmare's rogue gallery villains, and him constantly throwing Batmare with trap after trap.

Can Batmare uncover Discord's insane plan that will cost Manehattan's demise and stop him or will she succumb to the numerous criminals running around the entire island, through every section of the asylum trying to find and kill her before she can stop him? Read to find out!

(This story is a remake of my previous story, with better grammar, longer chapters, more dialogue and better story. I deeply apologize of my three year hiatus, I really don't like how my previous story is structured. This story is inspired by Batman: Arkham series with the gameplay of Batman Arkham Videos, story of the comics and dialogue from the game, enhanced by yours truly)

I do not own Batman or My Little Pony. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro and Batman is owned by DC Comics.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Flurry Heart Crusader

It’s been a long time since the Cutie Mark Crusaders met Flurry Heart. They wanted to show how much they miss her but they knew Twilight would still be Flurry’s aunt whenever she’s her babysitter. Then Scootaloo had an idea, something will make her and her friends more then tutors in the School Of Friendship. She wanted to do a ceremony to show her students about Flurry Heart but Twilight may have second thoughts.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

Chapters (1)

Dimensions clash in a scientific experiment a little less than ten years ago, forcing an unexpected clash between the human word and the equine one. Through a lengthy process of careful diplomacy and tentative cultural exposure, the two societies finally begin to mix. Wary of the other's cultures, progress is slow, and the governments of both worlds work to ease racial tensions.
James Maverick, a young transfer student in Equestria, will be set on the path to fame in the most unexpected way, performing old human songs live for the enjoyment of the Equestrian populace! Many hardships follow the life of a Rockstar, and James will discover new friends, make bitter enemies, and show Equestria the history of our world's most popular songs!

A slightly unrealistic idea I had a while ago that I decided was interesting enough to actually share. I'm sure others have tackled a similar premise, and I'm too lazy to check them out (and a little a scared that I'll get a too inspired by what I find) so I will gladly claim that any similarities to previous works is purely coincidental.

For those who would like to know, I envision this story containing: Love Triangles, Gratuitous Ripping of Popular Songs from Bygone Days, Lots of Angst, Shipping, Interspecies Relationships, Some Light Racist Situations, Boyish Charm, Mischievous Females, Zero Drugs, and Severe Culture Clashes

Chapters (1)

For a bedtime story, Princess Cadence tells Flurry Heart the origin of the Tree of Harmony. Twilight tells her a tale about the Two Sisters. Other members of the family and close friends have stories as well.

Taken place 7 years after Season 5, this collection is one they put together to give the young alicorn peace at mind.


I would appreciate any feedback/criticism you guys out there can give me. As I usually don't do SOL stories, I'm really new to this kind of writing, so comments will be extremely helpful!

Chapters (3)

Cover Art belongs to https://sushiihamster.deviantart.com

The duty of a King is to be there for his subjects. To guide, and rule them with fairness, and compassion. To lead them into a bright, and beautiful future in peace and prosperity. He must care for them as if they were his own, and protect them with his life. Those are the qualities of a pure king. But there are a few exceptions to this principle: and that is King Sombra. The nefarious unicorn who fell to the dark powers, and became an evil despot who conquered the Crystal Empire, and enslaved the ponies who lived there, before his 1000 year imprisonment in the Frozen North. His return 1000 years later may have brought about a second reign of hate and fear, with his slaves trapped in his iron grip for all time. That is, were it not for the efforts of eight ponies, and a small baby dragon who brought back the Crystal Heart, and used the power of Love inside to restore the empire, and vanquish the evil king once, and for all.

But this was not the end of the story itself.

The duties of a prince is to his people. To guide, and rule his subjects with fairness, and compassion. To treat them as his own, and protect them with his own life. And Prince Shining Armor, husband to Princess Cadance, and Former Captain of the Guard, is a pony who would give his life to protect everyone: whether it's his own family, the princesses themselves, AND his newfound subjects. While he still isn't quite sure about his place as a Prince, he is as sure as he can be that his place remains with his beloved wife.

But now that love must be put to the test. Ever since Cadance, and his sister found the secret study of King Sombra, something strange has been happening with Shining Armor. He feels.........unsafe at times. As if something were always following him. And he swears he hears a voice in his head. Worse still are these compulsions which threatens to take him over. What could this all mean? Is Shining Armor perhaps suffering from the strains of the recent events in his life? Or is something else at work here? Something insidious, and dark. Something which seeks to use him in order to see its return to power. The only question remaining is this:

Can Shining Armor stand against this evil? Or will he succumb to the Darkness within>

Chapters (8)

this is the story of Equestria's lost princess, she just doesn't know it yet
Midnight was given to an orphanage as a baby so she never met her birth parents properly.
years later she gets taken in under the wing of princess Luna soon becoming great at magic eventually being able to raise the stars at night which is how she got her cutie mark

Chapters (10)

Discord is left to foalsit the Cake Twins and Flurry Heart. Mostly Flurry Heart.

This does not bode well, especially since sugar is involved. A wonderland of sugar!

Written for the May Pairings contest, as I do not remember these two interacting much in the show; though I could be wrong and I accidentally disqualify myself because the friendship is not a unique enough pairing, LOL. I will definitely write a sequel to this one. :heart:

Slightly based on THIS wonderful fic.

*My story has a lot of slapstick/banter-filled action in the first half, slow-paced cuteness in the second.
(Ships included: ZephyrTree, CheesePie, SugarMac.)

The cake palace mentioned in the story is based on Baroness Von Bon-bon from Cuphead and the Gingerbread House is from the fairy tale Hansel & Gretel.
Yes, the ice cream land premise/cover art IS from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (1)

Never did Cadance expect her tainted marriage with Shining Armor to come crumbling apart upon visiting Hope Hollow, where a certain fashionable pegasus sweeps him off his hooves and away from his family. What happens when as it turns out, she isn't the only pony searching for the two runaway ponies?

Entry for the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest. Contains cheating perceived in a romanticized way to the ponies involved, abandoning family, rightfully devastated wives, and grey morality.
Editor: totallynotabrony

Chapters (6)