
Shining Armor and Cadence; having been through so much work at Crystal Prep; needed a break from work, and from parenting their daughter Flurry Heart as well. So, when an old colleague from Canterlot High showed up, they’ve got their opportunity for a break, and went for it. But, will their old colleague handle the responsibility? Or will it all fall down in shambles? This is a story, that not even the author will forget.

Chapters (6)

King Sombra; having been overwhelmed with so many responsibilities at the Crystal Empire; is currently having a little bit of a breaking point, and is about to lose it. But; when a little filly stepped in to help; he was elated to have some help. However; will this new little helper help King Sombra out? Or will it turn into something more.. sinister???

(Takes place during the season 9 premiere. An alternate universe story where instead of King Sombra ruling the empire on his own; he has some help).

Chapters (6)

Eh, just your regular everyday palace coup. I mean, this is a normal part of growing up, right? I mean, all teens just bust into their parent's room and demand you to leave, right?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Origin of FlameStar

FlameStar, the red unicorn who arrived in Ponyville had a lot of hijinks ever since he has arrived. After a meeting with Luna, the former ruler of the night, FlameStar decides to learn all there is about friendship before the Festival but its proven to be pretty difficult...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Draconic Payback

Centuries have passed since Twilight and her friends helped to save Equestria, and much has changed.

For Pearl Rose, one thing that will never change is going to her oldest and best friend when she needs to get away from it all. But there is more to her visiting Kohaku than meets the eye.

A secret Pearl has held onto for a thousand years will finally be revealed.

Chapters (1)

If one man steals something important from you what would you do? In this story the Elements are in danger and the universe is in trouble. Its up to the mane 6 and some other allies to defeat the enemy called Drogon.

This story takes inspiration from Avengers Infinity war.

Also this story was first published on wattpad. I am the maker of the wattpad story so no troubles on that. I am still working on the next few chapters of the story.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Draconic Payback

Several years have passed since Pearl became an alicorn, and quite a bit has changed since she and Twilight returned from the Blight. But one thing will not leave the young alicorn alone.

The dream she had that first night in Tiamat's realm will not leave her alone. Everything has been happening as she dreamed it. All but one that is.

Good thing time is not a problem for her and Twilight.

Chapters (11)

In 1991, the USSR collapsed and many of the former Soviet Socialist Republics succeeded. One of those is Equestria. Now Twilight and the rest of Main Six (after being released from a Gulag by the new government) have to tread lightly through the difficult rigors of post-soviet Equestria.


Chapters (2)

(Originally published on Fanfiction.net and Deviant Art. Based on a comic sketch by MatiasDiplinLps on Discord, in turn inspired by Potty Training the Princess by JAC59COl on Deviant Art. Contains mild flush and toilet vore, as well as mild potty humor. Rated Teen as a precaution.)

When Shining Armor happens to need to go to the bathroom, he decides to use it as a teaching opportunity to show Flurry Heart how to go potty like a proper pony. After all, children learn best by example.

However, Flurry Heart soon grows bored of sitting on her potty chair and decides to have a little fun. When the little one sees what looks like a treat, she tries to grab it, not realizing what it really is.

Before Shining knows it, he's being flushed down the toilet by his daughter! And Flurry doesn't seem to realize what she's doing to him. How will it all end for father and daughter?

Chapters (6)

Flurry is a great Alicorn. She’s cute and she seems to be pretty powerful even as a little toddler and filly.

Once, when she visits the dream world in her sleep, she runs into two very familiar ponies as she was waiting for her dream companion back in the human world. And given by her Characteristics, she knew she’s getting herself into nothing but trouble.

More specifically, being the focus of a fight between the evil royal sisters.

Chapters (1)