
The E.S.D.E. is the most prestigious school in Equestria. Founded by the Elements of Harmony to train future defenders of Equestria to protect against the things that go bump in the night, it is an honor to attend.
Follow the CMC as they face a deadly entrance exam, the duo who made their life hard, a plot to destroy the school, and a villain they never expected to face.

The story continues in The Defenders of Equestria

Chapters (3)

Derpy is bullied by the two ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. In heartbreak, she runs to the Doctor, who, much to her surprise, demands an apology from the bullies.

Chapters (1)

A new family moves to Ponyville and their young colt, Gilt Eyes, joins up with the Cutie Mark Crusaders right away. Much to the annoyance of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Gilt Eyes is more interested in giving foals with cutie marks a hard time than trying to get his own cutie mark. Silver Spoon pays the price when she finds out why…

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Adventurous Engines

In this 3rd volume of Narrow Gauge Adventures, things begin to change. Challenges crop up, friends are united once more, and Babs learns a very important lesson. But above all, friends are there to help each other out.

Chapters (5)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have always had something against the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But when one of them discovers how badly they've treated them something changes.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara needs a little more help changing her ways. She used to be a bully at her school, but now she's a changed pony.

However, is change really that easy?

Chapters (6)

Kida Scope is an unusual mare, always wearing kaleidoscope goggles, this is an inside look on her life and why she wears her goggles
*image is a random google it is not mine*
please R&R I'd love to hear your comments and pointers

Chapters (3)

An attempts to aquire a cutie mark during a school field trip goes horribly wrong for Sweetie Belle and after some questionable decisions results in her being left stranded with her classmate and rival Silver Spoon. Left alone in isloation and no apparant way to get home, will the unlikely duo be able to co-exist and what lies in store for them over the horizon?

Chapters (6)

(Alternate reality Equestria, inspired mostly by playing too much HoI4)

Seven years ago Celestia's sister returned from her banishment, seven years ago, Celestia flew to confront her... Since then, Equestria's golden age of harmony and peace has ended, now, due to rising world tensions, internal unrest between political factions both old and new, and the demand of the common pony to have their voice reflected in their governance, Celestia, wanting to avoid further conflict, wanting to simply be at peace, abdicated the throne... Only one problem remains... Who will rule Equestria next, and what will come of it?

(I can and will delete your comments if you start a political argument, please don't... I feel I should add this warning because this story is a political drama. PS. Need better cover art.)

Chapters (3)

When a human thug with an uncanny resemblance to Toby commits a crime, and switches places with him, Toby is wrongfully thrown in prison. However, his trouble doubles when his counterpart takes the place of Toby, in order to get closer to the Princess's and Silver Spoon jewelry. Can Toby stop his double before his good name is tarnished?

Co-written by Crash Bandicoot

George Cunningham belongs to Crash Bandicoot

I own nothing.

Based on Muppets Most Wanted

Chapters (17)