
While Celestia and Luna were the rulers of ponykind of many centuries, they were not the only alicorn leaders of their people's ancient past. Through the power of modern technology, they find a way to restore their father, Solaris, to be able to speak to them once more. As it turns out, this might not have been the best idea.

Chapters (25)

Twilight is called in by Cadance to translate some old books in the Crystal Empire's library. To Twilight's chagrin, Cadance takes the opportunity to try and put her together with Flash Sentry. Twilight is left with no choice but to confront her feelings towards the guardspony.

(Cover art courtesy of Deviant Art member Coolez.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Too Late

Believing an interdimensional relationship could only go so far, the human Flash Sentry reluctantly turned down Princess Twilight Sparkle's offer to go on a date. However, after an initial heartbreak period, Twilight decided to ask out Flash's pony counterpart. Without the difficulties of an interdimensional relationship to scare him off, surely this Flash would jump at the chance to hook up with Twilight, right?

Well, let's just say Princess Cadance had sunk the ship a few months prior. The Princess of Friendship did not take learning this well.

This may or may not end with a funeral.

Enough is explained in this story to not require reading "Too Late" to understand what's going on. This story does mention only the most relevant parts of "Too Late", so it is recommended to check out "Too Late" if you want to learn more about what happened when, and immediately after, Twilight tried to ask out the human Flash Sentry.

Chapters (1)

The following story takes place in the Equestria at War universe.

For some, the memory of the Great War against the Changelings was just that; a distant memory. But nopony can deny that, despite a victory, the repurcussions that followed have resulted in a dark time in the worlds history. God-Empress Daybreaker now rules across the Equestrian continent with an iron hoof, and has ruled uncontested for over two decades.

Even her protégé, Sunrise Sparkle, is starting to doubt her superiors' decisions. But given that nopony ever questions the God-Empress and lives to tell the tale, she simply kept her thoughts to herself. That is until a certain thought to be dead Princess of the Night visits her in a dream...

Cover art by Neither
Full size here

Chapters (7)

The Royal Guard is an elite force culled from the very best and brightest that Equestria has to offer.
Not convinced? Well neither are the fillies of Ponyville. Thus, the Guard has dispatched its finest troops to show Ponyville Elementary just how competent the Royal Guard can be!

Celestia help them all.

(Rated teen because this story is not mature in the slightest.)

Chapters (1)

When Moira Brown first published her Wasteland Survival Guide in 2277, thanks to the help of a newfound friend, she never knew that the east coast Brotherhood of Steel would take notice, much less ask her to accompany them so she could distribute them in various settlements across the ruins of the United States.

But they did, and her travels have led her to the Mojave Wasteland, and into the company of a wisecracking courier and his hardened sniper friend. She was set to hand out some copies of her guide to settlements surrounding the city of New Vegas. However, after a surprise attack, she and the sniper find themselves in a strange land, untouched by the ravages of nuclear war.

Moira may have mastered the wasteland, but will she learn to survive in Equestria?

A crossover with Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Chapters (8)

A slice of life side story to Love Call of the Sirens. For those of you who haven't read it and want to read on, the abridged version is "Twilight dumped the Dazzlings on Button Mash's mom and now they are ponies for some reason."

Aria Blaze goes to Twilight's to borrow a cup of sugar because that's what neighbors do, right? Things rapidly go downhill faster than anyone, even Aria... especially Aria, could have predicted.

Starlight Glimmer vector by Illumnious.

Aria Blaze vector by Osipush.

Chapters (1)

Why the heck does Vinyl Scratch have a car that can transform into a giant sound system thingy?

Written by request for Bookish Delight because chicks dig giant robots EQG Vinyl needed some more fandom love; continued by request because apparently everyone digs giant robots, :twilightoops:

Chapters (6)

What was supposed to be a routine night turned into a total disaster. Chimeras attacked, Flash Sentry's in the hospital, and his parents? Well...

Chapters (1)

It's the day after April Fools. Like every year, Twilight Sparkle is left to clean up the mess. She's not happy about it.

Chapters (1)