Cloudchaser is in a bad relationship. Her coltfriend loves her, there's no doubt, but she just doesn't feel that same spark she used to. Every date feels like a chore, every kiss a punishment.

However, after some bad advice from her sister, she thinks she's found a solution to her problem in the form of a particular dragon.

Of course, their actions have consequences.

A collaboration between myself and CategoricalGrant.

Cover Art: Probablydnon

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust snorts a rail of lightning dust, kicks Thunderlane's flank, and shows everypony that she's a force to be reckoned with and is bucking awesome.

I somehow managed to post the words to this story on Fimfiction without the site overdosing and 502ing from Lightning Dust's sheer awesomeness. But even these words could never do justice to the legend that is Princess Archduchess Lightning M.F.W. Dust, Ph.D. You just had to be there.

WARNING: If you look at the cover image too long, you'll go blind just like you would if you masturbated too much or stared into the sun too long, because that picture counts as both. Thanks to Gamibribolinho for sacrificing his sight to draw this so that we could gaze upon Lightning Dust's glory.

Chapters (1)

Cloudchaser, Raindrops, and Thunderlane are three ponies with problems. Cloudchaser's problem is that she thinks Raindrops is stealing Thunderlane from her, and she must win him back. Raindrops's problem is that she likes Thunderlane, but she isn't sure about how to express her feelings, or even if she should.

And Thunderlane's problem? He's completely oblivious to the fact that his family friend and his wingpony are courting him at the same time. In fact, none of these pegasi really know what the others are truly thinking. And unless one of them gets a clue soon, it's gonna be pretty awkward for all involved.

Oh, and just to make things even more complicated, Flitter and Derpy are helping CC and Rainy in their endeavors. Guess which one is doing so against her will.

Partly inspired by the Eric Clapton song, and partly inspired by an inside joke. Special shout-out to xjuggernaughtx and statoose. They know why.

Chapters (15)

I never knew what my sister Flitter was capable of... She was always such a shy and nice filly when we were young... Never thought she would do something like this...

Flitter always kept herself locked up in her room, and when she wasn't hidden away she would be out roaming the vast city of Manehattan... I never thought much of it, I remember how much she loved the city from our fillyhood... but we never really talked much after our parents died in a cart accident...

Chapters (1)

Set in PonyEarthverse *Now part of canon!*

Just when things couldn't be weirder with people on Earth randomly turning into ponies and the week now being the length of a year, the next unsuspecting and unassuming victim of Discord's game wakes as the pony Amethyst Star! Initially intent to confront the Princesses for answers in New York, he (now she) changes plans after an incident where some members of an anti-pony hate group decide to go to far more extreme lengths to get their 'message' across. Deciding to fight back with a message of her own, Amethyst resurrects an heroic symbol from the series long gone but not forgotten...

Chapters (13)

Loves like rock and roll. Epic, intense, amazing, awesome. It gets your blood pumping, and adrenaline moving. That's exactly how Spike and Cloudchaser feel.

Chapters (1)

I'm an adult now, so birthdays were really not my thing anymore. Birthday parties just stressed me out because I didn't like to mingle. When my parents and my little sister throw a party for me and my twin, Ben, it's just a small celebration over breakfast. Just how I like it.

But there's a tattoo on my hip. A tattoo of a shooting star. And Ben has one too! But its of an apple!

I'm feelin' déjà vu here. Why do we look like we're turning into ponies? I want to stay a human!

A side story to the strange, but very well written story "Five Score, Divided by Four" by Twisted Spectrum.

Go check it out!

Chapters (1)

Four mares are stranded in the middle of a quarantined Ponyville, and must find their way out with little rations, few weapons, and not a clue of what is happening to the rest of Equestria. This combined with constant bickering and the search for a lost sister could spell these four survivor's demise...

Inspired by the popular gaming franchise: Left 4 Dead

This is the first fanfic I've ever written for this site, but feel free to judge it as critically as possible.

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash claim that they are packing for a trip to visit their parents in Cloudsdale. But who are their parents, and why have they never come to visit Ponyville?

When Rarity and Applejack discover the shocking truth about their pegasus friends, they decide to do everything that they can in order to help. Their search takes them on a journey that will teach them some unexpected pegasus lessons about love, commitment, and family.

Chapters (5)

Cloud Chaser is injured saving Rainbow Dash from certain death! At least that's how Rainbow Dash would put it.

After saving Dash, Chaser is in for a long recovery, when Dash promises anything in gratitude Chaser knows just the thing. Chaser tasks Dash with looking after her sister Flitter. Flitter is far less than pleased with the idea. But she ends up accepting that it might be good for her.

So this current series is a series of three ships of the main six with background ponies, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. These three are "get together" stories for them. There'll be another series where I continue these stories and add in the other main six, probably. I can't guarantee anything since I haven't planned them out! :D

I've added an in story dating system to the stories as the stories are actually somewhat intertwined so for any of you who are reading all of them they'll be easier to line up.
Note on crossover chapters. They are the same chapter in two stories because they are relevant to both. They will say with what story they cross over and have the same (or very similar) titles.
Applejack and Coco: Not The Obvious Answer
Rarity and Minuette: Time For Fashion

Chapters (12)