Bill Dauterive, from Dang O' Ponies, I Tell You What, once hoped to plot his revenge on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for their misdeeds. Now, with the help of his friend Dale Gribble, he finally gets the last laugh!!!

My apologies to the Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon fans!

Chapters (3)

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, are probably the most adventurous, and probably the most daring, fillies in all of Ponyville. Or Equestria at that matter! However, if they aren’t busy crusading for their Cutie Marks, they would be looking into a pond in between their houses.

The residents were confused when this started happening, but never dared questioned it. It was a relief, actually, less time they had crusading, less mischief and chaos that would happen in town.

Although it does beg the question, what is special behind this seemingly normal pond of water?

Well the key may be simpler than you think...

(This IS an AU, to where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon we’re forgiven BEFORE the CMC got their Cutie Marks, and also Dinky Hooves is a part of it.)

Chapters (1)

When the annual jewelry convention comes to town in Fillydelphia, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon prepare to go there. Unfortunately, since Diamond's parents aren't around to take care of her pet cat, Dazzle, Diamond has no choice but to put her trust on Apple Bloom, even though they're sworn enemies. When Apple Bloom fails to do the job, chaos happen and she soon has to suffer the consequences.

Note: This is a parody off of the Spongebob episode, "I Was a Teenage Gary", and it is set before Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon reform.

Rated G.

Chapters (1)

one day, one story, a mother and a daughter, and you, you shall venture upon the average day of these two strange, funny, and loving ponies. (sorry if i might not portray the characters in this story well its my first. Also this takes place during season 4)

Chapters (1)

In this story Miss Cherilee teaches the students about an ancient entity of darkness known as "Darkwing, The Angel Of Darkness".
and that it had been imprisoned in anything or anyone.
So when Diamond Tiara suddenly notices a dark power emanating from her flank and crown, she and Silver Spoon are chosen by "The Angel Of Darkness" To destroy The Spirits Of Harmony.
But now Darkwing has used the Stone Of Age And Youth to play The Song Of Youth across all of Equestria, The Mane 6 are the only mares to stop him, What's more is that Darkwing has engaged his final form and is now ready to end Equestria with one fell swoop, Will Twilight and Friends be able to win the day once more?

This was my first fanfic, so excuse me if it's a little rushed or has some plotholes in it. I was just a beginner at the time.

Chapters (17)

Darkness, something to assist the day-walkers in sleep and restoration while being a cloak and ally for the night-walkers. Ponies, being day-walkers, have a natural fear of the dark, some even get made fun of for it. But it may not be for the dark itself... but for what lurks within it.

(Note that this story May be a one-shot)
(Other tags include: Spoiled Rich, and Other)


Chapters (2)

After the Black Hoof, the Equestrian Mafia, is discovered to be plotting to kidnap Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they must go into hiding in disguise. How will they cope as ordinary fillies, shorn of their servants and their lives of luxury?

Chapters (4)

Once upon a time, there was a land full of happy, cheerful humans ruled by three royal princesses. They were not unlike the creatures of the world just discovered. They were unique creatures with untapped potential and magic. However, every creature, even humans, have a downside. They were ungrateful creatures-greedy is some aspects. They didn't always care about what they had until..it was gone. One day, one of the rulers, grew agitated by the ungratefulness and decided that if they weren't going to be grateful, then they deserved nothing. Seeing this, the other princesses couldn't stand idly by while she grew darker day by day, and as a result, they had to seal her away in the only place they could think of:in a crystal the shape of a heart.

Nothing ever stays the same.She's on the brink of returning again on Gratitude Day and there is nothing to stop her from making havoc. That is, until they formulate a plan.

That's where Suri Beltz comes in. Her nickname is appropriately fit:Sweetie Belle dubbed for her notoriously sharp tongue. She's not exactly a new resident of the small town (inappropriately named save for the farms that have tons of these, strangely) named Ponyville, but she's the loudest, of course. She turns to Ponyville after her life in Manhattan's finest Gifted School turns sour where she's stuck at for the remaining time. Really-she's stuck there having to deal with the strangest of strange as well as other-unusual-circumstances that happen to befall her.

How will she manage?

Chapters (1)

<- Canon Silver Spoon is NOT amused ;P

A short collab by two great authors making a very bad Diamond Tiara/ Silver Spoon (originally only implied ship) fic, one paragraph at a time!

Diamond Tiara has been trying to seduce Silver Spoonko every time the smart silver filly comes over to her mansion. Her latest tactic (believe it or else) is to demonstrate the dexterity of her tongue on her own flanks.

But when her new tactic fails to entice her target, Diamond Tiara is sent on an epic adventure that has her seeking revenge, justice, and romance, all in one very strange special episode of-

My Little Pony Mentally Advanced Series!

Will Diamond Tiara save the day? Will Silver Spoonko's quest for infinite knowledge lead her to be abducted by Crystal Aliens from another universe, or will your narrator just get pissing drunk and all moody and close the book before she finishes her story, allowing all those within to be trapped in literary limbo for all eternity!?

Time will tell.

Your Narrator: let me tell thee of theh days of HIGH ADVENTURE! (insert Conan The Barbarian Theme..) theh good one with Arnoldschwartzawutzitz init! because we bloody like Arnold, we does!

Original authors: Mattricole and Telaros
Editor and Publisher: Silver "Serving" Spoon
Published with ALL DUE respect and full permission.
Original Story here: Me and Telaros Make The Most Amazing Story Ever
!!WARNING!! if you have a problem with ponies licking their own plots, step away from the fic and like, no pony gets hurt!
Cover Art by Bakki

Chapters (3)

What does "cherry" taste like? Cherry, right?

But what does "perambulate" taste like? Sweetie Belle knows, it tastes like freshly cut grass. But one day, she learns other ponies don't taste "perambulate". Or "robot". Or even "cherry". Can Sweetie Belle come to terms with the fact that this ability she takes for granted is unique?

Rated teen due to some violence, language and themes.

Please give me some constructive criticism, not just downvotes. I could use it.

Chapters (10)