What were Silver Spoon's thoughts during the election, when Diamond Tiara neglected her ideas, help and advice just for pursuing her own goal to win class president? How exactly did she felt when Diamond Tiara hurt her, not physically, but with her words?

Chapters (1)

Groups of humans have invaded Equestria and captured ponies to sell as slaves and pets back on Earth. Will they ever be set free? Will the princesses come after them in a daring rescue attempt?

Well, this story isn't about that.

This is one pony's tale of the events that happened to and around her.

Seen through perspective of Silver Spoon, based on the Slave Pony General threads on 4chan/mlp/.

Contains some dark themes and ideas, but nothing nightmare inducing.

Chapters (12)

Captured by the clutches of a clockwork army, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon must take the path of pirating to make their way back home to Equestria. But on their journey they must face friends old and new, a dangerous Clockwork Armada, and...the truth about the filly's heritage. Scootaloo will face challenges not faced before, villains both funny and merciless, and an abilities and powers that she never thought she had before.

Chapters (7)

Everyone thinks the mane six is the most powerful but they raised brilliant sisters and younger friends. When the mane disappears and all helpful adults.

Everything seems lost, but survival skills have away of kicking in alliances are made, and the reader may wonders if I a walking dead or unfortunate event fan...

and how the heck the story could end well.

but things have a way of looking a little more hopeful then they can appear or dun dun maybe they do not.

Either way the characters are now dipped in chaos especially there front flank

This story is getting back up after years. Because I want to finish it.

Please check the recent chapters before hating story or tell me whats wrong with it so I can improve
or just hate that's fine too :P

Chapters (11)

Rarity has a secret. A secret that nearly destroyed her once. Now, five years since that traumatic incident, Rarity struggles to hide her past from her friends and especially her girlfriend, the element of honesty.

Chapters (3)

Applejack has a full day of sheep herding, genealogical clarification, 20 questions, and demonstration intervention.

Chapters (2)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were very close friends from other ponies point of views but Silver Spoon sees things differently. Silver Spoon has grown tired of the all the crime and is now ready to get out but leaving will cost her, her life of comfort if she could call her life that. What she doesn't realize is that she is the only one that can end Diamond Tiara's reign but how can Silver Spoon do that when she is scared of her old friend?

Chapters (12)

After Silver Spoon's father dies, the desperately unhappy filly volunteers for the Equestrian Hunger Games, and Diamond Tiara volunteers too so that she can try and protect the pony that she loves from the other tributes, even if that means that she has to die to protect her loved one.

Chapters (2)

Star Light has always been looked down upon, not only by class mates but mares and gentle-coats. Her oddly colored coat and strange green eyes send the town folk into dishonorable behavior towards her. She earned her cutie mark quite young and adventure to the outer atmosphere has always exhilarated her. Follow her on a journey, to find what it means to be her. To find her true self. And to unveil questions that never have come across Equestria. "Too look at the world being small is such a silly thing for out side it holds new answers and questions."

Chapters (4)

Sunburst has been entrusted with a secret, one so secret he had to Pinkie Promise to secrecy. Now he only has to keep the secret to himself until he is given permission to share it. The problem is the secret might affect Silver Spoon, and since she lives in the same town he now works in, it's hard to avoid her. What did the book stallion get himself into? And most importantly, will he have a major headache when everything is over?

For the Season 10 Bingo contest.

Edited by EverfreePony

Chapters (1)