Post-war Equestria. Some ponies spend their entire lives fighting the wasteland. Others, are dropped there.

Born and raised above the cloud curtain, the anxious First Lieutenant Sienna has been unwillingly sent to the wasteland by her commanding officers. With Sienna the only survivor of the mission, she must find a way to survive the harsh, deadly environment of a new Equestria. Not only that, she must find a strange treasure known as the Rainbow Pearls and protect her new-found friends from a bigger threat, the Hope Coven. With her new friends, new enemies, and new mission, she will have to get it together to keep Equestria from further harm.

That is, if she doesn't have an anxiety attack!

*****This is a rewrite of my original story, Fallout Equestria: Our will.*****

For Mom. You did help me, even when you think you didn't. I love you.

Chapters (39)

The wasteland is a harsh and unforgiving landscape, illuminated by the damned and dying sun. At the dawn of an interim in a long cycle of decay, wanderers learn to prosper.

For one intrepid group, they carve a valley of gold from their scorched earth.

And a hard scotch is their annual reprieve.

Coverart by Dee Cross.

Chapters (4)

War. War changes ponies.

It has a way of shifting priorities and perspectives. None who survive it emerge unscathed. Especially those who weren't supposed to have survived it at all.

An unscheduled detour to uncover a secret was all that saved Starlight Glimmer from dying in the fiery culmination of The Great War, along with everypony else not fortunate enough to have reserved a spot in one of Equestria's many Stables. But she did survive, and found herself in a world she didn't recognize. A world consumed with hate, violence, and death; even when no longer faced with an external zebra threat. A world she couldn't understand.

So now she seeks the only understanding that she cares about any longer: learning the fate of those she loved. Far to the north, she seeks answers to what became of the Crystal Empire, and the husband she left behind.

While it is not necessary for this story, I don't think, I do encourage reading Legacies if you want to find out how Starlight came to find herself a couple hundred years in her future.

Chapters (5)

Ever get that feeling that the world doesn't make sense? Perhaps greater powers than you can comprehend are guiding your actions. Or could it be that the 'rules' of the world don't seem to conform to how things should be. If nothing else, maybe its just that your companions are somehow finding ways to derail the path of fate with you caught along for the ride.

This is a story of the character Amber who tries to survive the shenanigans of her DM, as well as the craziness of her own party!

Chapters (6)

170 years after the apocalypse, a defiant Pegasus named SwiftHaze yearns to leave her Stable 47 home. Perhaps she can finally find her purpose in this ravaged world. During her adventures, Haze and her friends learn of their links to the past, and grow to appreciate their lineage. Music guides their way.

Meanwhile, a looming threat hangs over the city of Los Pegasus, quite literally. SwiftHaze won't stand to see the ponies of her hometown overrun. She seeks to end the violence, because somebody has to be brave enough to take the first step.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Fallout Equestria: Survivor's Guilt

There is a legend in Equestria and beyond, about a great treasure hoard left behind by the last of the Dragon Lords Ember. Many have searched for it, but none have found it, either coming back with horrifying tales, or not coming back at all.

8 years after the war with the Enclave, 4 friends come across a map leading them to the first clue to the Great Hoard. Fueled by curiosity and the story of the Hoard's wealth, they set out to try and find it.

But will they succeed? Or will they meet the same fate as so many that came before them?

Cover made by Hagallaz.

Set in the universe of Fallout: Equestria by KKat.

Co-written with Megaskullmon.

Chapters (6)

During some downtime at Tenpony Tower after rescuing Xenith, Homage decides that if she's going to talk about LittlePip so much on the radio, she may as well get some in person reporting done right? As such, she sets up a small little trip to report on her daily activities. Wholesome bonding ensues!

I wrote this before reading the crossover part of Project Horizons. So the similarities are totally a coincidence.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Star Trek Online: Sacrifice - Part I

"It's time for us to stand and fight again, not just as heroes, but as friends."

After the attack on Taloraan, J'ula has decided to start her assault on several different universes, intent on expanding her own empire and destroying the Alliance. She has gathered members of other powers in order to conquer her targets, her first being an alternate, war-torn version of Equus.

Meanwhile, Littlepip and the crew of the starship Harmony are in pursuit, intent on stopping the Klingon warlord and saving the lives of all who are within her crosshairs. However, in order to stop her, Littlepip will need to call on the support and skill of her friends as they chase J'ula and attempt to stop her from causing chaos across the multiverse.

{Welp, here it is, my last hurrah for this series. With the end of the show comes the end of this little series of stories I started almost three years ago. Anything else I make won't be related to this after this story is done. I may consider short stories involving this series, but for the most part, the large ones are over at this point. It won't be the best thing ever typed, I'm sure, but I hope to bring a good ending to the series with this story. Once again, I hope you all enjoy this sequel and I hope you all have a wonderful day.}

Star Trek is the property of CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures Corp. STO is owned by Cryptic Studios. My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro. Fallout Equestria was written by KKat.

Chapters (10)

When Cerberus left his post at the gates of Tartarus, Tirek wasn't the only ancient enemy of Celestia and Luna to escape. Of the many monsters that poured out, among them was the first foe that Celestia and Luna ever fought as newly-crowned princesses.

Now free from his constraints and with a thirst for vengeance against the 'false goddesses', the Frumentarii Cassius is once more released upon Equestria to sow havoc in the name of Mars. He will have his revenge, even if that means a new legion will have to be forged.

A Legion in the skies. The Storm Legion.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestria - Pip and Tia

A year after the events of the original Fallout Equestria Little Pip and Celestia watch over the Wasteland as its protectors, dishing out punishment and saving ponies where they can with the help of the SPP towers. But with the power to control the weather and the power to see anywhere in Wasteland question of power and how to use it comes up, the most the almost divine power Little Pip wields. This all comes to a head when a certain Security Mare prays to the Stable Dweller to bring judgment on the Hoof and free her of the burden.
Cover by Cazra: https://www.deviantart.com/cazra

Chapters (2)