Twilight is called in by Cadance to translate some old books in the Crystal Empire's library. To Twilight's chagrin, Cadance takes the opportunity to try and put her together with Flash Sentry. Twilight is left with no choice but to confront her feelings towards the guardspony.

(Cover art courtesy of Deviant Art member Coolez.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Too Late

Believing an interdimensional relationship could only go so far, the human Flash Sentry reluctantly turned down Princess Twilight Sparkle's offer to go on a date. However, after an initial heartbreak period, Twilight decided to ask out Flash's pony counterpart. Without the difficulties of an interdimensional relationship to scare him off, surely this Flash would jump at the chance to hook up with Twilight, right?

Well, let's just say Princess Cadance had sunk the ship a few months prior. The Princess of Friendship did not take learning this well.

This may or may not end with a funeral.

Enough is explained in this story to not require reading "Too Late" to understand what's going on. This story does mention only the most relevant parts of "Too Late", so it is recommended to check out "Too Late" if you want to learn more about what happened when, and immediately after, Twilight tried to ask out the human Flash Sentry.

Chapters (1)

The following story takes place in the Equestria at War universe.

For some, the memory of the Great War against the Changelings was just that; a distant memory. But nopony can deny that, despite a victory, the repurcussions that followed have resulted in a dark time in the worlds history. God-Empress Daybreaker now rules across the Equestrian continent with an iron hoof, and has ruled uncontested for over two decades.

Even her protégé, Sunrise Sparkle, is starting to doubt her superiors' decisions. But given that nopony ever questions the God-Empress and lives to tell the tale, she simply kept her thoughts to herself. That is until a certain thought to be dead Princess of the Night visits her in a dream...

Cover art by Neither
Full size here

Chapters (7)

One lonely night, Vinyl decides to use her old two-way radio to relieve the tedium. In doing so, she stumbles upon the voice of 'Adi,' who has a story so crazy Vinyl isn't willing to believe it.

But Adi is desperate, so desperate that Vinyl knows something really is wrong. Can her words help Adi overcome whatever is really happening? Even if she can instill hope in this stranger, is hope worth anything against seemingly insurmountable odds?

All Vinyl can do is sit before her radio and talk. Perhaps it will be enough.

Thanks to Mercury Gilado and Starlight Nova for pre-reading and editing.

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio! It came as quite the surprise.

Cover Art Credit: HolyShmow

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Prisoner of Zebra

In volume three of the Flash Sentry Papers, the famed hero (and self-professed coward and womanizer), recounts his misadventures during the second changeling infiltration of Canterlot.

With the Princesses captured, it's up to Flash and Special Agent Golden Harvest (a.k.a. Carrot Top) to save the day ... whether Flash likes it or not.

Chapters (8)

Once again, Flash Sentry walked into Twilight Sparkle. However, this time, she was a different Twilight than the one to whom he was accustomed. Sadly, no one thought to tell him that. Now he needs to make it up to this Twilight... assuming he can find her.

And get her to listen to him.

And just how does all of this work, exactly?

(Note: Sunset also makes a significant appearance, but I hit the character tag cap.)

Chapters (1)

You know what's a dumb idea? Taking the crew of a stranded cruise liner and marching them through a magical horse dimension to get home.

You know what's a smart idea? Grouping everybody in pairs so that they can buddy up and look after each other during the trans-dimensional trek.

When Flash Sentry is randomly partnered with an annoying fussy magician possessing an ego the size of the magical storm that sank them, he'd almost rather stay back on the wrecked ship.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Recovery

Sunset Shimmer is a genius. Sunset Shimmer is also a complete idiot when it comes to love. Rarity has learned this the hard way. Feeling down, she has Applejack meet her at the park so she can talk and vent.

This story shares continuity with the Recovery Arc, but is a non-canon side-story.

Chapters (1)

Having been turned down by Twilight, Flash finds comfort in an unlikely source, Crystal Prep's resident rocker girl, Lemon Zest.

Chapters (1)

What was supposed to be a routine night turned into a total disaster. Chimeras attacked, Flash Sentry's in the hospital, and his parents? Well...

Chapters (1)