The twins Cloudchaser and Flitter love foalsitting Rumble together. After all, two mares are better than one. But one day, Flitter comes down with the horsey hives and has to spend the day at Ponyville Hospital. Therefore, Cloudchaser decides to find somepony else to foalsit with her. Derpy turns out to be the only pegasus mare available for the job. How many things could go wrong? A lot, as it turns out.

Chapters (1)

[Second Person]
[You X Dash]

After spending most of your life doing to same routine over and over again you felt like you needed a change so you bought a ticket to Ponyville. What will happen?

This is the rewrite of my story Your Little Adventure because I felt like doing it because the original felt like it was to fast paced

Editor: SpikeSuperme13

Cover image made by me

Chapters (7)

Flitter was lying on her bed where she had been lying for almost a week now. She didn't want to eat, nor drink. But something she did want to, was tell her diary everything that had happened... "She had broken me. In the middle of our most special night, she just had to humiliate me, in front of everypony. This I can't forgive. I don't want to forgive her... Because this, I will never forget. Nor will anypony else..." "I better tell you what this is all about, don't I?" Said Flitter to her diary. And then she started writing about how everything had happened, after she had finished writing about the night she and CloudChaser had come home from their most special night. "It was just a regular morning, and..."

Chapters (2)

Whilst joining a nice day the Mane Six discover that a new dance, born from the last part of Twilight and Cadance's 'Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs Awake' dance, has just been created and one by one everypony in Ponyville, including half of the pony gang begins to join in and shake their rumps.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack are the only ones who oppose this new dance and struggle to not be tempted by it and join in, but will their willpower be enough? Or will they all succumb to this new bizarre, and also fun, dance craze?

This is a collab created alongside Brony kaiju soldier.

Just a really silly little story I thought I'd do, and it sure was fun doing it, especially with a friend:twilightsmile:. I do hope you all enjoy it but if you don't like it don't read it.

Chapters (1)

Cloudchaser has everything - good friends, a sister that adores her, the respect of her fellow Wonderbolt cadets. When a pony from a nameless organization recruits her for a secret mission, however, the dark secrets of her past are brought to light... The question is - could she handle it?

Written for the weekly prompt (flight) of the Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges group

Chapters (1)

After the catastrophic Canterlot High Battle of the Bands Sonata Dusk is abandoned by her fellow Dazzlings. How will she survive High School alone?

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash awakes from a nightmare only to discover a mysterious pony zipping out of her room but she can’t catch the pony so she melds with Pinkie Pie who isn’t really that fast but can randomly teleport so together Rainbow Pie can finally catch the pony who is really the one who protects everypony from nightmares instead of Princess Luna who only enters ponies dreams through the power of Flitter’s tongue which is the important part.

Cover art was slapped together by alamais with components from (background to foreground) tsitra360, tuffylive, fluttershyz1, felix-kot, and weegygreen2.

Chapters (1)

The tradition of sky mining stretches back to the pre-unification days of history. In ages past the ultra-light metal was used to clad mighty pegasai warriors. These days it's used more for weather machines, blenders, and other such modern applications. Still, even with safety innovations, the harsh conditions of the mesosphere are dangers best left to professionals.

For generations the mesosphere has attracted every shade of pony: the ones just looking for a rush, the ones looking to make their fortune, and those seeking to burn out up where the stars tear themselves apart.

One group, stationed in a dusty office in Ponyville, harvests the local skies while trying to balance their lives and team cohesion.

Chapters (4)

Cloud Chaser, amid complications romantic and weather-related, tries to protect her vain, airy sister after they join the Ponyville weather team.

Content Note: Dark tag due to brief allusions to long-past injury to a foal and themes. Past alcohol use mentioned a couple of times.

Era: Pre-Season One right before the Elements of Harmony get together. (See an Index of my canon-compliant tales sorted by Season).

An entry in the Imposing Sovereigns III Competition using the prompt: [(Cloud Chaser) / (Determination)]. As required, Cloud Chaser is in a "position of power" over her minor sister, whom she is determined to take care of. To be fair, "Princess" Flitter is also demonstrating determination about improving herself and getting what she wants. :pinkiehappy: Rainbow Dash shows determination as a leader, but she's not the focus. :rainbowderp:

Image: See the source link on the image. (If the artist is on here (I saw an account that had been last accessed in 2013), I am glad to contact same and/or change this as necessary.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pieces of a Grey Cloud

What if Derpy asked herself all the questions everypony did, but never came up with an answer? Was it hope, true love, or just a cloud she saw in a dream? The liminal, horizons, the ineluctable modality of the visible. Join us in a romp thru the brain of Equestria's favorite grey bubble-butt!

Chapters (1)