• Published 27th Jun 2013
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HUMAN in Equestria: A Conversion Bureau Story - Chatoyance

The ruling class of Earth made a special deal when they allowed the Bureaus. Alone among all earthlings, they remain human, in Equestria.

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10. The Six New Mornings - Petra

The Conversion Bureau


in Equestria
By Chatoyance

10. The Six New Mornings - Petra

Lime Sherbet is used with the permission by the superb author Gabriel LaVedier, from the excellent Dames Of The Tea Table, which you should read because it is wonderful.

The green unicorn mare carefully placed the arrangements of gardenias and lilacs. Rose Bush had explained that these flowers represented joy, innocence and youth. They seemed perfect to Lime for the revivification of her favorite of the statues.

The human filly stood on her hindlegs, her forelegs spread slightly, as if waiting for a hug. The wonderful smile on her stone muzzle - goodness, but these humans had such flat faces, it must make eating out of a bowl almost impossible for them - always cheered Lime as she dusted the statues.

"Today is your day, sweetie. I guess you'll be a pony by lunchtime. The princess shouldn't have to make you a new body, I expect." Lime Sherbet gave the little human another quick pass with the feather duster. She didn't want the poor thing sneezing with her first breath.

The truth was that Lime would miss the smiling human, but that only strengthened her resolve to make the remaining lithified humans as comfortable as statues could be. They were, after all, guests in the castle, and guests of the princesses always deserved to feel loved and safe. It had been three years now, since Morning Star had been brought to life, and Lime had quite gotten used to her little statue garden with each passing Hearth's Warming.

Lime always chatted with the statues, as she cleaned the Waiting Room. She spoke of her husband, a member of the Royal Guard, and of how much she adored Luna, her mistress, and how much fun she had in her company. Occasionally she slipped and related some bit of juicy and sometimes ribald gossip about the life within the castle, but then would catch herself. They were, after all, but little fillies and colts, despite the passage of the years.

"I'm off to bed, smiling one. I just know that big smile of yours will be rewarded well. I suppose I will finally meet you at dinner, which is my morning. Happy birthday, little filly!" Lime lifted her feather duster in her glowing grasp and trotted wearily to the door. It had been a long night filled with not a little rambunctious revelry, and she was very sleepy.

The top of the grey stone began to glow. A circle of light expanded, widening as it followed every bump and curve of the statue's granite hair. Where the limn of dweomer passed by, real hair was revealed, blond and curly. As the radiant division swept down the figure, more and more stone was returned to living flesh.

For a short while, Petra became aware of herself and opened her eyes to find that she was just a head, and then a head and shoulders, protruding from a base of stone. She could not breathe, for her chest and body had not been made flesh yet, but it did not bother her. Some strange magic supported a breathless life within her, and she felt perfectly at peace as she waited for the entirety of her body to be restored from lithic preservation.

Blinking, Petra saw Celestia before her, smiling at her. Standing on the stone pedestal her eyes were nearly even with the tall princess. "Hello... your majesty." Petra thought to curtsy, but decided she was too unsteady to try such a grand expression.

"Good morning, Petra." The princess of the sun became serious. "I must ask you, upon this, the calendrical eighteenth year of your existence, whether it is your wish to become one of my little ponies, and a full subject of the crown."

Petra's heart leaped within her breast. Finally, finally the wish she had desired since her first vision of the princess, and her first episode of Going Pony, and her first look - at a distance - at a real, live Equestrian was about to come true.

"Please, princess, more than anything in all of my life, I wish to become a pony and live as one of your subjects. Surely you already know this! It was the last thing I desired when you turned me to stone, and it is the first thing in my heart now that I again breathe!" Petra felt her hands sweating from excitement, and her heart seemed as if it would burst from her chest and begin dancing about the room.

Princess Celestia backed away. "It is required that you ask transformation of me, whatever I already know to be true. Step down, Petra, I think it will be easier for you on the floor than on that pedestal."

Petra carefully climbed down from the base where she had stood for the past five years. "Should I stand, or sit, princess?"

"I advise you to lay down entirely, not every newfoal is instantly at ease with their new legs." The princess smiled in recollection. "Though there have been a few..."

"Princess?" Petra lay on her belly on the polished marble, quivering at the thought of her dream finally being realized.

"Yes, my litt... Petra?"

"Will... will I have a Conversion Dream? Like the newfoals did back in the days of the bureaus?" Petra remembered much talk about the subject and had spend many hours daydreaming of going to a Conversion Bureau, waiting for her turn, drinking purple nanofluid, and having that most magical of communions.

Celestia gently shook her head. "I am sorry, Petra, but events will not play out as you imagine, I think. The days of the Bureaus are long gone, and with them the little rituals and experiences that the newfoals of that time held dear."

The look on Petra's face was carefully hidden disappointment, but Celestia had known a thousand years of courtly suppression of emotion.

"Take heart, Petra, for rather than chatting with me inside of a dream, you stand now beside me, and I am attending to your conversion myself. Am I somehow better at a distance?" The wry and chiding tone matched the expression on the solar diarch's muzzle.

Petra felt embarrassed. "Oh! No, your majesty... oh, I didn't mean anything of the sort, it's merely that I have been dreaming and hoping so much that I had this picture in my mind that..."

Celestia stepped forward and bent her neck down to nuzzle the prostrate child. "It's quite alright, shhhh.... I am used to teasing japes from endless years of courtly life." Petra had fallen silent with the first touch, and had grown content again. "Are you ready to become a pony now?"

"Oh yes, please, princess."

"Do you have a preference as to which sort of pony you would like to be?" Celestia stood back again, and her horn began to glow with golden light.

Petra startled. "I... I get to choose? I thought newfoals never got to choose!"

"Only because of circumstances and necessity, Petra. This situation is different - and besides, I suppose I have to make up for denying you a conversion dream, do I not?"

This time, Petra laughed. "Oh, my... whatever pony do I want to be? An earthpony, like Rose Vale? A pegasus like Sunshine Laughter? A unicorn like Snowflower? I never could decide! Oh, dear... I'm sorry, princess! Oh goodness... an earthpony is strong and can make things grow, but unicorns can do magic and pegasai can fly and... I can't think, it's all so wonderful and each is important and ever so amazing to be and...

Celestia laughed. "Would it be easier to let me choose for you?"

Petra sagged with relief. "Would you, please? I honestly can't decide. I would be happy to be any sort of pony at all. Each is so very special in their own way."

"I agree with you entirely on that point, Petra. I love all of my little ponies." Celestia's horn blazed with light. "I shall begin. Just relax and let the transformation happen. You may even find it almost as enjoyable as dreaming about it!"

Petra began to giggle at that when she suddenly stopped, transfixed by wonder and sensation.

Her body was covered in golden light. The radiance sparkled and shimmered, an auric aurora that played across every curve and contour of her body. Petra held her hand up to her face, and marveled as her fingers streamed golden arcanum like five magical torches.

A curious and beautiful sound, like distant chimes, filled her senses. As Petra lay on the floor, she felt her body become light, and begin to change. Her forearms began to shrink as her hands grew long and turned into pony cannons. Her neck thickened and extended. Petra's view altered as her head grew further from her shoulders.

Filled with astonishment, Petra watched her fingers melt into each other until only her middle fingers remained. These became large, and the nails thickened and expanded to become forehooves of palest tan. This was better than a conversion dream, Petra thought, she was getting to experience her own transformation as it happened. Not a few newfoals had wanted to witness such a thing, and she was reveling in it even now.

Petra curved her extending neck and body to better observe her shifting hindquarters. Somewhere in the process, her clothing had drifted away from her like some vaporous mist, doubtless streamed into the aether by Celestia's golden light. Her body was covered with a shining coat of pale tan, almost golden, the color of Croissants and breakfast tea. In a brief moment of giddiness, Petra thought she looked delicious!

As she watched, her thighs flattened and shortened greatly, pulling close to her narrowing body. Her knees drew near, as her bare feet stretched and elongated to become cannons just as the backs of her hands had done. Her heels became hocks, and her toes merged to become hooves. All the components were the same, between human and Equestrian, they were merely reproportioned for the most part.

Petra felt something shoot out of the back of her neck and the top of her head - her withers and poll. From the base of her... tail, 'oh my goodness', she thought to herself, 'I have a little tail! It looks ever so naked, like a little rattie, but look!' And so it was that what shot forth from her rear, and her withers and poll, was the hair of her mane and hair to cover her bare tail.

The strands were soft and shone like spun gold. 'Oh.' Petra was mildly disappointed by this. She had been blond her entire life and had been curious what it would be like to be some other color, perhaps a bright and lovely rainbow shade. It seemed anticlimactic to start as a blond human and end as a blond pony.

"Is there a problem, my little pony?" Celestia was concentrating fiercely, but she had apparently noticed the change of expression on Petra's newly forming muzzle.

"Oh no!" Petra started to say how wonderful everything was, but then stopped. "Actually, I almost wish - not to be greedy or selfish but I suppose I am being so - that I could have been more colorful. I was blond and pale as a human, and it just seems so similar to be blond and pale as a pony too." Suddenly, Petra felt very ashamed for having blurted her feelings out. It seemed the worst sort of ingratitude to complain about such a silly thing in the middle of being personally transmogrified by the princess of all Equestria. Petra hung her head in shame.

"I thought your golden hair was pretty. I imagined you would wish to keep it. Changing color is nothing at all. There are parlors in Canterlot with clever unicorns that specialize in changing the color of mane and tail and coat as well. But, while we are here, did you have a specific look you desired, madam customer?"

Petra giggled through her new mouth and then spent a few seconds playing with her longer tongue and transformed jaw. "Um... my favorite color is red. If..." Instantly her golden mane and tail became bright, shimmering crimson, red as strawberries in the sun. "Oh, my!"

"I have made your irises red too. They look like rubies. I hope this is to your liking, madam?" The wry smile on Celestia's face made Petra laugh.

"Oh, I think this shall do nicely. Such lovely work you do. I shall be certain to recommend your excellent establishment to all of my most fashionable friends!" Petra put on her best high-and-mighty voice, pretending to be one of the sniffier clients at a beauty parlor.

This made the princess laugh, despite still being lost in concentration.

"Oh! Oh my goodness!" Petra began squirming on the floor.

"Please, try to remain still. I suppose it feels a bit strange. I am finishing up with your internal organs." Celestia's horn pulsed and sparkled, as if it were some kind of optical device reading vast quantities of data.

Petra did her best to remain in place and lay still. She was not in any pain, but the sensations within her barrel and hindquarters were very strange and slightly disturbing. It felt as if slick, buttered bits of cooked squash were undergoing seasonal migration within the sack of her body. "I'm sorry, princess." Squishy things moved in her chest, and down through her belly. "Oh... my goodness. Oh!"

"Hmmm... I will need to adjust for that with the other children. You seem unusually aware of your internal organs. I apologize for any discomfort." The look of concentration on Celestia's face intensified. "Almost done. Just finishing your reproductive organs. You might want to have foals someday."

Petra, as she played at twitching her new ears, recalled some of the things her father had been so obsessed with. "Princess, my father was very concerned with reproduction. He seemed to feel that the humans in the Masada could not have foals any more." Petra found it fascinating how she had phrased her question. Was she already starting to think like a pony? The thought made her heart race again in delight.

"Mmm... yes. I cancelled their reproductive option." Celestia seemed to be focusing on something deep inside of Petra's pony body. Petra felt nothing happening, but that might be because the princess had applied some means to prevent her feeling the changes inside her, in order to spare her any more oddness. "One of the pigs they killed described to me the way they had murdered it. Apparently they are using iron to make guns, and storing them in an underground armory. It appears they've been at this almost since the day they took possession of their little fortress. They've been training some of the diamond dogs to use the guns. It is blatantly in violation of the Covenant."

"No! That... that's horrible!" Petra was both shocked and ashamed for her parents and the other humans in the Masada.

"Oh... I'm sorry I said anything. I know you had nothing to do with any of that. Besides, you're my little pony now." The golden glow was gone. Petra stretched and wriggled her new, completed body. She giggled at the feel of her coat sliding smoothly on the marble, and the easy power of her four strong legs.

"I'm... I'm an earthpony, aren't I?" Petra set her right forehoof firmly on the floor and felt something flow out of her into the marble, spreading through it. She could sense her own weight on the floor from within the substance of it, and she could feel the striations of the marble in three dimensions below her and around her. "Goodness." It was an astonishing feeling.

Her body felt strong, incredibly strong. She was briefly worried that she might press her hoof right through the marble, breaking it. Petra lifted her forehoof carefully, then let it rest gently. "I'm... just like Rose Vale from my holoshow. Or... Or like Plantain! I'm just like Plantain! How wonderful! We could be sisters now!"

"If you want. I'm sure my mother would adore you. But she'd want you to social climb in Canterlot." Plantain's voice was unmistakable.

Celestia smiled and nodded towards the door. "You can come in now, Petra is complete, and I am finished."

Plantain and Morning Star needed no further invitation. They cantered through the door and pounced on Petra. "Oh, Petra, I've missed you so much!" Petra found herself being nuzzled and hugged tightly by Plantain. Petra did her best to return the hug, using her neck as ponies did.

"Plantain... dearest Plantain... it's been five long years for you hasn't it? It must have been, if I am eighteen now. For me, it was just moments ago that I was turned to stone. It's all so very strange." Petra held her pony friend tightly. "Although it would seem impossible, I have missed you too, if only for the last few minutes, and I am so very glad you are here now."

The two friends held each other tightly, necks entwined, pressing their bodies into each other.

"How do you feel, Petra?" Morning Star lay down carefully, close, but unsure how Petra might react to her.

Petra looked at the pale violet pegasus with the ivory mane. "You're... you're Seraphina, are you not?"

The pegasus filly nodded. "My name is Morning Star now. The princess named me. I am very glad to see you alive again." Morning pawed the marble with her forehooves.

"Silly! Come here so that I may properly hug you!" Morning Star practically leaped into contact with Petra, and the two embraced, neck over neck, legs entwined, with Plantain mixed into it all, somehow.

Petra was part of a tangle of tan, chestnut, and violet warmth and she couldn't help but sigh. She relaxed into the swirl of touch and scent, and closed her shining, new eyes. "I... I couldn't do this before."

"I know, I know." Morning Star rubbed her poll against the heads of the other two ponies. "Class and rank and position."

"Overfamiliarity will not be tolerated in proper ladies! Distance and decorum!" Petra spoke with exaggerated pomposity.

"That sounds like my charm teacher!" Morning Star giggled at Petra's impersonation. "I didn't know you could do voices."

"I don't know anything about you, either." Petra felt as if she had melted into a pool of pony. "Let's change that, alright?"

"Let's!" Morning Star laughed again, and the three happy fillies nuzzled each other once more.

"I would not wish to interrupt such a joyous reunion, but I have many duties to fulfill." The three fillies looked up at the princess, standing above them. "There is now the matter of showing you to your room in the castle, and explaining your options with regard to new parents." Celestia thought for a moment. "And, there is the matter of names. Do you have a new name in mind for your new life? Morning Star seemed very adamant that I should offer to name you as well. I extend that possibility, but I hasten to add there is no rush."

"Do you have a name picked out? If you don't, you should let Celestia name you. She's wonderful at it, and terribly clever." The violet pegasus seemed very intent. "My old name meant a sort of angel, which was kind of prophetic because I died, but my new name is associated with Phoenixes - did you know Celestia has a pet Phoenix? She does! Anyway, it was my very first morning as a pony, it was morning when she named me, I'm a pegasus, and a lot of pegasai all together is called a 'Constellation', and I was resurrected from being dead, so I'm 'Morning Star'!"

"Wow." The little tan and crimson earthpony nodded. "That is very clever indeed. I would like a new name. I never really liked 'Petra', it always made me sound like some stiff, upperclass filly, all hard and cold. I am not at all like that, I promise!" To prove the point, she hugged Plantain and Morning Star again.

Finally, raising her head, she looked toward the princess. "Very well. If you are of a mind to do so, I should very much like a name. If it would not be a bother, of course, my princess."

The diarch of the sun laughed. "You are always so very proper, I must say. If you were to choose to live in Canterlot, you would be a natural among the court. But that is not what I see when I look at you. From what Plantain and Morning Star have told me, you were a natural leader among the children, and always worked to keep them together, and safe. We are of a similar spirit in that, as you were with them, so I am with all of my little ponies.

"Then be it known that both with regard to your lovely mane - you simply must tell me who does your hair - " The princess winked at that, and caused the little earthpony to giggle in return. " and with regard to the language of flowers, I name thee Crimson Beauty!"

Crimson Beauty's muzzle dropped open, then closed. "T-Thank you, my princess."

"Oh my." Morning Star nodded, impressed.

"What? I don't know this flower stuff!" Plantain was eager to get the joke, if there was one.

"Princess Celestia really knows old earth." Crimson Beauty looked at Morning Star. "You're right, she is clever. But I don't deserve that."

"I don't understand." Plantain looked from Morning to Crimson and back again.

"The meaning of the Crimson Beauty flower is that... the princess is saying that their souls are united. It's a great compliment." Morning Star gave Crimson a little nudge with her nose. "I guess you really did kind of mother us out there. I'm sorry I didn't understand it at the time."

"I'm just glad we're all here." Crimson Beauty looked around the room at the four remaining statues. Milo. Asher. Oliver and Isla. "Let's be here for them, just like you were here for me. Can we do that?"

"I doubt I could prevent it!" Celestia affected mock annoyance.

When the three ponies had finished giggling, and Crimson had been helped to her hooves, and walked about a bit supported by her two friends - and they were her friends, both of them, she realized - Celestia announced it was time to show her to a room, and they could talk and play until dinner. The details of the future could wait. They would have to, with three excited, giggly fillies so overjoyed at simply being together - and simply being.

Lime Sherbet trotted along the hallway, her horn glowing with pale emerald light. Before her, in her telekinetic grasp, was tea and biscuits. The little cakes were arranged very prettily upon a lovely milky-porcelain plate with edges that looked like they were woven into the most marvelous and delicate pattern. The plate, cups and teapot sat on a wide silver tray, with nice fresh daisies surrounding everything.

Carefully holding the tray and it's contents with her hornfield, Lime generated a second field and applied it to the door, knocking upon it with hardened magic. Behind the door, the giggles and voices stopped, and the sound of hooves approaching could be heard.

"Hello!" The red-haired earthpony filly grinned up at Lime.

"Hello, my dears. I thought you three might like a little tea and flowers, and little cakes too. It's my shift, and I noticed you were still up."

"Tea and cakes and flowers?" Plantain and Morning Star seemed very excited at the prospect. "Please come in!"

Lime Sherbet entered the room, and set the tray down on the low table in front of the canopy bed. The three fillies had been up since morning, and now it was just past moonrise. Lime had taken care of her mistress and was making her rounds. She had heard the giggling fillies on the way to the kitchens, so bringing them a treat just seemed the delightful thing to do.

"Won't you join us?" Crimson Beauty eyed the delicious looking tray with the ever-present hunger of youth.

"Oh, no. Thank you for asking. I have many things to do tonight. There's going to be a banquet brunch tomorrow for some dragons from Leviathania, and I have to get all the details just so. I did want to meet you, miss Beauty. Welcome to Canterlot castle, and, I dare say, to life as well!"

"You know my name?" Crimson Beauty looked at her two friends, surprised at the revelation.

"I make it my business to know all the names of every guest of the princesses. I'm Lime Sherbet, the head of the Royal Maids and Mare In Waiting To Princess Luna. If you have any troubles - not that you would have any troubles, this being Canterlot and all - just ask for me, and everything will be peaches and cream in no time at all."

"Mmnn... I like peaches!" Plantain was enjoying one of the little cakes. She was enjoying it very much.

"And cream! Especially sweet cream. Although sour can be nice too, with the right thing." Morning Star sipped a cup of tea and sighed. "This is lovely, Lime! Thank you ever so much!"

"This was completely kind. Thank you for the wonderful treat. I thought dinner had entirely filled me to bursting, but now... I feel hungry again!" Crimson Beauty took a mouthful of daisies and smiled happily as she chewed, savoring the delicate, delicious flavor.

"Ah... youth. I used to eat like that. Enjoy it now, fillies. Not that a little plumpness isn't appreciated, of course." Lime was going to say more, but held her tongue. The giggling of the three enjoying their tea suggested she didn't need to say more.

"I need to return to my duties, now. I wish you only the happiest in life, miss Beauty. And the same for the naughty lot of you!" This provoked more giggles - it was late and they were a giggly bunch - so Lime took her leave.

"Oh, she seems very nice!" Crimson struggled with her teacup and the teapot. She was still learning how to use her new body.

"Allow me?" Morning Star poured the newly transformed earthpony some tea and showed her the best way to grip the little cup, between the fetlocks, right in the little dip between the bones.

"I... I feel kind of overwhelmed now. Almost like crying, only... I don't know why." Crimson sipped her tea and sniffed.

"I felt the same way. It's relief, I think. It's having all the pain stop. It's having a shining clean mind with no evil in it. It's these wonderful bodies, no doubt. But I think mostly it's just relief. We made it. We survived, and we got to be ponies and... we just plain made it."

The tears on Crimson Beauty's cheeks agreed with Morning Star's analysis. "I... yes. Yes." Crimson carefully concentrated on using her fetlocks correctly and took another sip of tea. It was just delicious, and it went well with flowers or cake. Finally, Crimson found her voice once more. "You were telling me about your parents, Morning?"

"Yes, we live in Cirrusglen, just outside and above Canterlot city. You can see it to the north, up high. It's kind of a movable suburb, really. About two hundred cloud homes, and a cloud park. It's only been moved once while I've lived there, to make room for this really huge airship called the Golden Harmony. My parents are named Windshear and Spindrift, and they've been married for... oh, gosh, about eighty years. They've always wanted kids, but their careers were constantly in the way. Royal Guards, you know. They're established now, so they have lots of free time. Best two dads a filly could ever have!"

Morning Star practically shone like her empyrean namesake. She was clearly a very happy filly.

"Oh, I suppose I will have new parents myself, won't I?" Crimson Beauty stared at her tea. Her old life was gone. In most ways that was wonderful. But a part of her heart had hoped that her mother and father might have been there, when she was brought back to life.

"I'm sorry, Crimson." Morning Star had instantly understood the change in demeanor in her friend.

"I meant what I said about my mom." Plantain put a hoof around Crimson. "You will always have a home with us. I asked my mom about it, actually. She's practically been demanding I drag you home. I just... I just figure that a banana plantation would not be your first choice, you know? You could have... anypony. You could live in fancy circumstances."

Crimson Beauty lay her head over Plantain's withers. "I have lived in fancy circumstances, Plantain. I've lived in nothing but fancy circumstances." For a short while, she was silent. "If I were to come live as your sister, would I be required to help out with the bananas, get very, very dirty, run about all over the fields in the sun, and watch out for hoards of bunnies running everywhere?"

Plantain looked down, ashamed of her somewhat humble home. "Yeah. Plus we're so far out we don't have dung service, so we have to run the cart ourselves. And I can't get the bunnies to dance anymore. The spiders have moved out, though. They finally got their own plantation."

"I absolutely adore bananas, dearest sister."

That made Plantain smile, and a tear come to her eye.