• Published 27th Jun 2013
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HUMAN in Equestria: A Conversion Bureau Story - Chatoyance

The ruling class of Earth made a special deal when they allowed the Bureaus. Alone among all earthlings, they remain human, in Equestria.

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3. A Death In The Masada

The Conversion Bureau


in Equestria
By Chatoyance

3. A Death In The Masada

Warren Rensselaer was in a hurry. Stefan was in a tizzy about something or another and had called a big meeting at the Muleskinner. The country club was the usual place that the men of the Human Masada ended up at during the day, but Stefan had reserved the great hall and that was truly unusual. Even with the earth gone, even with the materiality of their empires vanished forever, the hierarchy of the Good Families remained. Bettencourt was the top dog of the pack when the earth finally fell, and he was still the top dog even here, in exile.

Warren's morning had been a struggle. He had slept in, which he normally never did. When he had turned seventy, despite taking the best anagathics available, he had begun to start waking early and going to bed early. Warren had always been a night person, but he had suddenly developed the sleeping patterns of the elderly. It had greatly annoyed him - weren't all those fancy nanotech anti-aging treatments supposed to, well, slow down aging?

There wasn't any nanotech in this twisted horse world. Warren wasn't about to let some mule of a unicorn play witch doctor on him, no matter what that pony princess said. The fact was, though, that since the Good Families had moved to the new world, Warren had been feeling his age once more. A lot of the older members felt the same.

All of this aging nonsense was nothing a little determination and effort couldn't cure though. Warren had risen late, but he had attended to all of his morning requirements. He had eaten properly, done a proper job in the outhouse, and then performed his personal routine of exercises.

Warren had developed them himself. The quacks back on old dead earth wanted him to act like he had both feet in the grave. To take things easy. That was the surest way to end up feeble! Warren began his day with sit-ups and finished the morning routine with push ups. Vigorous push ups, dammit, like a man should do.

He would get another double-strength coffee at the Club. Sip it while listening to whatever Bettencourt had come up with. At least they had coffee in this godforsaken...

Something had hit Warren Rensselaer in the face. He tried to understand what had happened. As far as he could tell, he had walked into a wall. Dammit. He hadn't been paying attention. That was unforgivable, a successful man always pays attention to everything.

Wait. That was no wall. It was the ground. Warren tried to get up, but he couldn't. There was a rushing sound, like a waterfall in his ears. It kept getting louder and louder. He could hear the pounding of his heart over the hiss, but it wasn't regular. The beat was random, it made no sense.

Dammit, that cursed Celestia had fallen down on the job. She'd let the sun fall down. It was all dark. Whoever let a god-damn pon

"That is not good enough!" Nikolai Astor jabbed a finger at the gigantic figure. "We know how long your ponies live! Three hundred years! Are you serious?"

Celestia, princess of Equestria, Diarch of the Sun, sat on a padded, golden plinth. Whatever Stefan Bettencourt had intended for his meeting had been entirely forgotten in the outrage that had seized the men of the Good Families. They had summoned Celestia, according to Section II, Paragraph IV of the Covenant, and as expected, she had shown up. Exactly on time, of course. The equinoid princess was, if anything, an absolute beast for Law.

Nikolai waited, tapping his foot. The immense white creature sighed.

"Mr. Astor, when the details of the Covenant between the Diarchy of Equestria and the ruling Families of Earth were drawn, the single greatest stipulation made was that the members of the Good Families should 'in every way and in every respect, excepting those requirements specifically stipulated within Appendix B, be kept completely and fully human, which is defined as being a member of the species Homo sapiens sapiens of the planet Earth as known in the present age and time of this contract, and in no way be altered, changed, manipulated or transformed beyond what is minimally necessary for healthful and robust survival within the demesne of Equestria.'

"Warren Rensselaer is dead! I saw him drop stone cold dead right outside of his own home! I turned his corpse over so he wouldn't be laying with his face in the dirt!" Nikolai's face was red, and his eyes strained wide.

"Yes? I do not understand the point you are trying to make." The eternal princess spoke in a calm, relaxed voice. "Perhaps if you specified your concern exactly..."

"He's DEAD!" Astor nearly shouted the word. Why couldn't this alien slab of meat grasp the obvious?

"I think what Nikolai is trying to say is that it is very troubling that one of us has expired of something as mundane as heart failure within a universe of magic where the average pony..." Cornelius Weyerhauser said the word as if he were describing an entry from the Bristol Stool Scale "...lives three times as long, and some..." Cornelius glared at the princess "...much longer than that. It hardly seems fair."

The men in the room, nearly a hundred altogether, grumbled assent. Princess Celestia sat quietly, patiently waiting for the ripple to pass by. "I am sorry for your loss, I truly am." One of the Equestrian Royal Guards briefly interrupted the princess, whispering something to her, then standing back. "But the fact is that the human called Warren Rensselaer lived, and died, as the human he insisted he remain. I have met the precise terms of the Covenant in exacting detail, terms which you yourselves participated in creating, and which all of you agreed to."

"Celestia!" Alberto Fontbona stepped forward, briefly raising his hand to be recognized. "Princess." Alberto affected an amiable smile. "Your great power rebuilt us piece by piece into men who could live within your realm! The sheer magnitude of such a thing, to recast a living man into magical matter! Some would call you a god!"

The princess did not look pleased. "I am, and remain always, your princess. I have chosen my title with great care. I would be called nothing more." The royal eyes fixed Fontbona firmly. "And nothing less."

"Of course, my princess." Alberto Fontbona bowed grandly. "But surely it would be simple enough for one such as you to bring Warren back from wherever it is that he has gone?" Alberto smiled once more. Other men in the room nodded at him, catching on to where he was going. "Perhaps... perhaps we could come to a new arrangement, one where..."

"Warren has gone nowhere. His body is in the back room where you have laid it. It would indeed be a simple matter to repair the damage to his body, restart the machinery of it, and have him awaken." The princess was calm, as always, but there was a faint coldness in her eyes. "That said, shortly after he would die again, and would once more if the act were repeated. Quite simply, he has reached the end of his time. To extend his lifespan further in any meaningful way would require altering the cellular mechanism by which his flesh operates. He would no longer be human as specified clearly by the Covenant. I am bound by the Covenant, and so what you are clearly trying to suggest..." The princess of the sun looked levelly at the men in the room "...would be a complete breach of our agreement."

This was not a bit what any man in the Muleskinner Club wanted to hear, and the faint rumble of their anger rippled again through the room.

"Now, I am sorry, but I must leave. Other matters press upon me. I have honored your summons, and now I must depart." The princess rose from her cushion, and prepared to exit, her honor guard attending to her golden seat.

"WAIT!" it was Nikolai again. "Warren... Warren is in your... pony heaven now, right? He isn't just gone, he's in your... afterlife or whatever it is, correct?" He seemed desperate, almost pleading.

Once more the princess sighed. The sigh seemed slightly sad. "Mister Rensselaer lived, and died, completely as a human, exactly as agreed in..."

"But you changed us!" Nikolai was almost in tears now, which made several of the other men uncomfortable. "You personally converted each and every one of us into Equestrian matter, you personally remade us into magical matter so we could live as humans, so we wouldn't have to be ponies! That was the deal! We're made out of the same stuff ponies are made out of now, that's why we can live here!"

Celestia did look sad. Every man could see it now. "Correct, Nickolai Valeri Astor. Each and every member of the ruling families of earth are now made of Equestrian matter. I was very careful when I reconstructed every single last one of you. You are all exactly as you were when you were made of atoms instead of dweons. Other than being built of the native materials of my domain, and the minor, contractually approved alteration of your capacity for violence as outlined in Appendix B, you are completely and utterly human. You have not been changed in any regard beyond the exact terms of the Covenant."

Nikolai fell to his knees on the wood floor, his face blank, the look in his eyes that of a man lost and beyond hope.

"I am very sorry for your loss." The princess finally was able to turn to leave. Just before she passed through the large doors to the Muleskinner, she looked back over her flank. "I hold to every part of the Covenant exactly. Please keep Section VI in mind." And with that the Diarch of the Sun was gone.

She could not be mandatorily summoned again, under the rules of the Covenant, for one full year.

"Section... six." Nikolai breathed out the words with the last air in his lungs before breathing in again.

"He just... died. Didn't he?" Forrest Arnault stepped his ponderous bulk backward, as if retreating from his own thoughts. "Just... dead. Like on earth. Gone. Just... gone."

"Section six." Nikolai stood up, his knees stiff. "Remedial transformation into Equestrian form."

"Potion won't work here. She has to do it by hand, like she fixed us originally to live here." Alberto smoothed his balding pate. "Ponification."

"By 'hoof'." Nikolai smoothed his pants to get the folds out. "Not by hand. By hoof. That's what they say."

"What the hell is wrong with all of you?" Only now had Stefan Bettencourt chosen to speak. "Rensselaer died no differently than every man who ever walked the earth! The earth is gone, but he still died a man. The lot of you are turning as soft and useless as those fluffy ponies out there! Man up! We are the chosen of Earth!" Bettencourt walked to where Celestia had sat, and stood, trying to become the new center of attention. "That is why I asked you here in the first place. Rensselaer's death just underscores the real issue, which is that we have lost the capacity to reproduce!"

Stefan's words fell on deaf ears. Every man, every former master of industry of the vanished earth was now lost in grief for themselves. Some stood silent, absorbed in thought or emotion, a very few openly wept.

"That is what she meant. I never bothered with such things as magical souls when I lived on earth. The idea was ridiculous, a mere pablum for the masses." Nikolai wiped his brow. He found that it was cold and damp. He spoke slowly, as if in a daze. "But then... even after Celestia showed us the truth... I still... my god... death is still death for us! That is what she actually meant when she said we are still utterly human..."

Stefan Bettencourt frowned. It didn't seem likely that anyone would listen to him about the impossibility of new births.

Petra used the noise of the loud discussion that had broken out to escape the closet where she had been hiding. The Muleskinner was strictly off limits to children and women - except on Celestdays, when the men could bring their wives for dinner. Petra absolutely did not want to be caught. But the Muleskinner had the best larder in the entire Human Masada, and it always got first pick of the deliveries through the gates.

It was often hot on the far side of Canterlot mountain. The reason was the banana plantation that was Plantain and Crème's home. The Pegasai kept the entire region in perpetual summer. There was never a fall, and never a winter. They made it rain, of course, but even the rain was warm. Mother had said it was like living in the tropics back on earth.

As lunchtime approached, Petra had wanted very much to offer her new friends - her very first friends, if the truth be told - something special to eat. Plantain had told her of the sorts of things that she ate at meals, and Petra had found herself envious of them. Equestrians ate hay and grass and grains and vegetables, of course, but they could also eat any amount of sweets without harm. They could enjoy cakes and pies and even candy all day long and never become ill as humans did. Some ponies did just that, in fact, for every day of their long, long lives.

The Muleskinner always had the most wonderful desserts. Mother would sometimes bring back a portion of her Celestday meal with Father at the club to share with Petra. From what Mother had said, there were shelves and shelves of the most delicious things just sitting there at the Club. They would never even notice if some were taken for a good cause.

The arrival of Plantain and her little bunny had made Petra feel like something inside of her was tearing, or ripping apart. She felt full of feelings that her skin could no longer hold in. Already she had done the most dreadful things - she had let a pony into her room. She had tried to keep the pony - and the little bunny - entirely a secret from both Mother and Father, and it had actually worked! There were no cameras in Equestria, no spy eyes and no agents of her father standing in the shadows. For the first time in her existence, Petra understood that she truly had a life - a life all of her very own.

She had never dared to go against her parents before. It had been an impossibility, actually. But here, in Equestria, the impossible was now possible. Petra felt fear, and worry, and also a thrill unlike anything she had ever known. It almost made her giddy to realize that what she did was not being observed or monitored or watched. It was difficult to accept. She found herself constantly looking for the little lenses or the tiny black dots she had come to accept as an omnipresent feature of her world. There were no overly-ordinary men and women always nearby, changing shifts.

It had finally dawned on Petra Bettencourt that for the first time in her whole life, she had been living entirely as a single person, her own person, and not as the daughter of Stefan Albrecht Bettencourt, CEO of the world.

She had nearly turned back three times on the way to the Muleskinner. She had been certain that there had been an agent behind a tree. But when she went to look, there was only bushes and bark. It was almost beyond belief. For the first time ever, Petra knew she was actually... free.

There, standing behind the tree, Petra had seen the man jog out of his back door and round the edge of his cottage. It wasn't a large mansion, so the man couldn't have been one of the inner circle. He was likely one of the lower heads of the Good Families. Even among their small community, there were smaller communities within it, all based on the influence and importance that the members had held back when they had lived on earth.

The man jogged around to the other side of his home and then just... fell down. The man fell and he didn't move and he didn't get up.

Petra was about to run to him, and ask him why he was doing such a strange thing when several other adults ran to the man on the ground and began fussing with him. One turned the man over, onto his back. Others began checking his neck and wrists and listening to his chest. Another adult began taking deep breaths and kissing the man over and over. Finally they all stopped the things they were doing and stood around staring at the man on the ground.

By then, more adults had arrived, and they picked up the man who had fallen down and they carried him away. When this happened, Petra was able to escape from behind the tree and make for the Muleskinner Club. As she moved across the compound, she saw that the adults were also going to the Muleskinner. They were taking the fallen man there.

This turned out to be a great spot of luck. The adults were so busy with the man who fell down, that the side, kitchen entrance was entirely empty of people, and the kitchen itself was also empty. Most of the large building was empty, every adult having gone to see the man who fell down.

In the kitchen, Petra found a very nice empty sack. It had once been filled with rice, soon it would be filled with delicious treats for Plantain and Crème.

Petra discovered a lovely German chocolate cake roll that was not the least bit messy and which could be easily put into her sack. "Oh, I wish I had a tiny black mask! I have become so terribly naughty of late. Now I have turned to burglary!" Stuffing that cake roll into a discarded rice sack was easily the most thrilling and dangerous thing which Petra had ever experienced. Several times she could not help but scan the wooden walls and ceiling for hidden sensors or artificially intelligent tracking insects. Not a single metallic spider could be seen.

When she found the stack of pumpkin-nut muffins and began stuffing them into her bag, she began to worry that her heart would explode from her chest. Petra had to sit down for a moment, just to regain her wits. For most of her thirteen years, she had lived under the constant awareness that her every action and behavior was under neverending scrutiny. She had been tracked and watched and guarded, and nothing she could ever do was for an instant her own. Every detail of her life was available for the review of her parents however private. All of this scrutiny was to both protect her from harm, and to mold her into a proper heir to the Bettencourt dynasty.

As Petra sat trying to calm herself, she began to listen to the voices coming clearly through the wall. The adults in the main hall, which connected with the kitchens for large dinner parties, were becoming agitated.

Suddenly, Petra heard the most dear and precious voice she had ever heard in her life. The princess was in the great hall. Princess Celestia was near!

Petra was halfway to the door by the time she managed to grab the edge of the island counter. Momentarily she felt her own body struggling against itself as her legs continued to try to dash into the hall, held in check only because of her firm grip. The desire to run to the princess, her princess, was overwhelming.

For six months, the princess had been her constant companion, as she had been to every member of the Good Families, old or young. For six months, the princess had sung to her, told her stories, laughed with her, played with her. The princess had been more than a friend, more than a mere nanny, despite what Petra had said to Plantain.

For six months, for the only time in her whole life, Petra had felt genuinely loved.

When the adults had relented, when they had seen enough of what the real world actually was, when the Good Families had agreed to the Covenant Between Earth and Equestria that had allowed the Conversion Bureaus to be built to save all the doomed peasants of the world, Celestia had left. Even though the princess had been utterly gentle and as kind as she could be about the matter, her leaving had been the most terrible and traumatic day of Petra's life.

After the months of care, after the force feedings and the constant barrage of psychiatrists and treatments, after countless relapses over the course of a year, Petra gradually had become able to function again. She returned to her constantly monitored conditioning to become a proper Bettencourt. She learned her lessons and spoke properly and echoed the proper beliefs and sentiments that were expected of her.

Her one relief, the one thing that had allowed this return to functionality, had been her show. That was the reason Father had allowed it at all. She had seen it in the hospital, after she had collapsed. She was in the middle of being force fed through a tube after a relapse, and was staring blankly at the holoscreen when the first episode of 'Going Pony' came on.

The program was a real-life propaganda piece arranged by branch of the Worldgovernment to sell ponification to the public. The adventures of a young twoper girl as she was processed within the first Conversion Bureau utterly captured Petra's imagination. Sunshine Laughter - the girl had already picked out a pony name for herself - and later, Rose Vale, the newfoal companion Sunshine had met in the Bureau, became the closest thing to best friends Petra had ever had. Every time she slipped a romball into the player, her friends were there with her, living a life that Petra could only dream of.

Over and over she watched every episode of 'Going Pony'. She laughed every time that Sunshine became frantic wondering whether or not she had been called to the ponification room. She sighed every time when Sunshine and Rose first admitted their love. She had memorized the names of every single member of the little breakfast club that formed once Sunshine had finally become a pony. For Petra, her holoprogram had become her real life, the thing that made getting through the awful days of being a proper Bettencourt possible at all.

When the time came to move to Equestria with all the other Good Families, Petra had exploded with joy!

It was then that she was harshly disabused of her constant fantasy, her only wish. They had told her before, but she had been unable to accept it. Father finally made it brutally clear.

Not a single one of the Good Families would be ponified. That was for the rabble, the peasants, the lessers of the world. The truly important people, the real human race, they would be personally attended to by the princesses. Every member of the three-hundred true families would undergo direct reconstruction into Equestrian matter. The process was time consuming even for the princesses, but in the end, when the billions of the earth's wretched were mere ponies, the elite would remain true humans.

Petra had been given to princess Luna to be reconstructed. She had demanded to see Celestia, and had thrown quite a fit. Then, disheveled and sodden with tears, Petra had finally sunk to her knees and begged, with hands held as if in prayer, to be turned into a pony instead.

Father had hit her then, across the face, the only time he had ever done so in public. The princess of the night had been shocked, but she was constrained by her duty. Petra became cold and numb, after that. She stood quiet and empty as the dark princess replaced every speck of her earth body with particles of Equestrian matter. For an hour she stood thus, feeling utterly devoid of all hope. She hardly even noticed when the princess announced her to be complete, and she said nothing as she was led away.

The last thing she could recall of her reconstruction was her father yelling at the princess, but she couldn't remember why.

Celestia was just outside the kitchen door.

Petra gradually regained herself, and her legs stopped trying to run of their own accord. It was pointless. What could she hope to accomplish if she ran into the main hall? Celestia wouldn't see her back then, when it mattered, and now it was too late. She was human. She could never be a pony, Father had explained it very, very clearly. The serum would not work on anyone already made of Equestrian matter. The earth was gone, and so the Bureaus were gone, and in any case Petra could drink an ocean of potion and it would do nothing at all.

Alone of all of the people of the old world, the Good Families remained - and would always be - human.

Petra sighed. It was too late for tears now.

But, it was still wonderful to hear the voice of the princess. Petra listened to the dulcet tones of her beloved princess, remembering those precious six months, remembering her romball collection of 'Going Pony', remembering...

Two men were talking now. One sounded thin and weedy, the other deep and growly. Apparently the man who had fallen down had... died. Petra had never seen anyone die before. It was so very odd. The man had just fallen down, nothing more.

The two men sounded strange. They were upset, but not in any way that seemed connected to the poor man who had fallen down. The two men were concerned for themselves.

Petra crept closer to the wall, so she could hear what they were saying.

"Section six." There was the sound of scuffling feet, then the weedy sounding man spoke again. "Remedial transformation into Equestrian form."

"Potion won't work here. She has to do it by hand, like she fixed us originally to live here." There was a pause before the grumbly man continued. "Ponification."

Tears came to Petra's eyes, but she slapped her own face and they stopped.

While the conversations continued in the hall, Petra began methodically stuffing her sack as fast as she could. Not just cakes and pies, but vegetables and bread and fruit and cheese, too. There were jugs of cider here, she determined that she could carry one with her, in addition to the now very full sack.

Petra went immediately and quietly to the door from which she had entered the kitchen and carefully peeked outside to make sure no one was around.

Oh, but the arrival of the pony Plantain and the little bunny Crème had made her so very naughty. But Father and Mother had been much more naughty than she could ever be. They had been more than merely naughty. They had lied.

Petra carefully opened the door, and left the Muleskinner Club.

When the tears had hit, after the two men had spoken, in that moment when she had slapped her own face, she had remembered why Father had yelled at princess Luna. She had pushed it all way far down, deep inside her mind, because Father and Mother would have no more said about it. Petra remembered Luna's words, the words that had driven her father to shouts.

"Cease thy tears, little one! Hark, for what hath been done here today need not remain forever! Return hither when thou dost come of age, and if thou desireth it still, a pony we shall gladly make of thee!"

Petra imagined that Father would, in his values, think her to have been somewhat naughty today.

Come the night, Petra resolved with all of her heart that she would be absolutely, perfectly evil.