• Published 15th Jun 2013
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Side Stories of My Little Pony FiM (And the legend/journey of the Supreme Karas) - Rocka Leone

A bunch of side stories within the main story of My Little Pony FiM (And the legend/journey of the Supreme Karas)

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Bonus Chapter 4

Bonus Chapter 4

Believing a Friend’s Trust (Part 3)

It was morning at the Ponyville Library and Twilight was in the kitchen making breakfast while Spike is on holiday at Twilight’s parents (that explains why he wasn’t mentioned in the other two parts). Scott was still asleep without knowing that Twilight wasn’t in his arms. Twilight was still thinking about last night ‘a Pony and a Human fall in love, can that really happen’ she thought. As Twilight was setting up the table she noticed Scott entered the room without the cuts on himself and sat down by the table.

“Morning Scott” said Twilight.

“Morning Twi, (sniffed) something smells good.” said Scott.

“Yes it is, I’m making pancakes with fruit and I’ve made a plain batch for you as well.” said Twilight while thinking about him calling her Twi again and find that out another time.

“Thanks Twi.” said Scott with a small faintly smile.

After breakfast they were clearing up the Library for Twilight’s friends and the CMC to come over. In the middle of clearing Scott went to Twilight and asks something from her.

“Hey Twi.” said Scott.

“Yes Scott.” said Twilight with a frown.

“Can you not tell the others about last night, I really want this just between the two of us, alright.” said Scott while blushing.

“Of course Scott, I’ll even Pinkie Promise it.” said Twilight who blushed back while doing the actions.

“Thank you.” said Scott while hearing knocks the door. “I’ll get it.”

Scott walked to the door and opened to reveal the other five along the three members of the CMC outside.

“Morning all, would you like to come in.” asked Scott with a smile.

“Why thank you Darling.” said Rarity.

“Thank ya’ Partner.” said Applejack.

“You’re too kind.” said Fluttershy.

“Cheers Dude.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Are you alright from yesterday Scott.” asked Pinkie Pie with her mane and tail still deflated, who noticed Scott without the cuts on himself.

Which cause everypony to go silent with eyes staring at Pinkie and Twilight was about yell at her until Scott said something.

“If you meant by sleeping like a log all day yesterday than I feel terrific.” said Scott while smiling and stretching his arms.

Everypony was speechless from hearing this from him. While they were gathering what to say, Scott shut the door and went to the kitchen for to make some tea. While he went off the rest of her friends came to Twilight for answers.

“What is wrong with him Twilight? It sounds like he doesn’t remember anything yesterday.” said Rarity and the others nodded.

Twilight knew Scott was lying so she had to make something up as well and she knew what could go with what he said.

“About that, I found out some of the side effects from that other armour he’s in. For some reason he can only remember before the armour was on him and the other effect that the armour is his alter ego.” said Twilight.

This info made the others in shock and surprising but twilight continued.

“He remembers the part that we were laughing because we didn’t believe him that the CMC was Gabby Gums and then he came to the library and went to his room, that’s what he said.” said Twilight.

The other Girls were even more surprised and the feeling of guilt is still within their chests. Just as they were continued talking Scott came in with a tray of cups of tea and biscuits and put them on the table. He faces the Girls and asked.

“Do you want tea anyone…err I mean, anypony.” He said while holding the pot while trying to say something Equestrian.

They all paused for the moment to look at him then to each other and back again while being silent. Then they all nodded and Scott started to pour the tea out and the girls got to the table to pick up their cup and picked up a biscuit and then Scott was about to go back into the kitchen but the Girls stopped him.

“Scott!” said the Girls in unison and Scott turned to see them.

“Yes, did you need something else?” said Scott.

“We all want to say something to you.” said Twilight

“What would that be then?” said Scott in confusion.

“Scott, were sorry that didn’t believe you and we hope that you forgive us.” said the Girls in unison.

Scott stands still in silence and then said this.

“Before I forgive you…is it true what you six said something about me within your diaries.” said Scott holding a newspaper full of articles of him. (It’s the only the demo paper by the way)

The Girls saw the paper in shock then did angry glares to the CMC who are in fear now. The Girls were about to dog/pony pile the CMC but they were blocked by Scott.

“Why are you protecting the criminals that has done all of thi-” said Twilight but stopped by Scott’s hand.

“If you let me explain the whole story before all the laughing back at Sugarcube Corner you would know why they did this.” said Scott.

“To get their cutie marks right!” yelled Rainbow.

“No, it used to be that…but not anymore.” said Scott making the Mane Six puzzled and continued on. “They wanted to stop the Gabby Gums act, but they were blackmailed to continue with the act or themselves will be in the papers like us.”

The Girls and the CMC were in shock of this turn of events. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Scott open the door and came in a pink mare with three sunflower faces cutie mark.
“Nice for you to come over, Miss Cherrilee.” said Scott.

The CMC went wide-eyed in shock for their teacher is here.

“I came as soon as I got the letter from you.” said Cherrilee.

“So you’ve dealt with the problem that I’d mentioned then.” said Scott.

Cherrilee nodded and turn to the CMC.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson and next time ask me if you had problems like that again.” said Cherrilee.

“Yes Ma’Am.” said the CMC in unison with heads down to Cherrilee.

“You can take them to school now.” said Scott.

With that the CMC went with Cherrilee, Scott turned round to see six confused mares.

“So…who did the blackmail.” said Rainbow Dash.

“It was some pompous filly…named Diamond Tiara, who is abusing the power of the school newspaper media.” said Scott leaving the mares with their mouths opened and continued on. “Now where were we…ah yes, you haven’t answered my question, is it true what you six said something about me in your dairies?” said Scott with an angry look and crossed his arms while they snapped out their dazes.

They all nodded then their heads are down saying ‘yes’. Scott went forward while the Girls were thinking what he is gonna do with us. When the sound of footsteps stopped the Girls looked up and didn’t see Scott in front of them. Then they felt something underneath them, next they felt a tug, then strange they went up and stopped in the air. Twilight looked down, then behind and mentioned to the others that somehow Scott managed to pick up the entire mane six and hugging them all at once. (Talk about strength, huh) The Six turned to see Scott’s face eyes closed with a smile and hear him speak.

“You’re forgiven.” said Scott.

The Girls were crying and hugged back while Pinkie’s mane and tail re-inflated. After that they all went home leaving just Scott and Twilight in the Library. It was night again and in the middle of dinner Twilight asked Scott if he wants to sleep together again like last night and Scott reminded Twilight that ‘you said that I can share the bed with you together until I’m fine again, remember Twi’. When Twilight did remembered she asked Scott ‘why are you calling me Twi you usually you just say by my name’. He replied while blushing ‘maybe because I like you more than a friend and to a few others as well’. Twilight was surprised to hear that from him then her theory is proven that Scott likes Twilight and few other mares as well, she doesn’t know who are the other mares are but she doesn’t care about that right now, right now she’s thinking only to fell in love with him. After dinner they went upstairs and went to bed and cuddle together then they fell asleep dreaming away in the night.

End of Bonus Chapter 4