• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 8,197 Views, 292 Comments

Night Fury's Lament - JumpingShinyFrogs

A Night Fury dragon wracked by terrible guilt finds a fresh start in Equestria

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It's been years since I first arrived in Equestria. Almost twenty years, to be precise. The Crusaders have grown up to be fine mares.

Sweetie Belle's a singer. Scootaloo's a stunt flier. Applebloom is an engineer.

I remember teaching them all kinds of things back when they were fillies. I remember the time Sweetie Belle wanted to know about Dragontongue, and so I taught her different songs. I remember teaching Applebloom how to carve stone efficiently. And I remember the time Scootaloo rode on my back through the sky, and we performed loops and dives for hours.

The other ponies got used to me, eventually.

I've had to protect the village from all kinds of things. Hydras, cockatrices, manticores, an Ursa Minor, and on one occasion another dragon. The Timberwolves never did come back, though.

Of course, when I wasn't defending the village, or helping its residents, I was hanging around with my friends. Sometimes, odd things happened, like the time Spike, Scootaloo and I switched bodies via magic. Or the time Pen and Malachite's friend came to visit.

But those are stories for another time.

Right now, I watch the three mares whom I helped raise. They're back from the city, to say hello to everyone they knew as fillies. I'm among them, I hope. The Princess has remained as young as she was when I first met her. I wonder what immortality must be like? Painful, I'm sure.

Spike, now a fine young dragon, has been helping me watch the village. He's bigger than I am now. He still has a lot to learn, though, and even though I'm an older dragoness now, I'm still willing to teach him.

Maybe someday I'll retell all of these stories. I'm sure the princesses would love to hear about them. Or maybe someone else is out there reading these. Who knows?

Author's Note:

Well, we're finally done, albeit with more delays than Duke Nukem Forever. It's been a fun ride, guys. I'd like to thank those of you who stuck with this story from the start, and those who joined in later for reading this and staying around through delays and bad writing alike.

Before I go, question: Side stories, yay or nay? Let me know in the comments.

Officially signing off,

Comments ( 71 )

This is Moss. My NightFury! :heart:

Thank you.
That was shorter than I had hoped but it also was the best crossover fanfiction I've ever read.

3884848 I enjoy your kind words. It didn't seem like the type of story that needed to be dragged out any more than I did.




Well done, I can honestly say I enjoyed this story alot, even with all the delays. Hope to see a sequel about the body swap incident you mentioned :trixieshiftright:

3885086 That was one I definitely have planned. But not quite yet.

Side stories side stories

I hear by say that you are the best writer ever XD

3886663 You can't seriously think that my deranged ramblings are worthy of such merit, can you?

Yes of course :pinkiehappy: it's soooooo creative I love it!:rainbowkiss:

Plus I love how to train your dragon sooooo it figures XD

Yeah!! Course.

a lovely chapter wish there more :heart::heart::heart::heart::fluttershysad::fluttercry::fluttercry:

3884949 I literally just fell off my chair and broke my nose when i seen your profile pic, i am dripping blood everywhere and still giggling like a madman

thanks for a good swinging on the imagination i liked it alot AND THOSE DARNED CRUSADERS ARE TOO CUTE!!!!!:scootangel::unsuresweetie::applecry:

Lol canon says toothless is THE night fury no others just him

3891043 Shh, the other readers don't have to know...

3891105 I'll tell them if I don't get a sequel

:yay:yay sequel

3884831 what would you do if i said neigh?

3931321 then I say yay. Side canon.

Well that was a lovely little read for the night.

~Credit music~

First train your dragon dictation I've ever read and was not dissapointed. Keep up the good work!

Loved this story! It was pretty different from the norm, and being well-written made it good enough to finish! :twilightsmile:

Two things bothered me, though:
1. What happened to the mother of the colt who died(Button?)? We never see Umbra deal with saying sorry to the family of her victim. And speaking of victims...
2. Why don't you ever address, and I mean really EXPLORE Twilight and Dashie's reaction to seeing Umbra for the first time? They outright attacked a creature who showed no signs of violence. With Manny Roar the Manticore in S1E2, they at least got attacked first, but here, Umbra is the victim and they NEVER have have to answer for that...

:yay: This story was absolutely adorable. And I don't say that often. As for side stories hell yes. :pinkiehappy:

Sequel please. :fluttershysad:

I love the story, but there are things that need to be changed/removed/added onto.
Changeling backstory- color difference is fine, how good he can see vs others, not necessary... Also the backstory is not really needed in its entirety.

Nightfury Alicorn- Levitation is never mentioned again in the story, and to test if they have magic, they use clouds, negating the point of unicorn magic.

Telling and exposition- Some chapters are all tell and no show. Others are paragraphs of straight exposition with no meaningful dialog our events.

100 votes for side stories! They would be too much fun!

3895756 Your profile pic made me die of a heart attack. I hope you're happy.

4107422 Argh! Stop, you're killing me... AGAIN!

4111017 well you'll see how badly it is in a couple of minutes...

Comment posted by Some random Rapidash deleted Mar 21st, 2014

It's a nice story overall, but there is one huge glaring flaw in it. Twilight and Dash attempted to flat out murder a being they knew to be sentient for no reason other than they didn't like the way it looked, and this is never addressed at all. Seriously, not even an apology or acknowledgement of wrongdoing for what should have resulted in a 5-10 year prison sentence.

P.S. Still upvoting this. As I said it's nice overall, and one flaw does not a bad story make, but if you're planning anything further with this, this seriously needs to be addressed, and with more than just handwaving.

4258282 NOPENOPENOPENOPE! *Runs away with sword and shield while screaming and slurping down all the health potions i have*

Its over nooooooo:raritydespair:

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