• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 8,197 Views, 292 Comments

Night Fury's Lament - JumpingShinyFrogs

A Night Fury dragon wracked by terrible guilt finds a fresh start in Equestria

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Evasive Maneuvers

It's been a few days since I arrived here. It turns out I didn't need to go quite so deep into the forest to find the perfect den. There's a rock formation near the cottage where the Crusaders had been chasing animals. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but it spreads out downwards into a sprawling underground complex. Best of all, the only inhabitants are small creatures who would make excellent prey. There's even a hot spring. I love heat, like all dragons.

Near the entrance, there's a river which flows into town. The river is full of various fish, as well as an abundance of my favourite food, river salmon. It's the perfect lair. Gems seem a little easier to find here than at home. I was digging to make a backup entrance and discovered a bunch of them. I was also using rocks as target practice, to make sure I didn't come quite so close to hitting fillies again, and melted a rock to reveal precious metals and gemstones inside. So I have the beginnings of a hoard.

But, after seeing the inhabitants of the town, and talking with Spike, I realise just how lonely my lifestyle is. So I decide to take Spike up on his offer. We agreed in advance that I would hide in the tree's canopy and make a sound to let him know if I was there. The only problem is, it's broad daylight. My scales make hiding at night a breeze, but they're a dead giveaway during the day. Oh well. Maybe if I fly high and change my flight pattern, the ponies will think I'm a bird.

Despite the risks, I emerge from my new den, spread my wings and fly straight up. When I deem myself high enough to be considered a bird, I set off towards the library. I'm a little disappointed that I'm now too high up to see the ponies during the day. I reach the library and dive swiftly into the tree's canopy. I meander along the branches, calling out. When no one comes, I wander along some more. A piece of paper is lying on another branch. With amazing agility, I leap over and read what it says. In poorly written dragon runes, is written a note

Dear Umbra

I am gone to meeting royal Twilight with. Be back 7:00 at.


Somehow his writing is worse than his speech.

If the note is to be believed, then I have a lot of time to kill. I don't feel like going home quite yet, so I decide to risk breaking into the library. I didn't see anyone else there, and if he and Twilight are gone, it should be empty, right? Besides, I have some urgent reading to do. I climb down the tree trunk until I reach an upstairs window large enough for me to fit through. It's locked, but for some reason there's a lock on the outside. Doesn't seem to have much of a point, why would you need to open a window from the outside?

A Pegasus could fly up and break in. Or a Night Fury could use her claws to pick the lock. Either works. With a little bit of wiggling and listening, I'm in. I set about searching for a book to answer my questions, maybe a 'Hitchhiker's Guide to Equestria' or something? The closest I come is an encyclopaedia. Eh, close enough. I open the book and begin searching for an explanation for the strange apples, the physics-defying clouds, and most importantly, the winged unicorn, Twilight.

Unfortunately, I hit a wall of a problem right off the bat. I can't read the writing at all. I could read human runes to some extent, but this is entirely foreign to me. I guess I'll have to wait until Spike can help me translate it. Or better yet, he could just explain it to me directly. I put the book back and check for fallen scales, careful to leave no trace. When I'm satisfied, I check to make sure no one is there, climb out the window, and lock it again.

I fly out over the town, wondering where I could go or what I could do. I decide to just meander along a bit. The town is bustling with activity in the busiest time of the day. I love observing towns when they're like this, even though it's a little dangerous. Still, these ponies don't seem the type to make weapons, so what's the worst that could happen? My Crusader neckerchief flaps proudly in the wind as I soar over the town, climbing a little when I see a Pegasus.

I see various humorous scenes. A grey Pegasus is bouncing up and down on a cloud. How, I have no idea. Every time she makes contact with the cloud, lightning shoots out. Ponies on the ground are running away, some screaming. The cyan Pegasus from my first night here is trying to get her to stop, only to be shocked for her trouble. Eventually, the grey Pegasus manages to shock herself. She's stunned just long enough for the cyan Pegasus to confiscate her cloud. With a cry of 'I just don't know what went wrong!', she plummets to the ground.

A pink pony with a darker pink curly mane is bouncing around greeting ponies, causing laughter and smiles all around though. I can't explain it, but just looking at her makes me happy. She's armed though. Two deadly looking cannons are positioned on her back. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. Oh Thor, she's pointing them at someone. Odin, what did that innocent pony do to deserve this? With a bang, bits of paper and string erupt from the cannons, covering the surrounding area and ponies in party decorations. Wait, what? I'm not even going to try to understand.

I fly out over the orchard. The two ponies are still hard at work, harvesting regular apples this time. As I fly over the orchard, I realise just how big it really is. It's easily several acres. The only thing growing is apples. There's a few other crops, there's some wheat and corn, but that's it. The filly isn't there today. I hope her eyes are ok after the cockatrice incident. I decide to fly over the orchard and see if I can spot her.

I fly over the entire orchard, without spotting her once. I wonder then if she's still at the cottage. As I prepare to turn, I spot something I didn't notice before. A small wooden hut, built around a tree, with a staircase leading up to the doors. I go and take a look. I stealthily observe through the window, and smile at the sight. The three Crusaders are in there, wearing their capes and discussing something. The farm filly doesn't seem to have any damage to her eyes, thankfully.

They seem to be discussing their 'cutie marks', whatever those are. From what I can gather, the farm filly is named Applebloom, the Pegasus is named Scootaloo, and the unicorn is named Sweetie Belle. Their adorable names only help me love them even more. Their conversation is muffled, but I can just about make it out.

"All right! Today's the day we earn our cutie marks!" says Applebloom, trying to motivate her friends.

"Well, our last crusade didn't go so well," says Scootaloo.

"We should probably avoid animals, Fluttershy wasn't too happy with us going into the forest," points out Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, and ah bet our mystery hero ain't gonna be around all the time," says Applebloom.

"Do you think they took the cape?" Scootaloo asks.

"Ah don't know. Ah hope so. Ah really wanna thank 'em. That cockatrice was about ta turn me inta stone!" exclaims Applebloom.

It takes all my force of will not to reveal myself right then and there. Now I realise why Applebloom was so focused on thanking me. She came the closest to death that night. And I was there, just at the right time to save her. No wonder she's so smitten with me.

Eventually they settle on going to 'Carousel Boutique'. I decide to follow behind them stealthily. I don't know why, but I feel attached to these little fillies. I'd guard them with my life. I follow them to their destination. They're in there for about five minutes when another proper white unicorn chases them out. I laugh at the sight. I follow them to a strangely shaped building that smells of bread and cakes. They're in there for a good half an hour when a wailing sound starts up from inside, and they come running out in a cloud of black smoke, with the crazy pink pony, covered in soot, waving cheerily after them, telling them to come again.

Next they go to the library. They find it open, which means that I must have spent all day observing the town. I hadn't meant to do that, but oh well. I'll fly off home, grab something to eat, and then visit Spike. Twilight chases them out. She looks up briefly and spots me. Oops. That meal and forest are looking more and more appealing. She pushes the Crusaders back inside, locks the doors behind her and steps out to examine me further. Honestly, I'm surprised no one noticed me before, I was flying fairly low.

I turn and speed away towards the forest. Twilight shouts something after me. I'm at what appears to be the town square when a rainbow coloured arrow smacks into me, hard. Reeling, I search the ground to realise that my assailant is the cyan Pegasus. She starts accusing me of various things I didn't do. I can't say otherwise though- she doesn't understand me. Twilight must have raised the alarm, because this Pegasus didn't notice me otherwise. A powerful, hot beam strikes my shoulder. Twilight is there, firing beams from her horn.

"Rainbow, help me catch this thing!" she calls to the Pegasus.

Rainbow, huh? Looking at her mane and tail, it isn't hard to see why she was named that. Unfortunately, this Rainbow is not as pleasant as actual rainbows, seeing as she insists on bucking me in the face. She's screaming insults at me, mostly to do with the fact that I'm a dragon. Talk about racism. I didn't even do anything!

"Leave me alone!" I growl.

As I expected, Rainbow pays no attention.

"Beat it you overgrown handbag!" she yells at me.

Handbag, eh? I don't even know what that is, so I can't really be offended by it.

More magical beams strike me, burning me quite badly. I'm going to be needing some serious aloe vera. Rainbow is very irritating. Of course, I don't want to kill either of them. I don't even want to hurt them.

Are they blind? Can they not see that I'm not even fighting back? Do they not realise that they started the fight?

Of course they don't. This is just like the humans

I charge up a fireball, making my characteristic ballistic whistling sound. I don't aim at them, just near them. It's a warning shot.

Killing sentient creatures is not my style.

Clearly, it's their style. Rainbow lands herself on top of me, trying to force my wings shut. I know what she's trying to do, it's a trick I've used myself in dragon fights. Unfortunately for her, it's been done to me as well, and I've developed a counterstrategy. Even though my wings are far too muscular and wide for her to ever think of closing, I snap them shut, and allow her to think she's won. She cheers for herself, as I drop like a stone to the ground. She's most likely waiting for the right moment to jump off.

By now a large crowd of ponies has gathered below, including the white unicorn, the farm pony, the pink party pony and the yellow Pegasus. Spike and the Crusaders aren't there, still locked in the library I suppose. That's actually a relief. I don't want them to see me. Speaking of the Crusaders, I wonder if Twilight and Rainbow have noticed the cape? If they have, what do they make of it?

Rainbow is still on my back, acting very smug. Less than two metres from the ground, I spread my wings, catching her off guard. I use the sudden surge of air resistance as a safety net, and make a full recovery. As far as I know, no other dragon uses this trick, since their wings aren't as strong as mine, and actually end up being closed. I may have dislocated one of Rainbow's shoulders, but it isn't my fault she decided to be stupid and attack me. She's flung off of my back, having enough sense to spread her wings. She nurses her shoulder, and is forced to land. Her wings can't take the same strain mine can, and being thrown off of a Night Fury proved too much for her.

Twilight is casting various spells with her horn. I didn't know unicorns could do that. One of the spells conjures a storm above me. Perfect. Because I didn't have enough burns already from her beams of death. Lightning strikes my horns, giving my head a shock I won't soon be forgetting. I swipe at her with my claws. It was a futile attempt, I was nowhere near close enough, but using my fire could prove fatal. I scream in pain and drop a little bit of altitude as one of her magical beams pierces a hole in my wing.

Twilight needs some talking to. Call me a terrible individual, but I find intimidation to be incredibly fun. Instead of flying away from her, like I have been, I turn and fly towards her. She's confused. I roar loudly, it translates out to 'Leave me the fuck alone!'. She briefly stops, probably frightened, but soon regains her composure. But that was only step one. I open my mouth and charge up a fireball, aimed directly at her. Of course, I don't plan on actually loosing it. But seeing the glowing ball is just enough to frighten her into turning around.

When she's safely out of range, I loose the fireball, right where she had been, it explodes, creating a plume of fire in the sky and sending a blue shock wave pulsing outwards.

Twilight avoids the fire, but is knocked off balance by the shock wave. I take the opportunity to turn and flee, but Twilight isn't having any of that. She approaches and aims a white hot beam of magic at the back of my head. I swing my tail and catch her off guard. I manage to knock the wind out of her. She too, is forced to land.

Now that the fight is over, the adrenaline drains out of me, and I feel every single injury I received. Blood trickles from my nose where Rainbow kicked me. Her initial charge broke a few ribs, and breathing is painful. The hole in my wing is slowing me down, not to mention it's unbearably painful. A minor injury to my tail makes my flying erratic and wobbly. My head is buzzing and aching where I was hit by lightning. The smell of burning flesh and scales penetrates my bloodied nostrils. The burns I received are causing me horrible agony.

As I flee, I see something odd. The yellow Pegasus has burst into tears. She's the only one who seems sad. Rainbow is telling her to 'Get over it, Fluttershy'. The yellow Pegasus, presumably named Fluttershy, takes off and flies towards her cottage.

Weird. I fly off towards my den, scooping up a few fish along the way.

When I reach home, I cannot hold the fish down. I char a patch of ground, curl up, and try to sleep.

There's a good chance I won't make it through the night


Fluttershy flew tearfully. She was upset after seeing the fight between her friends and the dragon. She hoped to maybe find the dragon on her way home. She had seen it enter the Everfree Forest, but lost sight of it after that. She decided to let it be. She'd find it someday.

She entered her cottage and lay down on the couch, sobbing into a pillow. Angel, for once concerned with someone other than himself, hopped up and stroked her mane. Birds preened her feathers, and Mr. Bear gave her a kiss. Even these kind gestures could not console her.

"Oh Angel," she sobbed, scooping up the bunny in her hooves. "It was so horrible! My friends were so mean to that dragon! I know they couldn't tell, but I could sense how scared and upset it was! And I heard it asking them to leave it alone! And do you know what the worst part was?" -She paused to blow her nose- "It didn't even do anything! I asked Rainbow and she just said, 'It's a black dragon Fluttershy. What screams 'bad' more than that?'. I thought we'd learned from Zecora that looks could be deceiving, but obviously not! And Twilight was worse! She was shooting beams of magic at it! She burned it really badly! And almost the whole time, it was trying to run away! It only shot at them a few times, and it wasn't even trying to hit them!"

Many of the animals nodded their heads in agreement, this was a terrible crime.

"And now the poor thing is in the forest, hurt and alone! I don't really like dragons, but this was just too much!"

She started crying again, tears running freely down her face.