• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 8,197 Views, 292 Comments

Night Fury's Lament - JumpingShinyFrogs

A Night Fury dragon wracked by terrible guilt finds a fresh start in Equestria

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Equestria's Red Death

"You said this would be easy!"

"I lied."

The griffon and the changeling squabbling in the background is irritating me to no end. Haven't they ever climbed a mountain before? For travellers, they seem very unused to travelling. I get that it's cold, but really?

I feel compelled to break somebody's spine, but unfortunately, I've already done something like that and it didn't end well. It's the whole reason I'm here, after all.

Pen is trotting along, happily humming a tune, having just insulted Malachite into speechlessness.

Malachite is sulking, looking at the ground and snorting.

I'm walking along and rolling my eyes.

"Can't we just fly?" I say, hoping for a good answer. Because otherwise, I'm taking off right now. "We all have wings, after all."

"Actually, that's not a bad idea," says Malachite. "Why don't we?"

"How far, and how fast can a fly travel?" asks Pen, rather randomly.

"Um, I dunno, not very?" replies Malachite.

"There's your answer," says the changeling.

"Still faster than walking," I argue.

"Can't you just be a Pegasus or something? Umbra's plan is better than your 'We'll just walk up one side of a mountain and down the other' plan," whines Malachite.

"Too cold for a Pegasus."


"That could work," muses Pen.

I honestly have no idea what they're talking about. I figure that a 'Change'-ling would be able to shift its appearance, but become an entirely different species? I'm sorry, but that isn't possible.

I'm proven completely wrong. A flash of emerald light, and the white changeling with red eyes is gone.

And in his place is a very familiar creature.

With raven black scales, rippling muscles, sharp talons, broad wings, a long tail and deep green eyes, I can only be looking at one thing.

And that's me.

"What. The actual. Fuck," I say, looking him/her/it over. I truly am a magnificent creature, but this is just weird and surreal.

He pumps his (my?) wings experimentally. "Wow, you're clearly a powerful flier," he comments.

Malachite stares in wonder. "That's so awesome. Feel up to flying now?"

"No. That's weird, stop," I protest. I refuse to fly with myself. Even his voice has changed to match mine.

Pen ignores me. "Alright. We'll try flying like this for a while."

With that, he takes off Night Fury style, straight up. Malachite ascends at a more leisurely place, flapping his wings lazily and rising into the air.

Not wanting to be outdone by myself, I beat my wings hard and launch into a series of acrobatics. For whatever reason, my territorial instincts have kicked in.

Flying alongside a griffon and myself, we soar across the ice fields, towards verdant hills far off to the south.


In roughly a week and a half, we've made excellent progress. Where exactly we're going, I have no idea, but we are now in a location called the Macintosh Hills. They are south of Ponyville and north of the Badlands. Malachite unfurls a map. To my utter surprise, we've literally traveled from the top of Equestria to the bottom in such a short time. Am I really that fast?

Pen is no longer assuming my form, which is good because I was thoroughly freaked out by it.

As we take a break on a grassy hill, a flash lights up the sky and a crash of thunder sounds. I love to watch lightning storms, but apparently the guys don't. Malachite rushes to cover himself with his wings. Pen hisses as refreshing droplets strike his wings and carapace.

"Is there a tree or something around here to shelter under?" asks Malachite.

"What's the problem? It's just water. It won't kill you," I say, rolling my eyes at their immature behaviour.

"I still don't like it," says Malachite.

"I agree wholeheartedly," says Pen.

"Fine. I see a cave in the distance. We'll go in there." I sigh in defeat and begin to stride over to the cave in question.

Once we reach the tunnel, Malachite shakes himself like a canine, eliciting a glare from Pen and a laugh from me. It's dark in here. Even with my specialised nocturnal eyes, I'm having difficulty seeing. Pen is all but blind, and even though Malachite is doing a little better, he still can't really see.

I can certainly smell, however. I can smell a lot of meat, some fresh, some old. I can smell sulfur and carbon. But most prominently, I can smell minerals.

Advancing into the cave, I notice a green light behind me. Pen has illuminated his horn, creating a little torch of sorts. I smile at him and continue.

What I see is beyond anything I could imagine. A vast trove of gold, gems and other precious metals, all hoarded in one place. Elegantly carved crowns lie on mountains of gold coins. Goblets engraved with playing Pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies are filled with sapphires and flawless emeralds. A pile of rings embedded with diamonds of the highest rarity lies, off to one side, upon a beautifully crafted throne of platinum. Even the cave itself is lined with gems. A mosaic forming the shape of a flaming eagle is embedded upon the right wall.

And this is just in the area we can see! Who knows how far the cave and treasure trove extend? Beyond ten metres away, the light from Pen's horn fades to blackness.

However, while I'm filled with wonder, Pen and Malachite are backing away towards the entrance.

I turn to them. "What's wrong? Get your asses in here! You collect unique things? This is one hell of a unique thing."

Malachite points a shaky talon at a rather unsightly rock formation near the edge of the light. The rock consists of three curved ridges. It is a rusty red colour, though that could just be the light.

"So?" I say, walking over to it. "It's an ugly rock. Get over it."

Malachite continues to point, mouthing something, sweat dripping down his beak.

I continue to ignore him, and walk further along the rock formation, trying to figure out what has him so spooked.

"Ow!" I yelp, wincing in pain as I step on something sharp. As I look at my foot to identify it, I notice something.

Adorning my foot is a set of three, curved ridges, also known as claws.

I look at the 'rock formation' and gulp.

It's not a rock formation.

It's a set of claws.

A pair of immense, amber eyes open, shining a light into the cave. Pen and Malachite bolt out of the entrance, screaming.

I, however find myself unable to move. I'm frozen in place, forced to watch in fascinated horror as a mighty beast uncoils itself.

Its eyes cast a light far greater than Pen's measly flicker. Its rough scales are crimson red, covering a long, lithe body hundreds of metres long. Its spiked tail lashes like a whip, creating tremors throughout the cave. Its powerful back legs look ready to spring at any and all prey. Blood red spines run down the length of its back, and a set of sharp, strong horns sprout from its head. Its massive jaws could crush two Roman ships in one go and not notice they were there. Its long arms sported a set of cruel, curved claws that make my own talons look like the thorns on a rose. Its vast wings unfurled like a sail, red at the joints and yellow in the membranes.

Forget the tired old greyish-blue Sea Dragon who rules the Archipelago, this, this hulking monstrosity is a true Red Death.

The Red Death opens his mouth and lets out a scream, more unnerving than death itself, only adding to my fright. His forked tongue flicks in and out of his mouth. After the scream, comes the fire. A raging inferno of flame comes roiling out of his mouth, engulfing half of his cave wall. I finally gain the mental capacity to run, and bolt for the entrance, but the Red Death cuts me off. His tail slaps down and blocks my way. I spread my wings, but falling stalactites make it a treacherous journey.

One of them catches me on the shoulder, knocking me to the ground. The Red Death prepares to crush me with his claw, but I launch a fireball at him. I doubt it hurts him, but it leaves him distracted enough for me to move out of the way. I once more attempt to run, but his tail still blocks the way. I scramble with my talons and attempt to climb over him, my injured wing dragging behind me as I go along. I mange to climb half of his tail, before he raises it to his head, unfortunately with me still on it, obviously intending to consume me.

He is about to drop me into his gaping maw, when a bolt of green magic strikes him. The Red Death flinches, and turns, momentarily distracted. I look too, to see Pen, standing at the entrance, his horn still smoking slightly. Upon realising he has been located, he runs once more. The distraction is all I need. Ignoring the pain, I spread my wings and glide toward the exit. I'm almost there, but Fate has a way of crushing hope and windpipes. The Red Death catches me in his claw, and pins me to the ground. He opens his mouth to loose an inferno upon me.

There's no getting out of this one. My scales may be fairly fireproof, but they will not be able to stand up to this. I close my eyes and steel myself for the killing blow.


"Umbra!" says my brother, rushing up to greet me.

I'm crying, curled up in a little ball.

"What's wrong?" he asks, concern in his eyes.

"The Monstrous Nightmare hurt me," I wail.

"Let me give you a trick," he says. "No matter how big or strong your opponent is, a well placed fireball works every time."


I open my eyes. A well placed fireball...

The Red Death prepares to loose his flame.

I have to time this perfectly. A second too late and I'm dead.

Right as the flames begin to form, I release my most powerful fireball ever. Every last bit of hydrogen I contain goes into it.

It explodes in the back of the Red Death's throat. He clutches at himself in agony, shrieking and writhing. He releases me and I waste no time escaping.

I sprint out of the cave and into the setting sunlight. Pen and Malachite are there, huddled together. As soon as I emerge, they untangle themselves and run with me. We don't stop until we are a fair mile from the cave.

"How did you get out?" asks Malachite, incredulous I even managed it at all.

I tell them the whole story. The two swap glances every now and then and many oohs and aahs are made by Malachite. Pen swells in pride when I tell of his bravery.

"There's still something I don't get," says Pen. "How didn't you know it was a dragon's cave?"

"Because," I say sheepishly, thankful that a blush won't show on black scales, "there weren't any books. Where I come from, all dragons love to keep books, and sometimes even write them. The fact that they weren't there made me think we'd stumbled across some ancient king's treasure or something."

We all share a good laugh at that, relieving some of the stress, before deciding to set up camp earlier than usual.

I'm tired, and soon fall asleep.


I'm in the Everfree Forest. I've just killed a fox and am about to eat it.

I hear a war cry, but not a powerful one, no, it is the voice of a child.

A brown colt, with no cutie mark rushes into the clearing. His wooden sword looks plain and dull.

I can't help myself. My hackles rise, my tail flexes.

A thud, a snap and a scream.

Then silence.

I look at the body, mortified.

So young, so full of life.

Hadn't even found his destiny.

So much to live for.

So many friends to make and places to see.

All it took was one swing of my tail.

I took that all away from him.

Now I am no longer the only one in the forest.

"Murderer," says Fluttershy, staring at the ground.

"Guilty," says Spike, glaring daggers.

"Bad," says Rainbow, looking haughty.

"Scary," says Applebloom, curled on the ground.

"Horrible," says Scootaloo, buzzing her wings.

"Terrible," says Sweetie Belle, stamping her hoof.

"Useless," says Pen, mimicking me.

"Dangerous," says Malachite, avoiding my gaze.

"Is this what has troubled you?" asks Luna, with sympathy.

My other friends vanish, and so does the colt.

"Luna?" I say, wondering if it is really her.

"I am observing your dream. Do you truly fear that you will kill a young soul?"

"No, Luna. I don't fear it. I already did it."

She looks taken aback, but soon speaks again.

"Was it your intention?"


"Then the fault is split. On the one hoof, it is your fault, for attacking blindly."

I hang my head in shame, but she continues, "But it is also the fault of the colt. He should not have been in the forest, and was foolish to think he could challenge a dragon."

"What do I do?" I ask. "I've done things I'm not proud of in the past, but never openly murdered someone, especially not a youngling."

"You move on," she says. "You take your punishment and learn from it."

"You know they won't forgive a black dragon," I say.

"I myself have firsthand experience in the art of being forgiven. For a crime far worse, I had to be punished twice. I will never repeat mistakes. You must do the same."

Her statement reminds me of a previous conversation with her.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier," I say, completely sincere. "I was upset and confused. I see now that you are hurting just as badly as, if not worse than, I am."

Her smile is warm and sincere. "Return to Ponyville. Take your punishment with your head held high, and learn from it."

I begin to formulate a response, however, as I begin to speak, ripples spread throughout the forest. Luna is pushed back by an unseen gale.

"Return home!" she yells as the area falls apart.


I awake at our campsite. Pen and Malachite are asleep alongside me.

"Wake up guys!" I yell, prodding them with my claw.

They stir in their sleep. Malachite lifts his head and speaks, "Why?"

I grin at them.

"We're going to Ponyville."