• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 14,974 Views, 361 Comments

Make a Wish - Perpetual Lurker

It's always nice when someone's wish comes true, but what if everyone's did?

  • ...

Scootaloo's Wish: Part 9

"And that was it? That was how this all started?" Scootaloo stared at the image of a younger Princess Luna, only to be reminded of herself. She just made a mistake, just like me. Only her mistake was much bigger...

"Yes... it was..." Luna whispered, pained by her memories.

The illusion faded, leaving Scootaloo nauseous and dizzy as the world around her came back into focus. Having your senses abruptly hijacked then released was not a pleasant experience. Teetering to one side, she attempted to right herself, only to overcompensate and fall over anyway.

"Careful there!" The white aura of the voice's magic enveloped Scootaloo, propping her back up on her hooves. "You should probably take a seat next time someone tells a story like that. They tend to be long."

"Sure..." Scootaloo said, managing to successfully sit down.

"White magic..." Luna muttered, glaring at the spell.

"What was that, your highness?"

"Every pony's magic has a color, their own personal signature. Your magic is white. Blank. Every bit of power you have is stolen, not your own."

"And you think I care?" The voice asked.

"Part of it is stolen from my friends..." she replied softly, maintaining her piercing gaze at the energies still swirling around Scootaloo. The filly shook her head, finally free of the illusion's aftereffects.

From her friends? The ones in her story? Scootaloo thought about them for a moment, before remembering something the voice had told her:

"Long ago, this place was the site of the final confrontation between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon. Together, The Elements of Harmony unleashed their power and banished Nightmare Moon for a thousand years..."

If that's true, then that battle was the last time Princess Luna saw any of her friends. This energy is all that's left of them... Even to Scootaloo, something about taking advantage of that just felt... wrong. If this works, though, none of this will ever have happened! Everything can go back to normal, and nothing will have been wasted or stolen! I have to make sure it counts, though... "Alright then," Scootaloo said to the air. "Now it's your turn. You're going to completely answer my questions this time, or I'm not helping you, got it?"

"Got it."

"You mustn't trust this entity or anything it says, little one," Luna said. "If it truly needs you for its goals, then it will say anything to sway you."

"I don't trust it," Scootaloo replied, "but this is my only chance to undo the damage I've done! Unless... Are you able to undo my wish yourself? You created them, after all."

"I... cannot." Luna looked away, unable to meet the filly's stare.

"Then I have to give it a chance." Scootaloo sighed. Taking a deep breath, she turned away from Luna and spoke to the empty air again. "Now, who are you, and why do you want my wish? Convince me to help you."

"Let me tell you a story, Scootaloo. I'll try not to be as long as the last one," the voice began, pausing as if to gather its thoughts. "Once, what seems like an eternity ago, and ever so far away, there was a little filly, just like you, who lived in a little town, just like yours. She went to school, she played with her friends, and she dreamed of the future. One night, Luna's comet appeared, and as was expected, everypony made a wish on it. The filly made an amazing wish. When it came true, everything was perfect, and the filly and her family could not be happier. She wouldn't have traded her wish for the world. It didn't last, though. One day, everything vanished. Her family, her friends, her home, the universe itself, all gone. The filly found herself alone in a void, unable to find her home. That filly was me, and that's why I need your wish, Scootaloo. When I said I lost everything, I meant everything. If I could just get another wish, I could finally go home! That's all I want..."

"But, that doesn't make any sense!" Scootaloo interjected, confused. "You're here now, aren't you? What's stopping you from going home?"

"I can't find it."


"You just don't get it, do you?" The voice asked, almost sounding amused. "Let me spell it out for you: I am not from this world."

"What do you mean 'we're phase two?'" Rainbow Dash asked as the group got began to move again.

"I mean that this time, it's not just up to us," Twilight answered. "The Princesses were on the lookout for our tracking spell, and one of them is probably already there. Everything is going to be fine."

"That's good to hear." Rainbow Dash sighed with relief. Everything is going to be okay now, Scoots. I promise.

"In any case, it really is a nice feeling, knowing that we're not the only ponies standing between Equestria and total destruction for once."

"Yeah, and this time it's not even total destruction. Just fixing some craziness."

"Hopefully. Considering the degree to which reality has been messed with here, things could easily be more dangerous than they appear," Twilight said, causing Rainbow Dash to shoot her an annoyed look.

"You're a really good morale booster, you know that?"

"Sorry," Twilight said sheepishly. "I can't help it when so little of what's happening makes any sense."

"What's there to make sense of!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she butted in to the conversation. "Everypony made a wish and they all came true and now everything's all crazy!"

"That's just it, though, everything's not crazy!" Twilight shouted in frustration. "I mean, sure, the first few days were kinda hectic, but from what everypony I've talked to has told me, everything settled down really quick. It was too simple. Too easy. Tell me that one of you noticed this!"

"Nope!" Pinkie Pie answered cheerfully.

"Ain't much to notice from a hospital bed, sorry sugar-cube," Applejack said.

"I, um, haven't exactly left my house much..." Fluttershy said in her usual near-whisper. "Angel wished for something... problematic. Sorry..."

"I'm afraid I've been rather busy as well," Rarity said. "You have no idea how many dresses, coats, and hats I've had to re-tailor and adjust for new body shapes, wings, and horns. From my point of view, things certainly were crazy."

"Actually... yeah, I kinda have," Rainbow dash said, remembering her investigations. "I was going to look into it a bit more after I got back from Canterlot, but... I decided other things were more important. And I still think that, so let's take this situation one problem at a time. Scootaloo first, inconsistencies later."

"Alright, if you say so, but-" Twilight began before noticing something. "Hold on, I think we've been here before." The group came to a stop in front of a familiar rope bridge. "The trail leads straight into the castle! But why here?"

"Does it matter? We're almost there!" Dash shouted, taking to the air. "I'm going on ahead! It's only a short distance, you all can catch up!" The pegasus bolted forward, faster than the rest of the group could follow.

"Rainbow, wait!" Twilight shouted, but it was too late. "Come on, girls, one last push! We can't let her just go in there alone!" Galloping across the bridge once again, the remaining five ponies approached the castle, hoping that they weren't too late.

"What?" Scootaloo was dumbfounded. Another world? This thing has to be joking. "You honestly expect me to believe that-"

"Yes, I do," the voice said, cutting her off. "Think about this: What are the rules of the wishes? What are their limits?"


"There are none," Luna stated. "They were never given any."

"Exactly!" the voice exclaimed. "Each and every wish must come true, no matter what. What do you think happens when two ponies wish for things that can't both happen? What about the contradictions?"

"Well... there weren't any," Scooaloo answered, thinking it over. "Everypony got their wish without a problem. Unless..."

"Unless somepony did wish for something that contradicted another wish. Then the wish would come true in the only way it possibly could," the voice said, finishing for her. "Worlds born of contradictions, each created to house a new reality for a wish to come true without interference. Now do you understand?"

"Yeah..." Scootaloo couldn't believe what she was hearing, but it all made sense. And it made her head hurt. "Just... how many are there?"

"Who knows? Could be a few dozen, could be a few hundred. I've only visited about six so far, and there's only one I'm looking for..."

"So that's what you meant when you said that you asked 'others' for their wishes before..." the filly realized. "But why were you acting so weird about it? And none of this fully answers my question. You told me what you want, but not who you are."

"Haven't you figured it out yet? I'm-" The voice suddenly stopped as a trail of glowing white light faded into view, leading straight to Scootaloo from the door at the far end of the room. "What in the world is that?"

"That would be how I found you," Luna answered, almost sounding smug. "It is a tracking spell, and if it has become visible, then they must be close."

"Who's 'they?'" the voice asked. As if to answer it, a blue streak flew in the near by window, landing beside the Princess.

"Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash shouted with joy at the sight of her sister. She bolted towards the dais, only to run headfirst into the barrier protecting her. "What the hay? Hang on, Scoots, I'll get you out of there!"

"Dash, wait! I-" Before Scootaloo could stop her, though, Rainbow Dash had already recovered and galloped to the far side of the room.

"You cannot break the barrier yourself, Rainbow Dash!" Luna called after her. "It is beyond even my power to destroy!"

"Oh yeah?" the pegasus replied with a look of stone-cold determination on her face as she crouched down into a takeoff position. "Well, I have something you don't at the moment, Princess. I have a sister to protect!" She launched herself at the barrier, flying as fast as her wings would push her. The impact seemed to shake the castle itself, knocking Scootaloo off her hooves and causing the barrier to visibly shimmer and crackle with energy. It did not budge, but neither did Rainbow Dash. She continued to push against the barrier, visibly straining herself to her limits.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash. You never do give up, do you?" The voice said, sounding rather nostalgic. "It's no use, though. You can't get through. Not until Scootaloo and I finish our transaction."

"I don't know who you are, or what you are doing, but you are messing with the wrong mare!" Rainbow Dash shouted, the Element of Loyalty around her neck beginning to shine brighter as she spoke. "If you really knew who I am, then you'd know that I would fly through Tartaros and back for my friends. What do you think I'd do for my family?" The gem around her neck flared up once more, and again the barrier crackled with energy for a moment before it began to crack, small, glowing fractures spreading across its surface.

"Dash... I'm so sorry..." Scootaloo whimpered, looking up at her idol. "This is all my fault. All because of my stupid wish. I just want to make it all go away..."

"Don't apologize, Scoots!" Rainbow Dash smiled, still pushing against the weakening barrier. "I told you already, it doesn't matter what you wished for. We'll work through it together, as a family. We even have Mom back with us now! Everything's going to be just fine!"

"No, Dash, it isn't..." Scootaloo said, shaking her head. "Not unless I can get rid of the wish forever..."

"Stop talking like that, sis! You're not alone in this. You're never alone!"

"But it's all a lie!" Scootaloo shouted, starting to tear up. "Our lives are just one big lie, and I'm the only one who knows about it! I am alone! Everything bad that's happened to you is all my fault, and if I don't fix it, then you'll just keep blaming yourself for my mistake!"

"Scoots? What are you talking about?"

"My wish..." The filly took a deep breath, gathering all of her courage. She saw five more ponies galloping into the room, but they didn't matter. This was between her and Rainbow Dash. "I... I wished to be your sister!"

"What in the world was that?" Apple Bloom asked, feeling the ground tremble beneath her hooves. They stood at the far end of a rickety looking rope bridge, an ancient castle looming in front of them.

"It sounded like it came from that castle over there," Sweetie Belle said. "That's where the trail's leading, too!"

"Scootaloo's in there, and so is Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo's mother said. "I have to help them! But..." She glanced at the two fillies by her side. I can't take them in there... Who knows how dangerous it is? But these fillies are so determined, they'll just run in themselves if I tell them to stay here! The mare racked her brain, trying to figure out a way to help Scootaloo and keep her friends out of danger.

"But what?" Sweetie Belle asked. "If they're in there, then let's go!"

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom chimed in. "I don't want keep them waitin'!"

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to stay here," the mare answered, making up her mind.

"What? Why?"

"We are standing in front of a mysterious castle in the middle of the Everfree Forest with mysterious magic at work that's strong enough to shake the ground. It is far too dangerous. I can't let you go in there before I know its safe!"

"But what about Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "We can't just leave her!"

"But what would Scootaloo think if something happened to you? Or your sisters? They're all in there right now, doing their best, and if either of you got hurt, or worse, then all of this will have been for nothing!"

"But..." Sweetie Belle began, before her gaze turned to the ground. "Okay..."

"Yeah..." Apple Bloom agreed, looking similarly disappointed.

"Once everything is safe, I'll make sure to come get you, I promise!" Taking to the air to move faster, the mare took off into the castle, following the trail of light. Knowing them, this will only be a short deterrent, but if I run into anything dangerous, I'll make sure to go back and stop them before they hurt themselves.

Outside, the two Crusaders stoop despondently in silence for a few minutes before a smile came across Sweetie Belle's face.

"You're gettin' an idea, aren't ya?" Apple Bloom asked when she noticed her friend's expression.

"Yep!" she answered. "We can only go in if we're absolutely sure there's no danger, right?"


"So... that trail of light has led seven ponies now straight to Scootaloo, and if anything dangerous was along the way, they'd have taken care of it! If we follow the exact path that everypony else took, then we'll be exactly as safe as they were! We'll just take it slow, and it'll be perfectly safe!"

"Sweetie Belle, you're a genius!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Lets go! We're comin' Scootaloo!" Both fillies entered the castle, following the trail on the way to the great hall...

"Rainbow!" the rest of her friends shouted as they rushed to her. The pegasus had fallen to the ground after Scootaloo's revelation, the light of the gem hanging from her neck winking out. Shaking off her friends attempts to help her up, she stood up on her own, saying nothing.

"There's a certain irony to all of this," the voice said, startling the ponies who had just arrived. "Loyalty is such a strong virtue, but it can be so easily shattered by the simple truth."

"Who said that?" Twilight asked, trying to find the source of the voice. "Princess Luna, what is going on?"

"That voice claims to be a pony from another world that was created by a wish, Twilight Sparkle," Luna answered. "It is attempting to extract the filly's wish for its own use."

"Another world? But..." Twilight took a step back, working through the ramifications in her head.

Through all of this, Rainbow Dash stood quietly with her eyes shut tight, trembling with a combination of disbelief and anger.

"Dash, I really am so sorry..." Scootaloo said again. "I never meant for any of this to happen..."

"Then get on with it and fix it already!" Rainbow Dash snapped, practically screaming at the filly. "Twelve years! Twelve years of my life never should have happened! Who do you think you are, messing with my life like that! I bet you were just one of those foals in my 'fan club', weren't you! I was just so awesome that you just had to make yourself a part of my life!"

"Rainbow, she couldn't have known that her wish would come true," Fluttershy said, placing a comforting hoof on her friend. "None of us did!"

"It still happened!" Dash shouted, swatting Fluttershy's hoof away just has her mother flew into the room. She was too angry to care. "Maybe it was because of your wings! You can't fly, so you thought that if we were family that would help you, is that it? Well, we all know how that turned out for all of us!"

"I... I just thought..." Scootaloo stammered, shaken by Rainbow Dash's verbal onslaught.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?" her mother shouted, landing to the left of the group. "We need to help her!"

"She did this to you, too, Mom! She and her stupid wish!"

"What in the name of Celestia are you talking about?"

"I... just thought you looked lonely..." Scootaloo sobbed. "That night, everypony had somepony to share the moment with, except you... You were just laying up there on your cloud, all alone..."

"What? No I wasn't!" Rainbow said. "I was with... with you..."

"Isn't this awesome, Scoots?"

"Definitely, sis! I've never seen a comet this huge before! It's almost like we can reach out and touch it!"

"You think so?"


"Pfft, This is nothing. Lets get you a real view! Hold on tight, we're taking this cloud right to the top of the sky!"

"You mean we're- Whoa!"


"How's this? Did I pick the best view, or what?"

"It's... amazing!"

"Awww yeah!"

"You really are the best big sister ever, you know that?"

"You ain't half bad at the whole little sister schtick, either."

"Thanks... Hey, apparently we get to make a wish on comets like this, kinda like blowing out all of your birthday candles in one go."

"Oh yeah? Well, I wish I had another chance to meet the Wonderbolts! You'd get to come too! How awesome would that be? What about you?"

"I don't believe in any of that wish mumbo-jumbo. It's kinda silly."

"Yeah, I know, but it's still fun to think about, go ahead!"

"Nah, I've already got everything I could ever wish for..."

"It's time, Scootaloo. I've gathered all of the energy I need. Are you ready?" the voice asked, the swirling energies intensifying.


"Scootaloo, wait!" Twilight shouted, having just realized something. "You can't-"

"As for the rest of you," the voice said, cutting Twilight off, "I'm sorry for all the trouble. This will all be over in a moment." As the voice spoke, the cracked barrier vanished as the swirling energies engulfed Scootaloo in a blinding bright light.

"Everypony, we have to stop her!" Twilight shouted, and the Elements of Harmony all began to glow, except for Rainbow Dash's. "Rainbow!"

I.. I was never alone... Rainbow Dash realized, causing the Element of Loyalty to glow dimly. Even when my friends weren't there, Scootaloo was. Without her... "Right! Scootaloo! I forgive you!" Dash's necklace lit up like the rest, and the six ponies rose into the air. The combined glow from both the voice's spell and the Elements became too much for the other ponies in the room, and they shut their eyes. Nopony noticed two fillies run up the stairs in into the room before galloping towards the silhouette of their friend barely visible in the bright light.

"Scootaloo!" The Crusaders continued blindly into the light, just as the rainbow colored beam hit.

The world around them vanished into nothingness.

"Scootaloo! I forgive you!" Rainbow Dash's final words to her echoed in Scootaloo's mind as the light engulfed her. Suddenly, the light disappeared, and the filly found herself in an empty blackness. She saw nothing, she heard nothing, and she felt nothing but her own thoughts.

"Hello?" she called out into the emptiness.

"Scootaloo?" a familiar voice answered. "Sweetie Belle! I think I found Scootaloo!"

The darkness in front of her gave way to reveal two more fillies, standing on a solid, white circle in the nothingness.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle shouted as Scootaloo stepped into the circle. "I knew we'd find you eventually!" Both Crusaders jumped on to their friend to hug her, and for the first time in what seemed like ages, Scootaloo laughed.

"Hey! Watch the broken..." Scootaloo began, only to notice that her casts were gone, and her chest didn't hurt anymore. "...Never mind. What are you two doing here?"

"We couldn't just leave our best friend all alone, could we?" Apple Bloom answered with a smile. "Your mom helped us get to the castle, and we followed ya here. By the way, where exactly is here?"

"I can answer that question," the voice from nowhere said. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, welcome to The Void."