• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 3,628 Views, 662 Comments

The Poly Little Pony - Chatoyance

Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories.

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I have noticed campaigns recently that aim to gather money for suicidal children harassed and abused for being Bronies. I find this noble enough, but very hypocritical too. I am a Pony author who has been brutally harassed and abused online and offline, and those that did this bullying, and those that stood by and let it happen to me, were all Bronies themselves. I have, to date, received exactly two apologies from those involved. Yay, Bronies.

The reason I was harassed - and am still occasionally harassed - is supposedly because I write stories that some people don't like, as if this were a legitimate reason to attack anyone, ever. I am still so wounded, and feel so betrayed by those I trusted that it has all but destroyed my ability to write, or have fun, or for that matter, to function. I completely understand the urge to suicide, just to stop the pain. I don't feel sad anymore, I mostly just feel nothing... about everything. And angry. I sometimes feel anger about it all.

The angriest author I ever met was Harlan Ellison. To say that he and I did not get along would be insufficient - to be yelled at by Harlan is to be yelled at right down to the bone. However, he was wrong. And... he apologized. Curtly. That doesn't make him less of a bastard, but it does make him civilized. More civilized than most Bronies. I don't like Harlan as a person, but I do admire him as an author.

The Conversion Bureau


By Chatoyance

Inspired by Harlan Ellison's short story 'Ecowareness' from Approaching Oblivion


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stared at Twilight, their regal mouths agape.

“Um… that’s a word… I learned… on my last trip to Earth.” Her Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle shuffled her hooves for a moment, then looked up with renewed defiance. “And… I mean it! This ‘Conversion Bureau’ plan is pure, unadulterated bullshit! I can’t believe that you - either of you - would countenance such a plan!”

Celestia was clearly taken aback, but Twilight was an alicorn now, equal to herself and her sister - if not as experienced, and her opinion must be listened to and weighed accordingly. “Twilight… it is clear that you have strong feelings about this matter, if you would but explain…”

Twilight stomped a hoof. “Damn fucking right I do!” It was beginning to come to Celestia’s attention that perhaps young Twilight, alicorn or not, had been immersing herself in her study of Earth too completely. “Uh… sorry. That may have been a little much. But the fact remains that your plan is a complete and utter disaster!”

“A disaster?” Never had Twilight spoken to her like this. Celestia was unsure whether to feel shock or anger… or simple amazement.

Think about it, princess!” Twilight, though now a peer, endearingly still could not shed herself of some deference in speech, and this mollified Celestia’s bruised emotions somewhat. “If a pony were to have a thorn in their leg, would you wiggle it about, slide it in and out of the wound, and only then slowly pull it out of their limb? No! That would be torturous and unnecessarily painful! It would be evil!

“I don’t see…” Celestia began, but was quickly bowled over by her student once more.

“If you build these bureaus, and offer Conversion to the humans while slowly advancing the Barrier, there will be conflict! Some humans will try to fight Conversion, some will bomb the clinics, or harm or even kill those that choose to Convert! There will be riots and wars and all manner of trouble - I have been studying these creatures, and they are not going to just parade into your clinics because it is the sensible thing to do! You need to make this quick!”

“What would you suggest, Twilight?” Celestia had never seen her student so upset.

“Just Convert them all at once! The whole world! WHOOM! It would not be difficult - you already have a Metachaosis layer, thanks to Discord’s help, to change the land and small animals into Equestrian equivalents, just fill that construct in with all the available information on human-to-pony conversion and it would be capable of transforming humans as easily as it currently can alter rabbits or rats!” Twilight was breathing hard, and there was a small fleck of foam on her muzzle.

“This would take from the humans their free will, which above all else they hold dear and…”

“FUCK THEIR FREE WILL!” Twilight now had her wings stretched out, her ears flat against her skull. “Their world is already dead - they destroyed their own ecology, they have only three generations left to them before they go extinct. That’s why you are here at all, right? It’s your very last possible chance to keep that promise of yours to Willamus Learmont, eight-hundred years ago! Their only hope to survive is Conversion no matter what, so what choice do they have other than to just face their own mistakes and pointlessly die?”

“Twilight…” Celestia found herself with little she could say to that.

Twilight lowered her wings, and caught her breath. “Princess… Celestia… if you are going to save them, then save them! Your plan will only cause pain on a scale I find difficult to even hold in my head! Millions, likely billions of humans will never make it to Conversion, and along the way will be unnecessary horror and misery.” Twilight swallowed, hard, and her foreknees shook slightly. “Frankly, Celestia, I have come to the conclusion that this bureau business is more about your own ambivalence about letting billions of alien refugees into Equestria, than it is about concern for human free will. I don’t think you are being honest with yourself, or me… or them. Convert them or don’t convert them, but don’t make them pay for your issues.

Celestia stared at her hooves, her head down. The sight made Twilight feel both shock and fear. Never before had she seen Celestia emotionally deflated.

“You… you are... right.” Celestia raised her head, a tear starting to form in her eye.

☼ ☼ ☼

There was no time for the Worldgovernment Orbital Observation Technician Second Class studying his holotank to react. He simply didn't have the time to tell his supervisor about the sudden, incredible expansion of the Barrier of Equestria. The image of the Equestrian bubble growing had only lasted a half a second in any case - the geostationary satellite transmitting the view had been swallowed up and had likely been transformed into pudding or confetti. By the time the technician had flagged his superior’s attention, the edge of the racing wall had already passed beyond the shores of North America and flashed midway across the continent. In mid-sentence he found himself transformed into a pony. The holographic display in front of him had become a lovely crystal vase, the console itself a very nice wooden table.

In only fourteen minutes and twenty-two seconds, the entire planet earth had ceased to exist in the universe of Mundis, and everything that had been the earth had now become more of the cosmos of Equestria.

The supervisor that the former technician had intended to alert dropped to brand new hooves and stretched his unexpected wings. The freshly minted pegasus turned to the overseeing Blackmesh general for help. The general wiggled his new ears and swished his tail. He no longer wanted to bomb Equestria from orbit. He no longer cared about force mobilization against potential otherworld invaders. More than anything in the world, the former general desired a nice slice of pecan pie.

The general looked around, all thoughts of war and militarism repugnant to his suddenly compassionate soul. The commissary should have pie. Pie made everything better. The men... no, the stallions... probably needed something to lift their spirits, now that everything had changed. Pie. That was the answer, not bombs. The former three-star general gave his very last authoritarian order.

The ponies that stood or sat about the comfortable farm that had once been a secret base cheered as one. Pie was the best and nicest command they had ever been given.

☼ ☼ ☼

The former pontiff looked around at the marble and gold palace that had formerly been the marble and stone Basilica and shrugged off his now ill-fitting robes. His hat fell to the floor. He was young again, and his hooves felt strong and fast.

The earthpony that had once been the pope called his attendants to him. Within hours, the entirety of the Vatican had repurposed its Guard, and all set to the special task that had been ordered. The entire, massive, indulgent, irresponsible mega-wealth of the Catholic Church was already being dissolved. Instead of media campaigns and mansions, fleets of virtually unused aircraft and expensive cars and yachts and investments and banks and lobbyists and paid politicians, the vast wealth would finally, truly be spent only to feed and house the poor and needy. There would be no expectation to become Catholic or to follow any book or rule, because there was no Church any longer, and every bible in the world was now seen as meaningless. Alicorns were real, and no prophet had ever predicted the world becoming Equestria.

There would be no more campaigns against homosexuals, or against the rights of mares to control their own bodies. There would be no more strife between Catholic and Protestant, or Jew, or Muslim, because all had ceased to be. There was only Celestia, and Luna, and life, and friendship and, of course, magic. There was no more desire for power, or control, or religious rulership, for at a stroke, religion had ended.

In the Middle East, former Shiites stared at the no longer human Sunni fighters they had been killing. The wounded were suddenly healed, though the dead remained so. The two previously Muslim sects began to cry, like innocent children, at the awful evil they had been doing just moments previously. There was no Allah, no Islam now, no reason to fuss over who the Prophet married or didn't marry, or who his cousins were, or were not. There was no reason to kill, and the very idea of violence burned every pony to the core.

These ponies who, only moments before had been enemies, began to beg forgiveness from each other, to hug and cry into each other's manes. They wailed at the memory of the awful madness they had just awakened from, and gave thanks to Celestia for the peaceful sanity they now enjoyed.

Like the Megachurches and the Baptists and many others, what had once been the Mormon Church and the Church of Scientology all dissolved. Their vast wealth and power was now being used to help others, and not to suppress equality, deny science, or to purchase violent coercion. Like all the other churches and religions of the globe, they felt shame at their narrowness, criminality and hoarding of resources, and worked to atone for their evils.

☼ ☼ ☼

In the Amerizone, in what had once been the American South, a group of ponies shook the white, conical hats off of their heads. They shed the white robes that no longer fit. They themselves were no longer white. They looked at each other, ponies every color of the rainbow, and then at the black-skinned humans they had been beating and trying to hang from ropes. The humans weren't black anymore, neither were they human anymore. They were multi-colored too, and both sides could no longer tell each other apart.

In South Africa, in Uzbekistan, in every part of the world, ponies looked at each other and saw only a single people, a single kind, a unified affection and admiration. Gone was every ethnic group, every culture, and all foolish pride. In the place of these things was being a pony, under Celestia's sun and Luna's moon. One universe, one Equestria.

In fourteen minutes and twenty-two seconds, racism died forever.

☼ ☼ ☼

Within a week of the world becoming Equestria, the wealthy families and corporate gods had finished weeping at their pointless greed, and arranged to use every last bit of their vile hoards to construct a truly fair and equitable economy for all ponies everywhere. There would be no poor, no slaves, no disadvantaged, no sweatshops or workhouses or corporate prisons. Every pony would be made relatively equal from now on, and nopony desired to be wealthy at the cost of poverty to another.

In a flash all fiat capitol vanished, and the game of raping the world for profit ended. Within two weeks there was no rich, and no poor, just a single common class - ponies - and not one was ever destitute - or obscenely wealthy - ever again.

☼ ☼ ☼

The generals of the Worldgovernment disbanded their armies, and the Blackmesh dissolved forever. The Barrier had transformed the bombs and canisters and guns and tanks and mechs and drones and guns into anything but, and in any case there was no need for war ever again. All of Equestria was under one rule now - the princesses - and the law of the land was friendship. Peace reigned, because nopony could bear the thought of harming another, and not one pony wished to cause trouble or hardship to another. War was an obscenity now, as it should always have been, and new boot camps arose - not to train soldiers, but to provide therapy to cope with the shame of having once been such.

The word 'war' ceased to have all meaning in a single day.

☼ ☼ ☼

Around the globe, the kiosks and hypernet terminals had vanished, replaced by the Equestrian Post. Magical scrolls and pegasus mail, and crystal viewing mirrors replaced email and hypernet linking. The billions of former humans wrote and spoke to each other with these new tools, and online communities rediscovered each other and reformed.

As they communicated, they ceased using handles, and left anonymity behind. They wanted to know each other, and they were disgusted with the ways in which they had harassed and abused each other behind the cowardly shield of false names and identities. Former online bullies begged forgiveness from their victims, and pledged eternal friendship forevermore.

Nopony ever bullied or harassed or hurt another through any form of communication, ever again. Everypony was polite and decent, because they could not help but care deeply and honestly about whoever was at the other end of anything they wrote or said.

☼ ☼ ☼

All across the new, Exponential Lands, the former humans renounced their wicked ways, their greed, their violence - both emotional and physical - they rejected rape and torture and weapons and cruelty. The newfoal ponies wanted only to be friends and live in harmony, forever, and ever, and ever. They never again strip-mined the ground, or conquered empires, or put anypony to death. Instead, they all, all the billions of former humanity, as one, desired only to be very, very, very nice.

☼ ☼ ☼

And so it was that in fourteen minutes and twenty-two seconds the Great Barrier of Equestria had swallowed up the entire earth, the moon sent spinning off into the sun, only vacuum where the blue planet had once been. In that short time all the world had become Equestria, and every human a pony, subject of their majesties Celestia and Luna.

And every former human gradually forgot about armies and nations and religions and greed and violence and hate, and in their place knew only love and peace and kindness and fun. Forever and ever.

“Now isn’t that a nice story. And fuck you, too” - Harlan Ellison, 1974


Author's Note:

The quotation from Ellison is the exact ending of his story 'Ecowareness', which inspired this similarly styled, angry work.