• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 3,628 Views, 662 Comments

The Poly Little Pony - Chatoyance

Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories.

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The Human Who Brought Guns To Equestria

I haunt various Pony forums, and one day I came across a topic I particularly dislike, one far too common. Some gun-nut, meaning a little boy (of whatever physical age) who thinks guns and weapons of mass devastation are almost sexually beautiful and desirable, posted a very large image of six guns of increasing destructive power. The premise of this topic was to show off the guns while asking the reader to imagine how they would - presumably proudly and violently - demonstrate the weapons to our gentle Equestrians of the show.

Naturally, this disgusted me. Not just because I despise any fixation on the worshiping of guns, but because the usual response is always an adolescent power fantasy that involves one lone man conquering all of Equestria with the power of his lovingly-polished gun collection. The original post offered that the guns would never run out of ammunition, and would always work perfectly forever. The implication of what the reader should be thinking was obvious. I think differently.

I think things all the way through.

The Human That Brought Guns To Equestria

By Chatoyance

You need to understand, I am a simple unicorn, I don't have a lot of magic or anything. I work at the local Starcolts making Hay and Berry Whipachinos. I serve members of the Royal Guard drinks, I never expected to end up defending Equestria.

Basically, this creature appeared. I don't know why, or how - that stuff is beyond me. I could sense some kind of translation magic on it, though, so I could understand what it said. The creature was about twice as tall as me, and it stood only on two legs, like a diamond dog. It only had hair on the very top - on it's head. I've never seen anything like it. Oh - it wore clothing, if that matters.

It had these things hanging all over it. Metal things. Some parts were smooth, some looked complicated. Many bits looked like sections of plumbing, only very tiny. Tubes, mostly. Tubes and these stick-out bits that the creature grabbed onto with its forelimbs. Those looked kind of like claws, only soft. The entire creature looked soft and kind of weak, actually.

It was very mean. It yelled at me. It said it was superior, that it was here to prove that. It screamed about taking over Equestria. It even claimed it was going to kill you, princess. Seriously. You and princess Luna, both! That's when the creature told me it was called a 'hyoo-mon'. A Hyoo-mon 'Mahn', whatever that is. It told me it could kill anypony - kill anything! Even dragons! Yes, Princess, that is when it started using the terrible devices.

It was very loud. All of the metal things were. They sounded like fireworks, or even louder. Some just went 'Pop! Pop! Pop!'. But whenever the creature pointed one of them at some innocent pony, after the pop sound, a big hole opened up in them. All the way through. Sometimes the pony died instantly. Sometimes they just stumbled, fell, and started screaming. I am so thankful you cast that 'Calm' spell on me, princess. I don't think I could even tell you about all of this if you hadn't done that.

Anyway, the creature seemed to enjoy taunting me with how it could kill. I... I kind of got angry. I got more angry than I have ever been in my life, princess. I was so angry, that I wasn't scared anymore. I had to do something. I had to make the creature stop.

I was afraid to kick the creature. I just knew it would point one of the metal tubes at me before I could even try to kick it. But I had to do something. I just had to.

Like I said, I work at the Starcolts. I make Whipachinos. I take a ball of sparkling water, and whipped cream, and syrup and stuff, and I hold it up in the air in my hornfield. While I levitate it, I spin it really fast. Then I reach inside the floating ball and I make another little hornfield, just a small one, and I spin it really fast the other way. That whips the drink up really fast into a frothy blend - it just takes a second or two! Then I drizzle the ball of whipped drink into a mug or glass. I'm really good at it - I can do it with my eyes closed! I just feel where everything is with my hornfield. It's automatic, now.

Yes, Princess. That is what I did. I did it almost without thinking. The creature had just shot Hyjinx through the head, and that was all I could stand. I don't even think I was looking at the creature when I did it. I just felt the thing's head. I felt the fur on the top, and... I just reached under it. I made a little hornfield, and then I spun it really, really fast. The creature just dropped. It didn't move, after that. It just... stopped. A little pink foam started dripping out the side of its head - I think out of its ear. It looked like some kind of ear, flat and close to the head. There was a lot of pink foamy stuff.

And that's the whole story.

Princess Celestia? Could you please make it so those creatures can never come here again, ever? I really didn't like that thing one bit. And also, Princess? Could you please erase my memory? I don't think I can live with knowing what I did, even if it saved all of Equestria. I definitely don't think I could ever make a Whipachino again. Please erase my memory. You will?

Thank you, so very much, Princess Celestia.