• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 3,628 Views, 662 Comments

The Poly Little Pony - Chatoyance

Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories.

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Red Kryptonite

My friend PeachClover wrote a fascinating blog which puts the nature of the Equestrian ponies into perspective with relation to the human race. Over the past years, I have written well over a million words of fiction concerning the conversion of humans into ponies, and those who call this transformation a horrible mutilation do so on the intellectual grounds that, quote - "Humans: FUCK YEAH!"

There is no question that ponies are superior to humanity in every respect. If the three breeds of My Little Pony were represented as Marvel or DC characters, they would fall firmly into the superhero camp. Earthponies would be like a blend of The Hulk and Poison Ivy. Pegasai would essentially be Superman minus the beam powers. Unicorns would be The Invisible Woman mixed with The Sorcerer Supreme.

What then, if the Conversion Bureau scenario were reversed, and ponies were forced to escape to Lifeboat Earth, and become human beings, rather than the normal way, with humans becoming ponies?

Red Kryptonite
By Chatoyance

The future 'John Jones' waited in the metal-fenced corral, trying to stay under the shelter of the rain cover of the hay feeder. The humans were doing their best, but some simply had a difficult time relating to Equestrians as a sapient, technological species. Because they vaguely resembled earth equines, many of the Conversion Camps had been built as if for the use of dumb animals. There were just so many Equestrian refugees, and so little time... but that was an excuse.

Luminous Brilliance shook his head, his sodden mane flopping wetly against his neck. The humans could have put them up in proper trailers or tents, but they often didn't, primarily because Equestrians looked like animals to them. Humans were just that way. They weren't used to any creature but themselves being intelligent. Indeed, they didn't even treat each other with respect. For example, they had trouble with their own variations in coat color - not that they had coats. Human hides were bare skin. Differing hide colors were considered cause enough for different treatment.

Luminous was a unicorn. One of the finest students of thaumaturgy in Equestria, he had been scheduled to join the Royal Unicorn Corps under Comet Tail herself. For the fiftieth time, Luminous cast a spherical shield over the shivering refugees around him, and then began re-weaving the thaumatic drying cantrip he had worked out in his head while eating breakfast.

The rain poured down, running off the shimmering magical shield. A pegasus mare thanked him as the warm, desert air from Luminous' spell dried her in seconds. As he repeated the process on a young earthpony colt, Luminous saw one of the human 'wranglers' that had been brought in to manage the refugees frown at the use of magic. Magic wasn't technically allowed - it wasn't illegal, but they had all been informed that the use of it was considered exceedingly inappropriate.

Apparently, some of the human creatures had very strong beliefs about magic - even though their universe was utterly barren of it - and considered any use of it evil. They believed in some strange Discord-like entity called 'Satan' who supposedly was the source of all evil... and all magic. Many humans had fought against allowing the Equestrian refugees onto earth. There were entire civilizations that had proclaimed death to any 'satanic or magical creature' that set hoof on their land. Most of these countries were 'Third World' nations, parts of humanity that were ignored by the more powerful, technological humans.

No, not ignored. Exploited. Luminous tried to wrap his vast intellect around the concept again. Earth was a 'dog-eat-dog' world of competition. Everything was based around scarcity and possession of material goods here. It was a very difficult thing to comprehend. A life was considered important in relation to how much material wealth an individual owned, or controlled. The greater the material wealth, the more valuable the life, and the individual.

It was because earth was in a universe where matter simply didn't grow back. A rock was all there was - you couldn't send earthponies to turn the rock into a mountain. There was only so much, and that was all there would ever be, and it was against physics here to create matter from nothing. It just couldn't happen, because there was no magic.

The rain shield failed. Again. The only magic came from what was left of Equestria, and it was fading. Equestria was collapsing, shrinking, imploding into nothing. A small gateway permitted escape, and it was through that door between dimensions that magic still flowed. The flow became less by the month. Even if he were not scheduled to be converted today, humanized, Luminous was keenly aware that it would not be long before the horn on his head would be useless.

Zephyr Whisper stumbled out of the FEMA Emergency Humanization Conversion Vehicle - a large trailer set up on the grounds - and promptly fell down trying to navigate the steps. Zephyr had been a pegasus, one of the fastest and strongest Luminous had ever known. Once, to meet a cloud quota for his town, Zephyr had created a tornado to lift water into the sky from a holding pond. This in and of itself was not unusual - it was the job of Pegasai. Zephyr had managed the task solo. Flying round and round, the brawny pegasus pony had emptied the pond after everypony else had given up. Later, exhausted, he had crashed face-first into the ground and had to be dug out.

He had survived with only a stiff neck.

Luminous - JOHN! He had to get used to the new name. John, John Jones. Normal name. Human name. John closed in on the side of the corral near the exit of the FEMA trailer. "Zephyr!"

"Get back! You'll be converted shortly. Where's your number?" The uniformed human attending Zephyr left him in the mud to deal with the arrival of the wet unicorn. He began searching Luminous with his eyes, while waving a forelimb to try to get the unicorn to turn around.

"I'm here to see my friend, Zephyr, behind you. I want to make sure he is alright. He fell down. Help him!" Luminous watched as Zephyr tried to stand up on his new hind legs. His strange new limbs slipped out from under him, forcing him to crawl on all fours.

"Get back to your group!" The human was pointing at the cluster of Equestrians near the feeder. "Go. Back."

"Now see here, my friend is foundering in the mud! I'm just here to greet him. If you would just help him to stand, I would..."

"Do I have to use this?" The human put a hand to a holster, in which was a device that sent some strange earth-force through wires. It could down even the strongest earthpony, and sometimes even stopped hearts. Luminous didn't yet know all of the strange energies of this new universe, but he did remember one thing. The 'electric' force the device used was transmitted by water. If the human used his weapon in such heavy rain, he would likely hurt himself too.

"Sir, if you would just listen..." Luminous saw Zephyr slowly, laboriously manage to stand on his hind legs. His simple, orange body-covering was soaked with muddy water.

"I won't repeat myself! GET BACK IN YOUR GROUP!" The human's flat face was red now, and it's teeth were partially bared. Luminous recalled that this indicated anger and preparation for violence. He backed slowly away.

Briefly, Luminous considered casting 'Mystic Window's Curious Calm' on the human, but decided against trying. A glowing horn would likely frighten the creature so that it would immediately use its electrical device. Humans were very quick with the shocking-boxes. They were surprisingly fast with their forelimbs.

"Luminous!" Zephyr yelled through the driving rain. "I can't fly!"

Luminous felt puzzled as he slowly, carefully stepped back, constantly under the watch of the human with the hand on its holster. Of course the former pegasus couldn't fly. No wings. No magic. This was understood.

Zephyr turned his flat, brown, fleshy face toward the retreating unicorn. Zerphyr's eyes seemed wild, terrified. "I'm weak! Really weak! I can't fly and there are no smells anymore!"

Luminous had heard that before. Converted ponies often complained that their new human bodies were effectively scent-blind. The ears were a problem too - they couldn't be moved, and the range of sounds were very narrow.

"PRINCESS! ...Celestia... I should have stayed. I should have stayed with you!" Zephyr was crying now. The tears were invisible in the downpour, of course, but there was no mistaking the wracking sobs.

The human attendant had turned its attention to Zephyr now and was trying to make the former pegasus move away from the conversion trailer. Luminous stood in the middle of the field, and watched as the human half-carried Zephyr to the large recovery tent.

"Just one more flight. I was a foal... a FOAL..."

And then Zephyr, the proud pegasus, now a strange, almost hairless human, was dragged from sight.

Luminous stood, still smelling the alien fear and anguish that had poured from his friend. The scent was mingled with the fear, anger, and frustration of the human attendant. Even in this world, Luminous' pony nose still worked. The attendant had eaten flesh and vegetable matter, and drunk some grain-based beverage that had been fermented. He had been in close contact with some kind of burning, noxious plant material. Before he had been forced to back away, Luminous had sensed the scent of a female human on the attendant, from a mating the night before.

All of that would be gone, apparently. Human senses could barely pick up the qualities of food. They marveled when they could smell a flower.

Luminous decided to partially levitate back to the group by the feeder. The attitude of the human attendant had angered him, and he was in no mood to restrain his magic. The ground was solid mud, the rain was fierce, and it was only reasonable to reduce one's weight by a factor of twenty so as to walk on the surface of the water that flooded the field. Luminous barely registered the angry frown of the helmeted compound guard as he rejoined his group. Apparently, walking on water was somehow an insult to these creatures.

The solar princess had stayed in Equestria, with Discord, recently reformed. The two had intended to save their universe, or die in the attempt. Discord and Celestia, united, working as one. Zephyr had desperately wanted to stay, to try to help, but there was nothing an ordinary pony could do. Luminous had worked hard to convince him to escape to the earth. Cosmic matters were for cosmic beings.

But, the thought did cross one's mind. Even if it was hopeless, Luminous could understand the wish to stay. Better to spend one's last moments walking on a cloud, filled with the glory of magic and wonder, than to stumble as a dim, half-blind creature through the mud of a wonderless world.

"GROUP THREE! GET IN LINE FOR CONVERSION!" The voice from the conical horn on the side of the FEMA trailer was horrifically loud, and the ponies by the hay shelter jerked in pain. The human world was a very noisy one for sensitive pony ears.

Not a problem for much longer, Luminous - John - got to remember the name, 'John' - ruefully thought. Soon, sounds and smells would be as humans sensed them.

As Luminous joined the line of refugees leading up to the conversion trailer, he tried to imagine a life without magic. Instinctively, his horn began to softly glow, and he saw with inner sight the world around him. Equestrians stood out like beacons, the complex pattern of their thaumatic couplements dancing within their flesh. Where the earthponies had taken steps or stood, patches of magic glowed on the ground, a trail of hoofprints. There also the grass grew lush, flowers bursting rapidly from the water and mud. Earthly life briefly given the gift of magic, the plants were intensely bright of hue.

The humans used fire machines to burn and 'decontaminate' such patches as soon as they could. In the rain, the enchanted plants would remain until things dried out. Luminous bent his head down and nipped off a gigantic dandelion and chewed it, savoring the complex flavors. Some earthpony had stood and the flower had grown in seconds. Supposedly most humans went to bed hungry every night. If only earthponies could keep their magic, this harsh world could be fed in moments.

But Equestria was collapsing. When it was gone, the magic would be gone, and ponies used magic like humans used air. They required magic to remain alive. Cut off from all magic, Equestrians died, of thaumatic strangulation. It wasn't just that pegasai couldn't fly without magic, or unicorns cast spells - pony biology depended on magic to function. Without conversion to a human form, nothing of Equestria would survive the implosion. Nopony would remain to remember a world of glory, a world where ponies walked on the clouds or grew forests in days. A universe of abundance and Harmony.

The earthpony mare in front of Luminous - John, John! - was next. Luminous could smell her terror and desired to comfort her. "It will be alright. We have to survive. Celestia has commanded it. It will be alright."

The mare could not hold back her sorrow. "I used to make fields of corn every day. I really like corn, see, my cutie mark?"

Luminous nodded at the mare's flank. Three ears of corn, red, yellow and blue.

"Every day! A whole field. A whole field. Acres and acres." The mare was being prodded with a pole. A human warned her to keep moving.

The mare was in the trailer now, and the metal pole was being used to push Luminous back. "Easy there, big fella! Nice and easy. Just stand there. You'll have your turn."

It was the horrible kindness of it. The human was talking down to him, trying to be nice. But he was talking as if he were speaking to some kind of unintelligent creature. As though he were trying to calm an animal without language, an animal incapable of intellectual discourse.

For a moment, Luminous felt his temper flare. He wanted to tell the human that he was a Grand Master, Third Rank of Thaumaturgy, with a degree from the Equestrian Academy of Magical Studies. That he was in line to assist the great Comet Tail herself, that...

Luminous felt his ears go flat against his skull, as he hung his head.

"There we go! That's a good boy!" Luminous could smell the change in chemicals through the human's skin. The sharp tang of stress and worry had been replaced with a flood of whatever humans secreted when they began to relax. Reading them had become routine now. The human was probably smiling.

There was a commotion in the Conversion trailer. The earthpony mare was yelling, crying. She didn't want to lose her magic. She didn't want to go through with the conversion. The side of the trailer suddenly bent out, the metal forming a cone around where a single earthpony hoof had impacted. The entire vehicle had shaken, and the few windows had shattered from the blow. More shouts and repeated sounds of the electrical weapons. When the shrieks and yells had stopped, angry voices set about work.

Luminous forced himself to not move. It was everything he could do not to just let loose. If he had chosen, he could have used his telekinesis to lift the trailer, open it like an egg, lift out all the humans and the mare, and set them in proper order. He could have laid low any human that dared to challenge him, pressing them into the mud with multiple disks of magical force. He could have lifted the distraught mare into the air, covered her with a dome of force and dried her, calmed her with a spell, and set her down.

And then what?

It had happened once. A member of the Royal Unicorns had lost control. He had not approved of evacuating to earth. He did not approve of humans. Somehow, he had felt deeply insulted just before his conversion.

When all was done, more than a dozen humans had been injured or killed. Some has been floated up into the air, to dangle like dolls. Others had been partially changed by magic into pigs and goats. The entire building had been opened up like the petals of a gigantic flower, the steel beams bent away from the center by the true power of a unicorn unbound.

And then the soldiers had opened fire. They had machines, little things made of metal that used tiny explosions to send smaller bits of metal at very fast speeds. The little bits of metal ripped through almost anything.

They felt they had to do it. It was true that Tagtail the Obsequious had gone mad. His specialty was medicine, but he was powerful in every respect. He had become dangerous they had said.

They didn't understand magic, of course. Tagtail could have reversed the transformations, he could have lowered the suspended humans. But it frightened them, and it should have really - even in Equestria, acting out that way would have terrified anypony. But in Equestria, the penalty would not have been death.

The soldiers had fired, and killed everypony - and many humans - in what was left of the building. They were frightened beyond their ability to cope.

Lifting their large, armored tanks into the air and rotating them in a circle as shields probably didn't help matters either. Tagtail went down, they said, still trying to lower the tanks softly, because he had realized that there were humans inside the huge metal objects.

Luminous was finally told to step forward. He tried to ask about the mare, but was told to shut up. The humans were upset. They had reason to be, really, they were just trying to help, and now their FEMA trailer was bent outwards. Before he was driven up, into the damaged trailer, Luminous saw a small human girl, unconscious, dressed in the plain, orange cloth that Newmen were given to wear. A burly man was carrying her out the back of the trailer. It must have been the mare. They had rendered her harmless, and converted her.

The humans were just trying to help. They had been generous, taking in hundreds of thousands of refugees from an alien universe. They had worked with princess Luna to implement the conversion serum. She lived on earth now, still a pony, her very life blood the basis of the transformation process. She had promised to keep the supply coming until every last Equestrian that could be saved had been, even if it meant she would die when Equestria finally collapsed completely.

She was already weak, they said. Transparent, like her mane, only all over. Fading, with the vanishing magic. Some believed she couldn't be converted, and that she knew that fact.

"Now you're not going to give any trouble, are you?" The weary conversion team leader looked at Luminous with red, tired eyes. The red-haired human medic had been at the job for more than eighteen hours. Luminous could tell, because he smelled the chemical in her blood that humans made when they were weary and stressed. There was a lot of it, and the scent filled the trailer. To Luminous, it was almost visible, it was so strong. It came also from her staff, another woman, and a man.

"I will not cause any trouble. I promise." Luminous wondered what his voice would sound like coming from a human throat.

The woman nodded and tried to smile. She wiped her forehead and straightened her glasses. "Lynn, you have the dosage ready?"

The dark-haired woman turned, holding a syringe in her hand. "Three ounces, injectible." She handed the syringe to the red-haired woman.

"I'm going to inject you, in the flanks. Do not kick or move! It will not hurt. You will fall asleep, and then you will change. Be still! Do you understand?" The red-haired woman motioned to the man. "Alexi... I want you ready, just in case."

Luminous tried to control himself. The humans were trying to help. They were all trying to help. Without them, every Equestrian would die. But becoming human was terrifying, Luminous suddenly realized. He had not fully grasped the matter, not really, not until this moment.

This was not a reversible transformation. In Equestria, Luminous had grown up transforming objects, animals, and other ponies. As a colt, he and his friends used to transform each other for fun. They would spend a day playing as ducks in the water, or as birds in the air. Later, as he gained mastery, he could give himself magical wings and visit the cloud cities of the pegasai. That was where he had met Zephyr.

It was all reversible. Magic done could be undone. That was always the rule - well, except for Starswirl's famous unfinished spell, of course - but this was permanent. And once it was done, there would be no more transformations, no more magic, forever.

"Excuse me." Luminous tried to speak as calmly as he could. Subtly, he sent force into his horn - not enough to make it glow, no, subtle force - and broadcast a general spell of tranquility. Temperance's Propitiate of Imperturbability, it was called. It was usually used on predatory animals in the Everfree, or in the jungles of the Griffon Empire. The humans calmed immediately.

"I will be utterly cooperative, but this is my last moment as myself. Please, allow me just a minute, just a moment to do one last work of magic. Just a small, thing, a pretty thing. After this, magic will be no more for me, you see."

The three conversion medics and the four armed soldiers nodded, completely under the calmness spell. The team leader, the weary red-maned woman almost smiled. Perhaps she needed something to cheer her thankless day.

Luminous thought, briefly. One last magic. One last work of art, before all the colors were gone, all the paints dried up, and even the hope of wonder forever lost.

Comet Tail's Bird Of Stars. When she was young, before she had become old and frightening, three or four - and some said five - centuries in the past, Comet Tail The Intractable had not been stern and humorless. Once she had been a filly, and known love, and laughter, before duty to the crown made her grim. And in that age, that long lost era, Comet Tail had seen something in the night sky, some wonder of Luna's, and it had inspired her to simple beauty.

Luminous poured his grief and his joy, and his memories of his beloved magical land into his horn, into the carbuncle beneath it. His many centuries would become less than one, as a human, his senses limited, his hearing dull, his nose all but useless. Gone would be his fine coat and his beautiful tail and mane. His ears would become flat as his face, and he would lose his strong hooves for fragile hands. But most of all, he would lose forever his magic, his beloved art.

The bird took form, sparkles collecting in the middle of the air. As it spread its wings, shimmering with feathers of pure, concentrated diamonds of magical force, wonder and awe washed over the humans in the FEMA trailer. The power of the Bird was that it could link hearts and minds, transmitting and sharing a commonality of joy and amazement at the beauty of life. The expanding field of sparkling light became a dome, growing in size.

As the Bird took flight, the walls of the trailer became transparent, and the world could be seen through them as if they were made of glass. Glass too became the bodies of human and pony alike, as the Bird flew up into the darkening dome.

When it reached the zenith, the Bird exploded, like a firework, covering the illusion of a night sky with sparkling stars. The stars gleamed like diamonds, and yet this was nothing to the emotion that flooded every heart within the now vast dome.

For a brief, yet strangely eternal moment, human and pony alike knew, in the depth of their being, the passion of a young and powerful unicorn mare of five hundred years in the past. For a timeless time, the splendor of Luna's night burned within them, the last glimpse of a universe where love was a law of physics, and friendship was a universal force that had the power to literally shape reality itself.

As the spell faded, and the walls of the trailer became dull and opaque once more, tears came to the eyes of the soldiers, and the conversion staff openly wept.

The human stallion, no, man, was very plump. He wore a strange form of tack around his neck, a length of fabric that was tied in a knot, and which hung down his upright barrel. It was red, and lay against his overstuffed and ill-fitting shirt. The man was friendly though, his name was 'Charles', though he preferred to be called 'Chuck'.

Chuck had processed Luminous after his conversion. Luminous had allowed the red-haired doctor to inject him, and he had fallen into a sudden and dreamless sleep. When he awoke, his first impression was of feeling as if all of his senses were clogged. His ears felt deaf, his nose numb. When he opened his eyes, he was briefly startled by the ends of his forelegs. They looked as if they had been horrifically injured, reduced to five strips of hairless flesh clinging to a stump. He found he could wiggle the strips of skin, they were called fingers.

Chuck had explained that he was there to help the Newmen adjust to their lives. "I'm sort of your own personal Ellis Island! Oh, I guess you wouldn't know that reference, actually. Duh."

Apparently, Chuck's job was to give each Newman a card with many numbers and letters on it, including a new name. Chuck got to choose the names. Luminous would not be called 'John Jones' after all. Instead, Chuck picked a different name for him.

"Let's see... let's see, we've run out of those... hmmm... Oh!" Chuck smiled, then gave a laugh. "I know, I know! I'm gonna give you a great name. Sam. You're going to be Sam. Sam Francisco! Get it?" Chuck the human man smiled.

Luminous shook his strange, round head.

"Oh, it's from a television program I loved. Oh, it's perfect. You're an alien, he was an alien... someday you're going to see it, and BAM!" Chuck grinned. "You'll remember your old pal Chucky!"

Luminous tried to shrug, but his ears wouldn't move. No matter how hard he tried, they just sat there, flat against the side of his skull. It was very hard to focus on sounds. He had to move his whole head, turning it from one side to the other.

"Okay, then..." Chuck was finishing printing out the special card, the identification and citizenship card, that 'Sam Francisco' would need to carry for the rest of his short, human life. "Here's your ID card, always keep it with you. You'll need to get a wallet and... oh, there's lot's of stuff you'll need. There's classes for Newmen, so take advantage of them. You'll need a job, of course, Newman support only lasts six months, then you're on your own. Job... job... what'd you do, back in ponyland, anyhoo?"

'Sam' tried to take the card, but he kept dropping it. It was very difficult to coordinate fingers properly. There were a lot of them, and they all moved, and he wasn't sure which ones to use to pinch together. Chuck showed him how the big one was separate from the other four, and how to pinch things using the big 'thumb' and the first finger. The others, he explained, were kind of for support for the index finger. Just keep practicing.

"I was a tenured professor with a degree in Thaumaturgy. I taught advanced spells and cantrips, and did research into ancient draconic magical devices. I was part of the Bevelmeiter studies group. I was also in line to serve under Comet Tail in the Royal Unicorn Corps." Sam tried to express pride, but wasn't sure how to do that in his new body. He didn't have a tail.

"Ah... well. I see." Chuck frowned. "There's not much call for that in these parts. I'll put you down as 'unskilled'." Chuck turned and wiggled his fingers on some kind of buttons set into a thin tray on his desk. There were a lot of buttons, and the human's fingers worked so fast that Sam had a difficult time following their movement. It was hard to imagine ever being able to use his own fingers like that.

"You'll probably have the most success in the food service industry, being that you are the scholarly type. Humanification usually turns out Newmen that have the same physical development as their pony counterparts. You don't look like the heavy labor type." Chuck moved his fingers on the clicking buttons some more. "Maybe we can place you at a McDonald's or a Tim Horton's or something. There's a program for that, I'll put you in it." More clicking.

Sam sat, trying to not drop the little square piece of plastic that was now, apparently, his identity in the new world. The little rectangle had a picture of his new face. It was horrifying, and strange. It looked like a hairless diamond dog with a big, protruding nose and small eyes sunken into deep sockets. The head was round and his mane was a mess of dark, short hair that sat only on the top and back of his head. Not a bit went down his short, weak neck, or withers. If he even had withers anymore. But the worst thing was that there no horn anywhere on his new, human head. Magic truly was dead for him. The one thing he was truly good at, the one thing he loved above all else. Gone, forever, with the loss of his unicorn horn.

Everything seemed small, and dim, and weak about his human body. The biggest shock came when he had needed to use the bathroom. Sam had hurriedly pulled his lower clothing up over the tiny, shriveled horror that had replaced his once proud stallionhood.

Sam no longer felt male anymore. He felt as if he had been turned into some kind of neuter being.

Chuck had left to get more papers printed. Now he had returned. "Hey, don't look so sad! It's a new life, a new world! Whole new planet to explore! I don't know, is Equestria a planet? I heard it was a Place, in all capital letters and all, whatever that means."

Sam tried to smile, but he found that he couldn't. His new, human brain couldn't just get happy when he wanted it to. He couldn't cheer up, no matter how hard he tried. He felt wetness on his new, utterly bald cheek.

"Oh, come on now, it isn't that bad. You're alive, aren't you?" Chuck thought for a moment. "I know!" Chuck sat down behind his desk again, and began rummaging through drawers. "Aha!" Chuck pulled out a rectangular block of thin sheets. "Deck of cards, Sam old boy!" Chuck began to shuffle the cards. "You were a unicorn, right? Did all that magic stuff. That's what you taught, wasn't it. That thauma-stuff!"

Sam nodded. At least nodding was familiar. Pony or human, nodding was the same.

"I know how to cheer you up! I can teach you how to do earth magic!"

Sam started, his eyes riveted on Chuck. Hope. Finally, a shred of hope. Supposedly this entire universe had no magic at all, no miracles, no spells, no afterlife, nothing. Just physical laws that didn't care. But Chuck claimed that there was magic here after all. Magic! Oh, sweet Celestia! Tears came to Sam's eyes, and ran down his cheeks. He found himself smiling, grinning in expectation. This seemed to make Chuck very happy in return.

"That's the spirit! Knew it would work!" Chuck grinned. "Okay, Sam! Pick a card!"